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Well-known member
Nov 18, 2008
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Colorado Springs CO.
Well, since I need to post at least 5 more posts before I start selling and trading gear I guess I'll ask some questions about the head and more specifically the modules available. I'm relatively new to the tube head realm but I keep hearing about how one can take a relatively tame tube head and replace the tubes with ones that will dramatically increase the gain and make better tone. So, say I bought an RM100 and had a really hot module in there but it just wasn't quite enough and I wanted to put in hotter tubes. Are the tubes located in the modules, the head, or both? and if they're in both, which tubes would I want to switch out?
preamp tubes will have the most impact. Though most of the gainer modules will have PLENTY of enough gain, so I wouldn't worry dude about not having enough gain wiht randall, that seems to be randalls middle name.
in order to get smashing high gain with this amp you have to run an od out front. the ultra is the only pre amp you wouldn't exactly need it on, imo. the high gain modules sound right to me this way.
maximus1 said:
in order to get smashing high gain with this amp you have to run an od out front. the ultra is the only pre amp you wouldn't exactly need it on, imo. the high gain modules sound right to me this way.


I have a modeded MR Scary that i can get away with not boosting but it sweet'ns it up if i do. As for the Ultra, its a gain monster and really only needs a CAP change if that, and its good to go.
Maximus, Hunter... how loud are you guys playing, and where - home, gigs, ? At stage volumes, I actually would cut the gain back on my stock modules, as I was getting plenty of gain/crunch/sustain with the amp semi loud... say at around 11 oclock on the master.

Gainiest stock module I ever had was an EG5 (egnater) single channel module. If you dimed that and put a boost pedal in the front of it, there's a chance you would split the universe in two!
Can't beleive you guys are needing more gain out of some of these modules, sheesh :shock:

It has been my experience recording and not, that usually less gain really can be as punchy, and usually records way better then over saturated sound. the modules that I have used that are more gainer, SL+, Ultra XL, KH2, even the topboost, had plenty of gain stock to do more then enough saturation. my SL+ and Ultra XL don't go pasts noon on the gain.
i play pretty loud at practice(module at noon and master about 2 o clock) and the amp does gain up at loud volumes like it should being that its a 100 watter with a ton of headroom, so i know why you'd ask, obviously low volumes aren't gonna get this thing cooking like it should which is true for any 100 watt tube amp, but that being said to my ears this amp holds pretty true in the way it sounds both loud and quiet and to me the only module that has gain and saturation is the ultra, xl, never played an eg 5 but i know its gain. to me a high gain amp or module should have more gain than you would really need whetether or not you'd use it all is a different story but it should still be there. i love the 1086 boosted but w/out its not very gainy, it has a good voicing but not saturated at all, and recto is mockery when compared to a real mesa in that department. don't get me wrong i love the amp. it always will be my go to for anything but when it comes to gain i say boost. :twisted: eventhough i have to boost to get the extra gain i need i would buy this thing all over again and mess with it for 3 years to find the sound i got now cause its that good, maybe a bit dark but this amp crushes anything i' ve ever heard in person. :D
So are you guys saying you're maxing out the gain and then using a boost on top of that? Because my amp squeals like crazy if I do that. If I'm using a boost, my gain is never higher than 2 o' clock, as far as the more high gain modules are concerned.
no , not exactly cause max gain on the module muds up but **** close like 3 o clock at least. i use an ns-2 outfront for noise and with my seven its dead quiet no matter how much gain but with a six i'm not so lucky but i can get around that. i wouldn't expect to use any amp with a decent amount of gain without a noise suppressor of some type. before this amp i was playin a xxx and it had more gain and saturation than i would use even on the crunch channel and before that i played a 5150 II which we all know has a ton of gain so when i got this amp i was left desiring the gain i used to have, that being said i got it all back and them some from using boost pedals and i couldn't be happier with my sound.
6stringgrind said:
So are you guys saying you're maxing out the gain and then using a boost on top of that? Because my amp squeals like crazy if I do that. If I'm using a boost, my gain is never higher than 2 o' clock, as far as the more high gain modules are concerned.

I used to do that..... Now i set the gain at like noon on my ultra and on my OD pedal i turn the gain to the lowest it can go, volume maxed, and tone to suit.
tonymustang302 said:
6stringgrind said:
So are you guys saying you're maxing out the gain and then using a boost on top of that? Because my amp squeals like crazy if I do that. If I'm using a boost, my gain is never higher than 2 o' clock, as far as the more high gain modules are concerned.

