Help me please! My amp's not working!

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Well-known member
Feb 27, 2007
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I fired it up, and the fan is blowing, the power light and the lights on the modules are glowing, but the power tubes are not glowing (tube failure lights are NOT on) and there's absolutely no sound coming out.

Any idea what the problem might be? I've had this amp (RM100S) for a couple years now, btw.
There are 3 fuses on the RM100-A board (the PC board the power tubes are on) you could check. You'll have to remove the chassis from the box to get to them. Look on the left side for V1A - there's one (250mA?) fuse to the left and two larger fuses below. Hopefully it's just a blown fuse.

Obviously, if you do this you'll want to use the same precautions as you would when working on any high voltage tube amp. If you're not comfortable doing this then take it to a qualified service tech.
+1 on what Curt said....

I had the same issue and that was the problem. Bruce ended up fixing it for me and did a modification so those fuses won't blow anymore. Apparently it's overkill anyway as those are not needed for anything except meeting international CE standards.
The blown fuses will be the ones in the corner of the board that supply the filament voltage for the tubes. Change both to 10A slo blo types.
Thanks for the help, everyone. I will take a look at the board and see if the fuses are the problem. Thanks for the specifics, Bruce! I appreciate it.
I am so pissed right now. :x I drove all over the place looking for some 10A slo blo fuses today. I must have went to a dozen places, including two different Radio Shacks. Why is it so hard to find this **** fuse? :evil:
Believe it our not, try an Ace hardware store. There is one here in Long Island NY that stocks them. If not that, then an auto parts store(possible) or then Mouser or Digikey on the net. Hope this helps! Pat L.
Checked with Ace Hardware. Nothing. I'm out of options. Guess I'll have to order some on the 'net. This sucks.
Update: I finally received the fuses from Mouser today. After putting them in, I had trouble getting the chassis back in because the **** tolex kept coming loose and wrinkling up in front of it. :x I finally got past that problem, put the screws back in, and fired it up. The tubes were glowing again (good sign) but I was getting no sound for the first minute. All the volumes were up to an audible point. I didn't actually get any sound until I cranked the master volume all the way up, and the sound kicked in with an ear-splitting howl. Not fun. I really hope I never have to do this again.

Anyway, I'm back up (for now). Thanks for all the help, everyone.
Besides the fuses check the connections to the first preamp bd make sure they are seated completely. I have the exact same problem in addition to a blow fuse on the Hi Voltage