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  1. M

    XTC review

    0.0022 right?
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    Anyone got a good, hi-rez pic of a Recto Module?

    This is a picture from my old rectified module. They should be the same asides the different bass cap. Sorry if its a bit blurry.
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    FS : plex , sl2 , E' rect , tweed , ultra LX

    pm'ed ya back on the sl2 :D
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    FS : plex , sl2 , E' rect , tweed , ultra LX

    is your sl2 a single channel eggie? If so i'm interested, please let me know via pm. Thanks!
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    My bands website

    Hello Eddie, It's nice to see a fellow floridian rockin' the modular system 2 8) Really cool songlist btw. It would be really cool if you guys get a chance to upload some video performances 2!
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    My 2 cents on the Rectified and 1086 modules...

    I really like disturbed :oops: Surprisingly, i have never been curious enough to try out the 1086. I think it's one of those guitar tones that works real well for dan, but i doubt i would get along with, by some reason...
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    i just bought a mr scary!!!

    Yea, that second combination would surely sound good 2. Seems those Gt mullards are really popular with marshall-style circuits. I have the Chinese version and i really dig it.
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    i just bought a mr scary!!!

    Maybe try a JJ with an Eh, I had good results with that combination :D
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    Randall Dual Channel Upgrade Possible?

    That idea does sound real cool!
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    SL2 and EG3/4 - How Do They Compare?

    Guitarzzan, do you consider the sl2 as a dark sounding marshall module or not at all? The thing that bothers me the most about the regular randall SL+ is that its voiced much "darker" compared to a marshall.
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    sl+ clips

    Thanks for the link strato62, I really like the tone you got on the 1st sound sample. Great playing 2
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    sl+ clips

    By some reason, the link is not working for me
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    It's great to see you back R/D Man.
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    Boss GL100 (Awesome clean tone!)

    Hey Jim, Do you like it better than the egnater twin or is it just a different flavor of clean altogether?
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    Guys, Some MTS modules for a wicked price

    Hey Guys, I was just browsing Hc and happened to stumble upon this post. Seems he didn't like the Rm20 much and since he got a hell of a deal, he's selling the modules for only $75 I took the xtc =P
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    My RT2/50 only works with balanced speaker cable??

    It's always an awesome feeling when you troubleshoot a problem yourself. I just wish i could do more than simple soldering :mrgreen: Congrats on getting your amp working properly!
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    Lynch Grail vs E-Rect

    I haven't gotten the chance to compare both, but it seems you can't go wrong with either one. I have the e-rect and the tone on that mod is just awesome. To me, that's what a recto "should" sound like. I have to agree with rickgk, the top end is smooth and the low end isn't as tight as other...
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    Herman Li

    lol completely agreed man
  19. M

    Ultra Mod Help - Please!! - JUST ADDED PIC!

    Try a free image posting site like Make an account, upload your picture to their site, and then copy the code that's meant for forums and you should be good.
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    add a pre amp tube to the chassis?

    Remember u also got V1, which runs thru all the modules 2.