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  1. W

    Has anyone tried interfacing line effects before the amp?

    Hey I was looking for any advice in whether this is going to be fruitless to try or not, I'm thinking of setting up a channel of VST fx via DI and then back out to a reamp. Any try?
  2. W

    Chasing Tone and the Problem with GAS

    you are in the right place man, MTS system is designed to be GAS friendly. Once you are setup 200-300 gets you a new amp in 2 weeks time.
  3. W

    The new is now live

    good work. I will be visiting the shortly...
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    NGD! Explorer (African Padauk)

    I don't mind the pots and switch up there.
  5. W

    This is our chance, MTS publicity

    I agree. I voted but damn, still only 1%!!
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    Music Theory Section Back at it

    This is exactly why we have tablature.
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    Music Theory Section Back at it

    cool thread, I'm gonna try and learn some more of this stuff! \\ I mainly learned music from tab, which I love btw. It's numbers (easy math), and it's literal and finite... which I like.. anyways just my thoughts... have you ever used the vst plugin Improvisator? It lay's out all of the...
  8. W

    running a amp into a resistor (output loading)

    In the end I got one Hoelectronics custom Perfect and sounds good too, for $100. Just a dummy load and a line out with a volume control. very happy to use this instead of just send jacks which I was using before. thx for all the advice.
  9. W

    running a amp into a resistor (output loading)

    Ok thanks for the tips, I'm gonna look at Weber or THD to find something 'built' for the task. My concerns is THD and some of the other have too many features I don't need (like multiple Ohm support, and actual attenuation which Randall's don't need), thus being too expensive for what I need...
  10. W

    running a amp into a resistor (output loading)

    Hey, if anyone with experience can help me. I want to run the rm100 with resistor in order to tap a speaker output signal whilst playing silently. I bought a 100w 8ohm resistor, and wired it to the main speaker output. (the other output runs too a JDI). I am still not sure what I should...
  11. W

    RM100 with upgraded mercury transformers

    Does replacing a Output Tranny (or input Tranny for the matter require soldering and electronic work, or just a matter of taking apart the unit and bolting/unbolting the new one in place? thanks, I'm looking to get this done myself or done from a amp tech.
  12. W

    noise from send jacks even when amp turned off?

    I would really really appreciate if one of you guys could test your amp's send to see where (if any) noise level is at when plugged in but turned off. Would also appreciate Bruce or Randall support reply. thanks in advance Yes I tried multiple cables and a different interface. Silent with...
  13. W

    noise from send jacks even when amp turned off?

    maybe somebody could help me if they have a chance to compare their amps. With a trs jack connected from send out jack of amp to my interface I am seeing roughly -48db of noise in cubase with nothing plugged into the amp (except the power cable, but amp is turned off). If I unlpug the jack...
  14. W

    A question for Bruce !

    clarity, less gain for cleans, less mud
  15. W

    noise from send jacks even when amp turned off?

    Hey, I've been playing with my rm100c a bit and recently noticed a hum like ground loop coming from fx sends of the amp (both serial and parallel), even with it turned off. Off course I've checked all the cables and confirmed they are all ok, but I still got a fair amount of noise coming from...
  16. W

    OK, I can't search any more!!!! RM100 loop question

    Radial is born for these tasks. btw the EXTC is made for this, balanced->guitar>balanced with extra send and return volume control. This way you can be sure to send a signal to the pedal and control how hard the signal hits the pedal (useful)... ps I hope that's what u mean
  17. W

    Module for my Tube Driver, Eric Johnson violin tone

    definatly try a 1086. It's a real unique (imo) tone that's kinda different than other tones. (played tuned down is where it's supposed to be at) I was really suprised how much i liked it at low gain, more so than high gain.
  18. W

    Rolang VG99 versus MTS

    roland = digital grit (good in some cases) mts = analog tube + compression
  19. W

    why do you use EMG's?

    obvious reason is for live setting's (less noise)/ stronger signal.