Harsh Tone and Distortion from RM 50 Combo

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Mar 31, 2009
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Ok so I"m new to the Randall MTS series, and I have 5 modules. The cleans sound awesome, my problem is the three and half (plexi is sort or distortion) sound really hard tiny, and 'mushy' with no punch or gradient in the distotions. From about 10 oclock on up, it all sounds the same.

This should be an amazing system - EL 34's, Celestion G12T-75, preamp circuits, but maybe I'm not doing something right.

So Questions:
1. Should I have the modules modded for 'tighter, punchier' distortion?
2. Does 'biasing' have anything to do with drastically changing the character of the distortion?
3. Does changing the voltage or anything on the back of this amp combo improve the distortion sound?

ladirectorguy said:

Ok so I"m new to the Randall MTS series, and I have 5 modules. The cleans sound awesome, my problem is the three and half (plexi is sort or distortion) sound really hard tiny, and 'mushy' with no punch or gradient in the distotions. From about 10 oclock on up, it all sounds the same.

This should be an amazing system - EL 34's, Celestion G12T-75, preamp circuits, but maybe I'm not doing something right.

So Questions:
1. Should I have the modules modded for 'tighter, punchier' distortion?
2. Does 'biasing' have anything to do with drastically changing the character of the distortion?
3. Does changing the voltage or anything on the back of this amp combo improve the distortion sound?

You have a valid point, it should be a killer system. On to your questions:

1: Modding is a great way to take a good module and make it great. It can make a huge improvement and there is no shortage of modding talent these days.

2: Biasing you amp properly can and will have a huge effect on the tone, particularly the higher gain tones. I suggest getting a meter and trying this first. Watch the Randall MTS biasing video first (it on youtube and I think there is a link on the Randall website as well) and be sure to follow the guidelines in the manual for your tube type.

3: Never change the voltage on the back of your amp unless you are overseas and need to adjust for their voltages.

ladirectorguy said:

So Questions:
1. Should I have the modules modded for 'tighter, punchier' distortion?
2. Does 'biasing' have anything to do with drastically changing the character of the distortion?
3. Does changing the voltage or anything on the back of this amp combo improve the distortion sound?


I run the same amp with my RM100 head. I hated the gain on this when I first got it too. Here are some things I've done to improve the tone:
1- Changed the EL34 to TAD 6L6, you get more of a modded Marshall tone with 6L6, plus with the partial open back cabinet, you're not going to get the same punch as a 2X12 closed back. The 6L6s will compensate for this.
2- I put in some JJ 12AX7 for more grit. These have slight ly more gain and bite.
3- You want to boost the front with a good OD pedal. I had great luck with Xotic RC and AC, Tubescreamer TS9 and 808.
4- thicken it up with some delay and reverb, I use a TC GMajor and Alesis Quadraverb.
Since changing to the TAD tubes, I'm actually running it in a Dry/Wet set up with my RM100 head, with the RM50 on Dry, no effects. Sounds great.
You really gotta crank the Density a bit if you're running at low volume, the louder you go, roll that back accordingly.
stock, the modules do have a lot of similar vibe at high gain--get some promods done and the seperation is huge, the quality immensely better
in an effort to do GOOD KARMA....
Consider that the celestion your using is a very bright speaker. I find them to bright. Factor that in....if your overdrive work sounds brittle that may be a big factor in it.
On Mods: I love the mods...but,imho, if you are NEW to the MTS World..the mods may not impress you like they impress other MTS owners. You're a newbie...if the tone aint working..refining it by 20percent probably isnt gonna sell you. Know what I mean?
I think the MATERIAL things for you to consider are:
How are you running your volumes?????? (Module versus master volumes)
What pickups do you use???
What modules are you running???
What songs are you playing????
By knowing your application, I think we can all give you better advice.
There...I did my karmic best. -GtrGeorge
I"m using several guitars with this Randall RM 50 - A Fender Yngwie Malmsteen model, A Gibson Les Paul Studio, an ESP Kamikaze and a Charvel Demartini model.

I"m keeping the preamp volume low and the amp volume at 12 oclock so the big tubes cook. In this way, I've actually got my MR. Scary module to sound ok.

Not sure if I should swap out the speakers or the tubes to 6L6 or if I should rebias the EL 34's I have in it now.

Let me ask you this... Is your RM 50 Brand new? I bought my rm100 new and it was very harsh, thin, and narrow sounding till it started to brake in. The sound was as wide as a tooth pick. I was about to sell it off after the first week of owning it. Im glad i didnt. One day about a month after i bought it, I turned it on and everything was beautiful. I just need to be patient.
I can tell you that the LP should sound great through the modules you have. I would try biasing first. Run them on the hot side and get things cookin. Run the volume on the modules higher than the master. Always run module volume at least noon. Density low presence higher. When my 50 was new I ran master up and played as far away as I could get and seemed to set the speaker in. I am using the stock 6l6 tubes and I have gotten all good comments on tone. Keep trying different combinations of settings and you will find your tone. I suspect your biasing to be off. It is worth saying that the tone you are looking for is always your own and not every amp will fit the bill. I also know that what guitar your using with each module will not always match. My reverend rocco does not sound nearly as good as my lp through the marshall modules, but sounds great with the xtc and the blackface with a boost. Guitars have to match amps. The great thing in the Randall is you don't have to sell the amp if you have a bad match, just change modules. Good luck.
G12T-75's pretty much suck IMHO.

Vintage 30's and G12H30's 30th Aniv. would be a great combination for most stuff.

FWIW - my Plexi module through the RT2/50 power amplifier sounds at least as good as my vintage Marshall heads. I have never played through any of the Randall combos, though.