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  1. 6

    Recto module mod

    That's the tone I've been searching for all my life.
  2. 6

    How many modules do you own?

    Blackface Plexi (modded) Top Boost (modded) Brown XTC SL+ (Friedman modded) Mr. Scary Grail
  3. 6

    Why no love for the stock XTC?

    I hate when that happens. :wink:
  4. 6

    Ooops I did it again....

    I think you hit the nail on the head right there. That statement is more true than any of us would like to admit. :lol:
  5. 6

    Why no love for the stock XTC?

    That's cool, dboy. Like I said, I have one of the early ones. There are some slight differences in the old modules vs. the current blackstripe versions. I hope the one you get sounds good to you, though.
  6. 6

    Why no love for the stock XTC?

    I hear people say this module's no good for rhythms when it's stock. I disagree. I really dig the tone and it sounds great whether I'm doing full-out high gain or backing it off for AC/DCish tones. Sounds really good with single coils, too. Of course, it goes without saying that it's excellent...
  7. 6

    I need a change.

    If you're looking for something with twang, I'd go for a Tweed module. It can cover quite a bit of ground.
  8. 6

    Dave Friedman modded SL+

    Dave's SL+ mod is great. Sounds very "hi-fi". The only drawback is you lose the ability to back the gain off for "plexi" type tones. Basically, he turns it into a one-trick pony (balls out distortion), but it's a GOOD trick. 8)
  9. 6

    Band Volume setting

    I crank my master almost all the way up and adjust the module level accordingly. This sounds best to my ears.
  10. 6

    Most used Module?

    Mr. Scary, with the Grail a close second.
  11. 6

    Just a few tips for you guys

    "Ralphie, honey, don't lick the soldering iron." "Oow! I burned myself on daddy's fixing stick!"
  12. 6

    Good rythm mods?

    In my opinion, you can get a lot of mileage out of a Mr. Scary. Back off the gain and you'll get a very Plexi-ish tone. Crank it up and it's anything from a Soldano type sound to a slightly rawer SL+.
  13. 6

    Is there a way

    I'm pretty sure Pete does a mod where you can switch the bass response. Not sure if it's actually two caps or not. I'm sure he'll post on here and let you know.
  14. 6

    Which Plexi - KH2, Brahma or modded Plexi

    In my opinion, Mr. Scary is the best Marshall-based module that Randall makes (admittedly, I haven't tried the KH-2). If you back off the gain with the Mr. Scary, you can get a kickass plexi sound. Try it!
  15. 6

    Ty Tabor's Egnater modules

    Jeff from Egnater talks about the modules he made for Ty. As he states in the thread, there are no definite plans to make these available to the public at this time. Here's the link: I REALLY want that Gretchen module!
  16. 6

    Boost/ gain boost in front of RM100

    I use either a Digitech Bad Monkey or a Keeley George Lynch Time Boost. Both sound great, IMO.
  17. 6


    Amen to that, brother! 8)
  18. 6

    Rattle noise coming from mts 212 cab

    Mine rattled, too. I had to leave the panel off.
  19. 6

    KH-2 based on what module?

    Could have sworn it was the Brown.
  20. 6

    Who else thinks the silverface screws were better?

    The old screws were much bigger, sturdier, and easier to turn. Why'd they switch to smaller ones? I love the old ones. I've actually had problems with the newer ones bending. Opinions?