Everyone's opinion's about randall

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Well-known member
Apr 13, 2008
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Chicago Burbs, IL
Why are Randall amp's always getting bashed on guitar forum's? Other then you guy's on this site, I've never EVER heard anyone mention Randall's. When I was shopping for a head everyone told me, Get the VHT Deliverance, dual rec, or 6505? I bought the RM100 but just wondering why all I read about is people bashing Randall?

Dimebag went to Krank, a lor of other band's that used Randall are with Krank now? What give's?

I bet Kirk doesn't have one KH amp integrated in his Rig. he is a Mesa *****. ( i know that for a fact ).
I don't now about everyone but I think the MTS line is the ****,and sounds better than alot of highend makers to me that is.Different strokes for different folks,just because I didn't like one brand,I sure as hell wouldn't bash them somewhere else.Tone and lots of other stuff is SUBJECTIVE and the folks around here like or absolutely love these amps and the versatility they offer.Plus this is a very relaxed forum :D
Well Kirk does have the KH in his rig cause we just did some trouble shooting for him and his rig and he has 9 of them!
Don't get me wrong, I love my amp, and i'm working out all the tone bug's right now,(with maximus and a dude from youtube), but as soon as i told my friend's (that play guitar) that i bought a Randall Rm100, it was the biggest backlash i've ever heard. LoL. Mainly them telling me they've heard nothing but bad about randall. So far, I love my amp and the module concept is the reason i bought it. As soon as I get my tone figured out, i know they will change their opinion.

Hilly, thank you for clarifying. That make's me feel a lot better that he actually uses his amp. What problems did he have if i may ask.
My RM100 is the most versatile amp i have ever owned. The Randall bashers probably have never played through one. Would they respect it more with the Egnater logo, or are they just of the opinion that a Dual Rec is "the best amp ever"?
I've owned many amps including a Mesa Rectoverb, Peavey Classic 50 410, Fender Hot Rod Deluxe, Marshall Silver Jubilee half stack and had access to Egnater TOL100, Vox AC30 and SLO100. I'm getting the best tone I've ever had from my RM100 with E34L's. My Eggie SL++ gives me tones close to a Bogner Shiva, Eggie Erect slays my old Rectoverb. For recording you can't find a better valve prooduct to get multiple tones, without being able to afford having 20 boutique heads in the control room.
Buy with your ears and not your eyes. I learnt this lesson the hard way over the years and at one stage was blinded by the Mesa brandname, only to discover that 6 months later I was actually hearing the real sound of the amp and I didn't like it. The only other amps that have made me consider getting rid of this head were a Bogner Shiva and Elmwood Modena. Neither of those amps would give me the versatility I currently have and I also wouldn't be able to self bias, mix and match tubes and also get new tones for the price of a module not a completely new amp head.
There are going to be people everywhere trying to cut down other brand names. I've seen posts on The Gear Page bashing PRS as toneless, soulless guitars and also posts on the Birds and Moon forums bagging Les Paul's as tree-trunks without character. What matters most is, do you smile everytime you crank up the RM100 and play? I know I do.
IMO, some guitarists tend to be the 14 year old girl of the music world, in that if you don't have the trendy thing right now, then you suck. While i've never played Krank amps, I usually tend to see their ads everywhere, and I think they're even the amp in the background on Guitar Hero.

Its kind of like the debate between solid state and tube amps. I've played in many bands as 1 of 2 guitarists, and I always had a SS amp, while the other guy typically had a tube amp, and would constantly hear from him about how his amp was better, louder, blah blah blah... But it seemed the way I shaped my tone, I'd be the one that people would come to talk to after a gig about my sound, and he'd be cursing up a storm because he spilled a beer on his amp head and blew out his tubes (again).

