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  1. W

    Withdrawn Looking for a RM4 or similar option to play my modules.

    Hi, I interested to buy a RM4 or similar lightweight option to play my modules as my RM100 is no longer working and it is way to heavy for my needs anyway. I only use the FX send to jack the signal into my DAW, so it needs to have one of them. thanks Michael PS I have a RM100 here in Vancouver...
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    Question about line output of my RM100..

    hi guys, been away from here for a while but not from my modules. During some configurations with my workhorse rack which I'm using with my amp's send signals I've noticed some behavior I don't understand, or like. Seems whenever I try to split a line out signal, or use both send at the same...
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    Ignite amps free poweramp vst

    Ignite Amps released a free poweramp for vst.
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    WTB - a very good set of Alnico bridge PUPS

    Looking for a good bridge pickup for a LP. Preferably a top quality for a trusty axe which I'm not that happy with my current bridge.
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    How do you eq your signal when using speaker sims?

    Hey, I'm looking for tips to improve my guitar recording process using speaker EMU's.. Currently I'm doing the speaker EMU thing, so I'm only focusing on that for the moment, so that means any dynamics, EQ or other 'rack' gear to utilize I will consider it (GAS). How do you eq or process your...
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    some moody dumble jamming

    A sample of some riffing and improvising on original beat. Feedback or suggestions welcomed.
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    OD SPEC settings

    I have some thoughts concerning OD SPEC. Very easy to get too much bassy tone. Is this module very dependent on powersection/speakers? Even guitars for that matter? I am not in a position to try anything else except the rm100 I have currently with JJ powertubes and/or direct out with speaker...
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    in case you missed these Nebula cabs (very nice) thanks to the guy who created them and offer them for a voluntary donation price. Nice selection of mics and great sounding. My latest go-to cabs.
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    Has anyone gotten the PlexiTweed update?

    Noticed this on JF webpage, some tweak to the Tight sw? Wondering what the improvement sounds like, if it sounds any better. I mean, I really love the PlexiTweed, one of my all-time fav's, but if it can be improved, I'll be very interested in upgraded a staple module.
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    where to put the NOS tube in modules?

    Ok, so I am getting pretty nice sound with my modules and tubes.. I have 1 more NOS tube to play with, but not sure what slot I should use it in. My goal is to hopefully just make things a tiny bit more clear, and a bit more 'vintage' sounding. So PlexiTweed vs Blackface V1 or V2...
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    summer cleaning gear

    Boss Hyper Metal $10.00 M-Audio Delta 24/96 soundcard $40 +shipping Vantage 5 string bass $150 obo (acitve) with clean hardcase. good condition
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    just when I thought I had all I needed...

    Bam! 2 more modules... Man I am GUILTY of module addiction sickness. Where is the addiction thread regarding the need to have new custom modules delivered to my door which provide so fresh a feeling in you hands, in you thoughts...
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    Use pedals in your loop with style (radial extc-SA)

    Non-500 series users rejoice, the extc-SA is out (well it should be available from l&m at least). No, I don't work for Radial... btw I seen several threads asking about this, and from what I see this is by far the best unit out there for it. Also...
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    What is protocol of action against seller?

    What is the proper procedure against after paying for module, and 7 days later no shipping confirmation or contact to be had? thanks method:paypal standard. I'll say to others interested in his module, he has 2 other modules for sale, and the one I payed for still hasn't been updated. I hope...
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    What next after PlexiTweed

    I'm exploring some tones that I have not a lot of experience with, but want to! I'm thinking JF Top Boost JF Tweed I love the Plexi-Tweed but I want to try some others in these area. Not looking for pure-clean and def not what most people consider 'rock' tone, but the sweet divide in between...
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    Looking for new buffer/splitter w/9V capability

    Hey friends, looking again for new gear, this time a new buffer/fx loop type pedal. Possibly to buffer/boost and/or split and is ultra-low noise high quality.
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    Clipping based modules?

    Any Diode/Triode or other style 'clipping' modules?
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    Has anyone tried interfacing line effects before the amp?

    Hey I was looking for any advice in whether this is going to be fruitless to try or not, I'm thinking of setting up a channel of VST fx via DI and then back out to a reamp. Any try?
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    running a amp into a resistor (output loading)

    Hey, if anyone with experience can help me. I want to run the rm100 with resistor in order to tap a speaker output signal whilst playing silently. I bought a 100w 8ohm resistor, and wired it to the main speaker output. (the other output runs too a JDI). I am still not sure what I should...
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    noise from send jacks even when amp turned off?

    Hey, I've been playing with my rm100c a bit and recently noticed a hum like ground loop coming from fx sends of the amp (both serial and parallel), even with it turned off. Off course I've checked all the cables and confirmed they are all ok, but I still got a fair amount of noise coming from...