Module or mod for JCM800 2203 tone

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Cool; I'll check it out

understand tone king's strength isn't in studio tone, it's on the variety quantity and free price of the videos- that does rule
His effort is very respectful.
I'm just complaining that those reviews ain't that useful, because you can't actually hear a good sound from the gear he tries out.
If he manages to clean up his sound, he's gonna do great reviews. He's also fairly prepared regarding the history af amps, and that's a plus as well.
For example, tot many know that what we call "Marshall Plexi" was made from 1966 to 1973. Plexis after 1973 no longer have the Plexiglass panel, but a metal one, and are PCB instead of P2P wired. And they r called "Metal faces" :) But still 1959/1987 models. ToneKing knows this as well, he cited this in one of his videos.
wkcchampion said:
It rules if you have acutally not much experience with recorded tone. I have my small studio and I really have to fight to get such an horrible tone with that - using such godo gear AND Sm57 mikes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Those clips sound like camcorder audio. If that's a 57 I don't know what he's done to it or what he's running it through. Not a 1073 that's for sure.

For some reason I tend to turn off after 20 seconds of him talking. Something about his shtick comes across as a bit pushy and off-putting to me.
crankyrayhanky said:
Cool; I'll check it out

understand tone king's strength isn't in studio tone, it's on the variety quantity and free price of the videos- that does rule
age old rule of quality > quantity definitely needs to be enforced here.
noone besides a genuine amateur is going to want to buy any of those amps after listening to his playing through them. it may inspire them to check out the same amp played by someone else with more skill and a better idea how to dial in the amp's tones, but noone will be impressed by his reviews alone..
like I said, it sucks because he has a lot of good **** and it has a lot of potential to be a great thing.. but because of these certain points, it just isn't.... at all.
But you know you've got to put things in a real world perspective. Like who plays their amps set up pristine? People futz with tubes. People here replace preamp tubes in attempts to "improve" sound, and then say it sounds better. When in fact what people are doing is trying to make something sound like THEY like it. Sometimes a single change works for everyone across the board. Sometimes it's limited to a particular application -- hence my disclaimer in my signature.

No module is going to sound exactly like a particular amp. It'll get close, but you've still got the fact it's a Randall amp and not a Bogner/Soldano/Diezel/ENGL/Orange/whatever. My reason for getting this amp was not that it can do a Bogner Ecstacy at a bargain price.

My reason for getting this amp was the wide tonal palette available. I can go from a Fender tone to a Marshall type tone to a Mesa type tone at the tap of a footswitch.... and I also have to remember I'm playing through 6550s and not EL34s or 6L6s or 6V6s. Some of you are playing through EL84s.

Even with the modded modules. You're going to get a ballpark. Some ballparks are better to play in than others. Some ballparks are like old Candlestick (which sucked), and others are really nice parks.

So when Toneking showed the SL+ vs the JCM800. Yeah, they sounded the same to me. So did all but about 5 of the amps in the great high gain shootout. The video that sold me on the amp was this one:

Oh and there's a demo of the Mr. Scary.

Honestly if I were running a straight up recording studio I'd have an AXE FX and reamp everyone if I needed to be precise, and I'd do it just because of the consistency available.
Did that whole half stack wobble when he touched it??? eeek! ,,,looking again I think it's probably up on the casters.

Is that through the Lynch cab?
JKD said:
Did that whole half stack wobble when he touched it??? eeek! ,,,looking again I think it's probably up on the casters.

Is that through the Lynch cab?

I think he said it was a Mesa boogie 4x12
I've yet to hear one clip of Axe-fx stuff that sounds as good as a real cranked tube amp. Especially for cutting through a rock mix.
Goldfish said:
I've yet to hear one clip of Axe-fx stuff that sounds as good as a real cranked tube amp. Especially for cutting through a rock mix.

I also said for a recording studio.

Marty Friedman - 2008

I think Michael Amott still using his GSP1101 on this... modeling through a tube amp head. In concert on Jan 23 they were seen playing Marshall JVMs. Chris playing the JVM straight up, while Michael was using his GSP1101 through the JVM power section.

