I have two 2 x 12 cabs. One Avatar with V30 & G12H, and one cheap Studio 7 with Reeves Vintage Purple (cast frame WGS) and one Creamback 65.
The Avatar is supposed to let the V30 shine with it's clarity and middy cut while the G12H backs it up with the Syrupy "Greenback" type sound. The mix is nice yet very vintage, great for Marshall and Fender sounds, also early metal.
The Studio 7 cab is an attempt to improve the concept of the Avatar. The Reeves is bright and punchy, very 3D sounding. The Creamback fills in with all the warmth and lower harmonics. again, very vintage but huge and full sounding.
In my opinion none of these speakers shine alone. I prefer the Studio 7 cab but I sort of wish I had the Creamback 75 instead, it would be a little brighter overall and a perfect mix