extream eq settings

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Well-known member
May 20, 2008
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I have to put my bass on less than half, and my highs and mids all the way up to get any clarity this isn't normal i don't think?
Without more details, my first guess is you may have a broken pot somewhere on that module. Do you see it on only one particular module?
On all my gain modules:

bass on noon or a touch lower
mids between 1:00 and 4:00
treble at noon or lower
presence at 11:00
depth at 11:00
bright switches on

I have Scumback M75's in my cabs and EL34's in the amp. Plenty of clarity and sometimes a touch too bright depending on volume level and my mood. 5751 in the PI will add some clarity but I waffle on which tube I like best in that position.

Both RM50's I had sounded muddy compared to both RM100's I have had. Same tubes, rigs, modules, etc... FWIW.
probably just need a full retube of the amp, the thing weights so much, it defiantly get a good bump from time to time
When I first got my RM100 it sounded really dark to me. I put in some Svetlana EL34s and it really helped. Check out the write up on www.thetubestore.com about them. Modified modules helped a lot too.
Both my power tubes and my guitar cable were bad! Power tubes as in they would not hold a bias.
KillTone said:
When I first got my RM100 it sounded really dark to me. I put in some Svetlana EL34s and it really helped. Check out the write up on www.thetubestore.com about them. Modified modules helped a lot too.
Me too on the EL34 side.
Stuck some EHX 6CA7's in there, rocks!

V1 tube (in the amp, not module) also contributes a lot to the clarity.
For me a Tung Sol works well there :)
i changed from kt77 yo el34's since it's the only thing i could get local. and i put 3 new pretubes in.
I've been dying to try the tung sol pretube. I tried the new Mullard went threw two tubes both went microphonic quick, like in a week! All the ruby 12ax7 seem to be a little microphonic. I really liked the mullard over the jj pretube. All my guitars have EMG pickups. SG has 85 in bridge my les paul had 2x 81's, then have then I have the passive zakk set in a zakk les paul. I get a very thick tone. The el34 probably are darker than the kt77 and 6l6's I'm used 2.
Actually KT77 and 6L6 are darker than EL34s usually. A friend of mine took out my 6L6's and tried his EL34s one day and he LOVES bright tone. HE got what he was looking for out of it.
Earlier I thought I had it fixed then said oh never mind it's not. Well I sat my head on the cab but it's a small cab so it was cab directly coupled to bottom of head. The direct coupling not only caused a mechanical vibration but bad tone. Sat cab on floor problemed solved!