I used to do that..... Now i set the gain at like noon on my ultra and on my OD pedal i turn the gain to the lowest it can go, volume maxed, and tone to suit.
Thats EXACTLY how I run my rig as well. Not looking for any gain from the pedal but a voltage boost for the signal. Just makes it sound "VERY TIGHT" to say the least. Crank that Level up on the OD and turn the gain all the way off. Great "secret" of the trade to get that killer killer tone.
tonymustang302 said:
6stringgrind said:
So are you guys saying you're maxing out the gain and then using a boost on top of that? Because my amp squeals like crazy if I do that. If I'm using a boost, my gain is never higher than 2 o' clock, as far as the more high gain modules are concerned.

I used to do that..... Now i set the gain at like noon on my ultra and on my OD pedal i turn the gain to the lowest it can go, volume maxed, and tone to suit.

That's the way I run my boost, too. I'm using a Bad Monkey with the gain off and the level anywhere from 3 o' clock to dimed. Like I said, the module gain is around noon-ish to 2 o' clock. Can't imagine needing more than that with a boosted high-gain module.
I think even if you put the gain higher than noon to 2 o'clock it becomes oversaturated and actually starts to sounds worse and uncontrollable. Between noon and two o'clock is the key for the module gain and No gain on the OD pedal. I use a modded Boss SD-1 and it sounds great when run like this.
Mailman1971 said:
I think even if you put the gain higher than noon to 2 o'clock it becomes oversaturated and actually starts to sounds worse and uncontrollable. Between noon and two o'clock is the key for the module gain and No gain on the OD pedal. I use a modded Boss SD-1 and it sounds great when run like this.


The only module that i run more than noon is th 1086. That is my module for my 7 string. I have the gain set at 3 o'clock with no squeeling.
only thing about pedals is that each pedal you put in, you lose tone and add noise. Not to mention, you can digitize the signal with just one digital pedal :( I go Zaolla right into amp with no pedals in front or in the loops. That is the only way to get the tone I want. Granted live I'll have to hook up a wah and some delay/reverb stuff but I'm still toying with it. The damagecontrol Glass Nexus I have is good but I have to run it in front because if I turn up the volume on the pre amps then it distorts my effects through the loop. That - so far - is the only downside to MTS that bothers me.
I agree with maximus1, I dont boost all my modules and I dont gain them up at all, my gain on the modules is between 12- and 3 depending on the module. The 1086 gets mushy after 3 or so, most of them get mushy after 4. My pedals: heavily Modded TS-9 and Sd-1 gain ZERO tone knob to desired postition, usually between 11-2 and the levels are around 75 - 90%. This does not add any more gain, its just like getting a clarity and warmth mod from Turley on a smaller scale of course, just a little easier on the wallet (no offense Pete). Works like a charm on the 1086, see to me the 1086 lacks tightness in the bass area, when boosted it cleans that up and sounds just the way I think it should. it is really the only module I boost, on ocassion ill boost the SL+ but it to is modded and is killer all on its own, but boosted hell its insane.

I have played these all at bedroom level and live levels and to me boosting is never a bad idea just to get some UMPH out of the amp.

Hell I had a friend tell my that my amp didnt have enough GAIN for him, My tone is very clean sounding as im sure alot of you playing the RM series have a similar setup. Im assuming that his sound is very very satuarted. I guess he plays through a 400watt Measa strategy and a rack mout peavey rockmaster, never heard his tone but I have a **** load of gain on this amp and with my pedals I have even more on hand if needed. Just was floored when he said I didnt have enough GAIN. LOL

Got a buddy that jmas a LINE6 Bogner spider Valve, and I dont know what it is but that thing sucks man. His presence is more than whats under the x-mas tree in whoville, and his treble my god its ear pearcing, I mean maybe he likes that but in a band situation his tone is so muddy and undefined it really hard to play with him, keeps telling me that i would change my mind about RM100 if I messed around with the LINE 6 Spider Valve. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT

As for Pedals tone sucking, honestly there is not much difference from them in or out of the signal path to me ears, I mean ya a little bit but when the amp is cranked it not very noticable, and if its that big o deal they do make TRUE BYPASS pedals, which I have on the way as well. Just my opinion and FYI.
I'm using a BYOC 808 Screamer Clone that I built myself and it's true bypass so I don't have any tone suck going on. Use it the same way as everyone else here....level at about 3:00, tone at noon or 1:00, and the gain all the way off. Tightens up the low end nicely and provides the extra compression I need for sustain and harmonics. My primary high gain module right now is the SL+ as I like the Marshall tones and with this setup it just screams and has more than enough gain to cover any old or new metal tones.

There are too many people out there that think gain, gain, gain and then when you're in the mix with a band or recording it's too muddy. I like my guitar tone heavy but articulate.