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  1. S

    Recording ?

    I've got the M Box 2 with Pro-Tools, but you're looking at around $400 ( on sale ) The Lexicon Omega works great, but it comes with Cue Base software, not very user friendly, but for basic tracks it works fine. Then you have the Lexicon Lambda , lower cost entry level ( $180 ) . I think...
  2. S

    What is better than an Egnater?

    John, Thanks for the info, very useful. I have the luxury of being able to crank the volume to 40 or 50 db's , at least the room vibrates a little.LOL I'm micing ( 2 )2x 12's . It's actually quite a comedy show, I'm playing and moving the mic around with my pick hand while holding notes with...
  3. S

    Modules you would like to see made.

    How about a Cornford MK50 H . Guthrie Govan kills on that thing. Or the Harlequin ( Frank Gambale) sound clips here : H
  4. S

    What is better than an Egnater?

    Tommy, It seems the E609 silvers make the modules sound darker and they're not bright to begin with. I have to max the treble and mid out on the EG3 and EG4 mods to sound even close to the ambient sound. Maybe the high frequency response of the SM 57's will be better, I'll give it a shot...
  5. S

    What is better than an Egnater?

    Not to hijack the thread, BUT- I've been working on clips, but I'm having a hell of a time getting the " recorded" sound to replicate what I hear live. I'm trying to avoid EQ, but it may get to that. My next plan is to switch from E609's to SM75 mic's, maybe that's the problem. Maybe it's...
  6. S

    What is better than an Egnater?

    It's very cool. I run 2 M4s with an EG3 left , and EG4 right , a little dual echo, a smidgen of reverb using the series loops, and it rocks. A little panning L/R, a little more delay , and it's Gilmour time....:) And soon I'll be blending in my new Budda heads.. and maybe the Triaxis along...
  7. S

    Rich Shelby/ Lynch Box woes are over.

    Rich, PM'd you , thanks for the help. Howard
  8. S

    Rich Shelby/ Lynch Box woes are over.

    Or, I would just be thrilled to receive my Ultra Lead module I ordered 4 MONTHS ago from DC music !! :) H
  9. S

    Rich Shelby/ Lynch Box woes are over.

    Ok, how about a HG module with a 3 band parametric EQ, or a 7 band graphic EQ with a density control, there's room. Oh and a gain boost switch .. H
  10. S

    Tube Failure Light On

    Tung, I had the same problem, blown fast-blo fuse. I read in a post ( somewhere) by Bruce Egnater that the early units shipped with 250ma fuses, but now they have bumped them up to 350ma from the factory. ( at least the Egnater gear) . I wouldn't go with 500ma( as in other posts), but 350ma...
  11. S

    Best box to route two RM?

    Tung, I was thinking of getting one of these line mixers/ switchers by Bradshaw and CAE: Howard
  12. S

    both are now SOLD !

    RT2/50 and Plexi Going on Ebay tonight........
  13. S

    both are now SOLD !

    bump. Both still for sale, going to Ebay in a day or two. H
  14. S

    both are now SOLD !

    Randall RT2/50 power amp - GONE Randall Plexi module, silver face. No mods-, no issues. $ 100 plus shipping. Photos will be e-mailed when requested. check my E-Bay feedback, 100% positive ( pocv0) . Also, I'm on the good guys list, have dealt with 3 Mile Stone and Tenfoottall in previous...
  15. S

    Best single coil PUP's ?

    K, Haven't run across those,I'll check them out. I hear the Rio Grandes are good too. Thanks, H
  16. S

    What kind of guitars do you guys use?

    Thanks ! Soon I'll need to thin out the equipment a bit, too much stuff not enough room. H
  17. S

    What kind of guitars do you guys use?

    Let's see, I mainly play these: '91 PRS Custom 24 10 top Fender Strat Custom Shop- '56 (2) Musicman Ernie Ball EVH's Gibson Les Paul Studio Ibanez Jem 7VWH with Steve's signature 1984 Fender Tele Ibanez Jem 10 # 128 1988 Strat HM Strat Ultra 1997 Fat Strat Gibson ES 137 2001 Parker Fly...
  18. S

    favorite preamp tubes in mts

    No problems with microphonics using the Ei's yet. The only module I have trouble with is my Brown, with JJ 803S tubes it squeals, but it's just a POS. H
  19. S

    Best single coil PUP's ?

    I want to swap out my old 50's single coils and replace them with noiseless, and hotter pickups. I've tried EMG's and it sounds too much like humbuckers to me. I want to retain the Strat sound in the neck and middle but I need a lead type bridge pickup. Any advice ? Do I go with: a)...
  20. S

    Tube recommendations for 1086A module

    JKD, I have found that if I don't like the sound of module ( like the E'Rect I had) I have two choices- either modify it, or lose it. Preamp tubes ( in my opinion ) will make subtle improvements or changes to the tone , but not change the sound drastically. If you like the amount/type of...