Modeling is getting better and better. For studio use it really can't be beat.

I'm not gassing for anything like this right now. The LB is doing the job. I'm in an "if it ain't broke" mode right now.
Julia said:
I also said for a recording studio.

As did I.

Modelers are still digital code. Never in a million years would I compare that tone with a real fire-breathing tube amp. Lacks depth and dynamics.

...But then again I'm an old-school curmudgeon when it comes to tone. Others will most certainly disagree and mileages will always vary.
No I don't disagree at all and I was very much born a part of the "digital age".
It's just...... not the same. The digital is obviously digital. The tube is obviously tube.
Sorry guys but I also wanna support The Tone King on this one.

His playing is crap and i think he knows it. Ok sometimes, half of his videos are about him chatting away (I got sick of his beloved EMG 81/85s). And the audio quality is below par.

In spite of all that, i feel it's a labour of love. I dont think the guy gets any financial retribution or endorsement for what he does in his videos. So I think its entirely understandable why his videos are so 'casual'. There are so many over produced videos out there (with multiple stereo tracking and parallel eq'd and compressed guitar tracks) that even though they sound good, they'll only lead to disappointment when you have spent your 2 grand and you dont get the 'produced' sound if you are not aware of this.

Everything is relative so I guess that anyone with the slightest trace of criteria in them can notice that the JCM 800 doesnt sound fantastic in his video, but at least you get the voicing of the module compared to the 800 straight away. I dont think there are many others out there offering a similar perspective.

Even though his videos are far from perfect, the guy gives valuable information to construct your opinion about different pieces of gear. I trust his videos a lot more than all those 'smoke and mirrors' ones you can find out there.

I like The Tone King... sometimes a little annoying but all in all gives a pretty honest look into the new equipment out there compared to "The Standards".

I liked the Bugera 1990 and 1960 reviews.... those were a really good eval if you ask me. He is not afraid to offend a company .... he says the way he feels. I wish more people were like that.

We are just so PC anymore that allot goes unsaid. Like Simon on American Idol... people think he's a jerk.... no, just being honest... Deal with it.

Anyway... I like the SL+ but probably like the XTC a little better since it is really really versatile and can do JCM800 with ease....
Vince said:
We are just so PC anymore that allot goes unsaid. Like Simon on American Idol... people think he's a jerk.... no, just being honest... Deal with it.
no, he's just a jerk. You can be completely honest with someone without being a complete *******. But then ratings & phone-in votes makes him money and more people will tune in to watch him unjustly tearing someone a new one than for him to provide constructive criticism. So he's just naturally doing what is going to garner the show greater ratings.
I would think that you have the final choice of rating/not rating his videos. You can take what you need (or nothing at all) from any piece of information you encounter in your way.

Sorry for hijacking the thread with youtube issues.

Going back to the 2203, I own 2 of them. One is a 1978 JMP series the other a late 80's JCM800 series. They sound so different from each other that it would be a hard task for anybody to replicate a generic 2203 sound (the same goes for any other kind of amp). I prefer the JMP in comparison. It sounds fuller and less harsh compared to the 800.

The 2203 is my personal favourite, I'm surprised they haven't made a module to replicate it. I thought the SL+ may have been designed to cover that ground... but I havent got any experience with this modular system... that's why I joined this forum. To see if someone can shed some light.
IBA said:
The 2203 is my personal favourite, I'm surprised they haven't made a module to replicate it. I thought the SL+ may have been designed to cover that ground... but I havent got any experience with this modular system... that's why I joined this forum. To see if someone can shed some light.

You might want to check out Salvation mods:

I am with Julia, and I also play in a band that does 80's thrash! But you can do that and not be tone deaf....

The MTS is decent approximations for playing in front of people, nothing more. If you are sitting home next to your speaker, what are you doing with a 50 or 100w modular amp that is built to be all things to all people?

The mods seem to add sound quality to the modules that is missing due to the very nature of the beast.

All this discussion of tone king makes me wonder, why there aren't more reviewers with some playing ability. The guy who does them for a magazine plays pretty good, but you are not getting the real sound, its very doctored, but you can at least tell if something sucks or not.