I ordered the MTS personally because I wanted the flexibility to get essentially different amp sounds and be able to shape my tone to my specific liking. Now if only I could get it to ship.
Never liked Randall product until i started using the MTS stuff. The RM100 is very versatile, and I do require a wide range of tones for various styles of playing. I've used pretty much every major brand of amps in the past, also had vintage and boutique stuff a various stages of my career. But never have I had the TONE and VERSATILITY all in one head.
I still have some tone issues with my rig, but it's an ongoing process, all the results I got from my RM100 and RM50 have been very positive.
I should also say that Steve Baldwin, our Canadian Randall rep have been a great guy to work with, he got results and not just bullshit promises. That's a lot consider how a lot of companies operate on the customer service level. I have some problem with ESP right now and it seems like it's never going get resolve.
Smokey said:
What matters most is, do you smile everytime you crank up the RM100 and play? I know I do.

Me too! I'll be honest though, before I never considered Randall because I figured it was all metal or harder rock guys using the stuff. However, my cousin got some of the MTS stuff and I went and saw him play and the stuff he was able to do in a more pop everything playing bar band was just amazing and I had to have one! Also, I am baffled at the reliability threads. He has just played the crap out of his for about 4 years now I mean every weekend the amps on 4-8 hours a night! He sold me one he had for about 2 years and I never had a problem so everytime I get a chance I talk up Randall, I dont take my name badge off when I am out and I think they are doing some good stuff. The only amp I am considering ever going to is an Egnater but geez with Pete around why spend that kind of money?
I don't have the same experience with Randall's rep. Most of the people I play with/for think of them along the lines of Marshall or something. Especially in the world of metal. It's one of the standard brands that metal players are using now. The boutique guys get snooty, but what's new?
Hey friends!!

I don't understand this discussion because it doesn't care when you like your amp.

Mesa are good amps but if you like an love your randall it doesn't care. And it doesn't care if kh or someone else plays randall.

The only thing i don't understand why this amp is always played rrom metal bands. I think other music genres don't take a look of this amps because it have the reputation that randall is only for metal.

And it is our task to change the peoples mind. This amp is the best versatile sonding amp for me and that the only thing i have to know.

Well after hearing one for the first time recently. I am getting one myself. I think that the build quality of these Randalls are very good and the sounds that I heard is something I want at my shop to test out stuff but hey I am the black sheep of my buisness so I guess Randall and I should be just great together.
Willbur said:
Well after hearing one for the first time recently. I am getting one myself. I think that the build quality of these Randalls are very good and the sounds that I heard is something I want at my shop to test out stuff but hey I am the black sheep of my buisness so I guess Randall and I should be just great together.
Holy **** my love for my amp just took to a new level. I normally play at 2-3 at home (when no one is home) then i went to an audition, other guitarist laughed at my rig.....then i plugged it, put the level to 5, he dicked with my 1086, and our jaw's dropped. I LOVE THIS FUCKIN AMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
tonymustang302 said:
Holy s*&t my love for my amp just took to a new level. I normally play at 2-3 at home (when no one is home) then i went to an audition, other guitarist laughed at my rig.....then i plugged it, put the level to 5, he dicked with my 1086, and our jaw's dropped. I LOVE THIS f*&^in AMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It only gets better,you just gave the other guys GAS :D
These MTS things kick *** plain and simple. There are other great amps as well, but there is nothing that this amp can't do. Anyone who bashes it either didn't have it set up to their liking, or never played it.
any decent guitar player that doesn't know what the rm100 is by now is retarted and probably plays out of a blue voodoo. i 've had my eye on this thing since it first came out and a couple years ago grabbed it up over any other amp in its price range, it just seemed like a no brainer. this amp has mad power and headroom for days which 90 percent of good amps don't have. alot of good amps sound decent at moderate volume levels but when its time to throwdown you always end up backing **** off because it sound like the amp is gonna explode, not the case with the rm100 it just keeps on punishing. if you can't get good tones out of this thing somethings wrong with your ears. best amp ever :twisted: mustang, good to hear your liking it now :)
well being an EdHead...i haven't played Randall in a while.

hearing the KH stuff has turned me around.

wait until you see the new amp. Balls... :twisted:
RD/Steve said:
well being an EdHead...i haven't played Randall in a while.

hearing the KH stuff has turned me around.

wait until you see the new amp. Balls... :twisted:

NEW AMP!!!!....../me goes looking for torture devices :twisted: