Getting ready for a new mod but which one..

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Well-known member
Dec 9, 2010
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I'm trying to figure out which mod to get without lots of overlap with what I have. I'm interested in (for starters) XTC, Stein+, Grailtone, and Snakebite. I love my current stable (see signature) and think it covers a lot of ground.. I've never played a Framus, Bogner, or any "boutique" amps and only play at home or with friends in the living room occasionally.. So here's my thoughts..
-The XTC is mostly a "tour of Marshall", right? Very different compared to my 59RR?? Seems like this is a "Everybody should at least try" module...
-The Snakebite is mostly Rectifier, right? Very different compared to my Erect?? This is obviously the new highly touted flavor of the week so have to consider it...
-The Stein+ is close to the Trilogy ('m selling) on the Tone Chart but the Trilogy is definitely not a Pantera sounding module. Love Pantera and think this may be where I want to go.

My taste>>> I like playing Metallica (Black album and earlier), Ozzy (old and new), 80's metal and thrash, Tesla, Led Zeppelin, AC/DC, and I'm trying to expand towards things like maybe Black Crows-ish stuff.. I love Van Halen but don't play much of it. Thought about getting a mid gain but my mods are (surprisingly..) pretty versatile now for "non high gain" stuff and I don't play enough to think it'll be worth it.

Any thoughts before I drive myself batshit researching??
warlok said:
I'm trying to figure out which mod to get without lots of overlap with what I have. I'm interested in (for starters) XTC, Stein+, Grailtone, and Snakebite. I love my current stable (see signature) and think it covers a lot of ground.. I've never played a Framus, Bogner, or any "boutique" amps and only play at home or with friends in the living room occasionally.. So here's my thoughts..
-The XTC is mostly a "tour of Marshall", right? Very different compared to my 59RR?? Seems like this is a "Everybody should at least try" module...
-The Snakebite is mostly Rectifier, right? Very different compared to my Erect?? This is obviously the new highly touted flavor of the week so have to consider it...
-The Stein+ is close to the Trilogy ('m selling) on the Tone Chart but the Trilogy is definitely not a Pantera sounding module. Love Pantera and think this may be where I want to go.

My taste>>> I like playing Metallica (Black album and earlier), Ozzy (old and new), 80's metal and thrash, Tesla, Led Zeppelin, AC/DC, and I'm trying to expand towards things like maybe Black Crows-ish stuff.. I love Van Halen but don't play much of it. Thought about getting a mid gain but my mods are (surprisingly..) pretty versatile now for "non high gain" stuff and I don't play enough to think it'll be worth it.

Any thoughts before I drive myself batshit researching??
Regarding your questions:

- The XTC is in the flavor of Marshall, but not the same bucket. Thin of this as a VERY broad 5-channel paint brush. This is the gain module I most often use in my own amp when it's 2 module slots on hand. Very complimentary to a 59RR.

- The Snakebite is best defined as an amazing high gain tool. It provides total control over the gain and the midrange unlike anything else. Think of it like a scapel for brutality with razor precision over all parameters. Probably one of my top 3 achievements.

- The Stein+ is always overlooked for brutality and flexibility. It shines on dropped tuned, crushing riffage.

Food for thought from your band list:
- Silverado (unique in an amazing way, nothing else like it and covers a lot of the tones in the bands you mention)
- Grail Tone (absolutely stole the show in our NY Amp Show booth)
- PlexiTweed (Led Zep and the Crowes in a module)
Damn you Rob!! (Where's that damn shaking fist You explained them all as exactly what I want.. I'm leaning towards the XTC as I tend towards Marshally flavors and it covers a lot of ground.. The good thing is I may have a SL+ getting ready to head your way as the donor for whatever I get. That'll work for almost any of your mods, right?
warlok - I have taste in music that seems to be similar to yours. I'm new to MTS and right now I have three stock modules (two more on the way) and two custom mod jobs from Rob. I've also been trying to figure out which modules are next. I recently spent a significant amount of time at the NY Amp show playing with all the modules that Rob brought and I came up with a list of the next six I want to get. Rob has witnessed me testing his modules on multiple occasions and noted that I definitely gravitate toward the Marshall style mods. It sounds like you might too. For what it's worth, here is my list in order:

XTC, Grailtone, Snakebite, Brahma, Silverado, Vybe Deluxe

Rob already has my donor to turn into an XTC. That was first on my list because I've been searching hard for the one that will give me the lead sound I want and that one is it. It's got the "squishiness" and high gain I desire for fluid legato playing, sustain, and the ability to get feedback. It cuts through without being harsh. As an added bonus, it's got so many switches on it which get you a pretty wide variety of sounds. I found the XTC to be significantly different than the 59RR, which also was very good. For me, the XTC has the lead sound I prefer (more gain and smoother, I thought) and covers a wider range. There is a lot of bang for the buck there.

The Grailtone is next because it just sounds so cool. And again, it's got the variac switch for squishiness. That was a great bit of engineering on Rob's part to simulate the behavior of the variac, but in the preamp section of an amplifier.

It took me a few tries to really understand and appreciate the Snakebite. I knew I wanted a high gain module for some really crushing guitar riffs (not that I play a whole lot of that, but I want to be able to when the mood strikes me) and I thought the Trilogy might be it. The Trilogy is great, but I really gained a new appreciation for the Snakebite at the Amp Show and that edged out the Trilogy (for now). The Snakebite is real high gain and heavy while still being clean and clear, if that makes sense. It isn't sloppy. It's the kind of sound I hear from a lot of bands that play heavy riffs in low tunings today.

The Brahma - again - it just sounds so cool. You can definitely pull of all of your 80's metal with that one.

Silverado - this is one of the new ones. Amazing range of gain. You can go from perfectly clean to Brahma and Grailtone type gain levels. Great sound. Definitely a Marshall type, but a little different than the others. I haven't spent enough time with this one yet, but I am convinced I want it in my arsenal.

Vybe Deluxe - I'm real picky about a clean tone that is rich, smooth, clear, and doesn't break up. But then again, sometimes I do want some bluesy musical (not broken speaker type) breakup. The Vybe Deluxe has a three way switch that brings you from one to the other. The clean is rich and as clean as can be.

I also should talk about the Wrecked module. That's the other new one. I'll need to eventually have that. That is just an amazing sound and so different than every other module. It's very touch sensitive. It can be really clean and rich (and loud!). Or it can break up real nice and smooth, even at lower volumes. Right now, I have an RM50 combo, so I can only take two modules out at a time. Most likely, that will be a Vybe Deluxe (or a Blackface) and an XTC. If I get an RM100 and have that third slot, I'd put the Wrecked in it.

Anyway, there you have it. Lots of opinions. Hopefully, there is something helpful in there.
Awesome! Great help there Skeleton.. And those who PM'd.. We do sound alike in taste.. I'm done thinking.. I've been thinking about an XTC for a long time so now is as good a time as any.. XTC it is!! Woohoo!
Thanks to all!
If you're thinking Pantera, or any high gain metal, buy the Snakebite and thank me later :p

It's Robs quintessential high gain Swiss Army Knife. With the Venom switch it has more gain than any module out there and the tone shaping options are endless.

My next JF module is he Gailtone, mainly because I have been chasing Eddie's VH-1, VH-2 tone since I first heard it. Knowing Rob's mods like I do, I bet its much more versatile than that, but if all I get it that classic VH tone, will still be very satisfied

All of the mods you mentioned are fine mods, you can't really go wrong with any of them :)

Let us know what you decide :)

Hey man! I pretty much had it narrowed down to the XTC and the Snakebite and after a flip of a coin... (OK, it was the fact that I lean towards Marshall this week.. lol).. Getting setup with an XTC. Snakebite will likely be next. Then Grailtone.. But XTC is in the works right now. I've wanted to try one for a while so I went with my gut in the end.
Big Daddy said:
If you're thinking Pantera, or any high gain metal, buy the Snakebite and thank me later :p

To be quite honest, I'd suggest using the Snakebite for bands like Killswitch, Parkway Drive, Suicide Silence etc... Bands who use Cobra's and Recto's.

Dime was a Randall solid state guy and you can pick those heads up for real cheap on evilbay these days. Not trying to take work from Rob at all but for your Pantera quest I'd seriously just get the exact head for the same price as a module.
I use a Snakebite for high gain rhythm work , an XTC SE for leads and a Superclean for cleans all jf mods. Im planning on a vybe deluxe to fill the void that my plexitweed left for a blues module.. all of these modules are great..
ricknasty1985 said:
Big Daddy said:
If you're thinking Pantera, or any high gain metal, buy the Snakebite and thank me later :p

To be quite honest, I'd suggest using the Snakebite for bands like Killswitch, Parkway Drive, Suicide Silence etc... Bands who use Cobra's and Recto's.

Dime was a Randall solid state guy and you can pick those heads up for real cheap on evilbay these days. Not trying to take work from Rob at all but for your Pantera quest I'd seriously just get the exact head for the same price as a module.

I agree that the Snakebite is more Killswitch than Pantera, but I can totally dial in Darrell's uber distorted, scooped tones. In fairness it's probably more Great Southern Trendkill than Cowboys From Hell, but you can get those tones. The thing about the Snakebite is the amount of usable distortion. Yes, the XMG+ and the Stein+ are a little more voiced for Pantera, but they don't have the gain to really make it sound authentic, they're close, but with the tone sculpting on the Snakebite, its closer, in my opinion

I never really thought of buying the real thing, because I want it on tap in the amp I'm actually using for everything else and he was asking questions about Jaded Faith Mods

Good info though :)

Keep thje Faith!


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