active EQ's

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Well-known member
May 6, 2008
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Well, I'm wondering if any of you RM users, especially those of you with 3+ channels, are using active EQ's pre, but especially post preamp? I'm wondering if I might not need my MXR 10 band since I'd have tone control for each of the RM4 preamps, plus the 3 band on my head... Well, I suppose I could always use it to shelve the subs, but I mean does anyone use an EQ for tone sculpting post preamp?
That is really a question you have to answer for yourself. Everyones rig is different, so we all have different needs. In my rig, I find I like to run the Density around 9:00-10:00, but the bass on the modules is around 12:00-1:00. That gives my low end what it needs. I run the Presence on the RT2/50 and the RM50 around noon and that covers the highs. The only post eq-ing that I do is on my lead tones. I run Rocktron Xpressions (one for each rig) between the RM4 and RT2/50 and in the serial loop on the RM50. The only thing I EQ is a mid boost of my lead tone patches.

It's a personal thing really, but that's what covers my needs. The rest I cover by using various modules and tube combinations to get what I want.