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bruce egnater

Well-known member
Aug 31, 2006
Reaction score
.....very often when I post a "suggestion" does the thread end?? Starting to make me feel like I shouldn't be trying to help. I really enjoy conversing with everyone when I can but the silence after I post is starting to distress me and make me feel a little uneasy.
admin: please close this thread

Just kidding...maybe everyone's intimidated? Your creations are truly a huge leap in creative design. Any posts you have I enjoy reading :)
I think crankyrayhanky got it on the first try. It's mostly feeling intimidated
and certainly not anything of your doing.
In fact, I'm going to pick up a thread right now!

Your presence here on the forum is probably the most valued resource any of us have in our tonal worlds....I know when I see your name, the info will be absolutely correct and useful...You've been kind enough to help me through some issues over the past year and I'm very grateful...I agree with the others that intimidation is a factor...Randall rarely shows any signs of interest so we were all getting a bit discouraged...Then when you post, I think everyone's in shock as you are the founder of the system we all love so dearly...:lol: But true...

So what do you see as the future of MTS? I know that's a very broad question with many variables....But to be at the level of success you've achieved and maintained you must have some pretty keen foresight...

Bruce - even if it is the intimidation factor, please do not stop posting. There is nothing better than getting an answer from the ultimate authority on the subject.

Maybe that is it - one THE MAN has spoken, what else is there to say?! :lol:

Your contribution to the music world is undeniable, we are honored to have your presence here on the forum with us. I don't think any of the lack of responses are any disrespect, I for one read through virtually every posting on here but am not a big commenter usually (obvious from me being the 49th member on this forum which is now 2,000+ and under 300 posts).

We value your suggestions/responses on here and I know I look forward to anything new you post.

Honestly, I haven't even seen this happen at all, I definitly don't end a conversation when you chime in.
I really appreciate it when you do, as you have a greater understanding of this system then anyone.

Maybe it's intimidation, but maybe also it's that since you are the master architect, a lot of people regard your answer as the final one. ;)
I think people think it's unnecessary to chime in on anything when you have already provided any insight.
Just look at the above posts, this reverence means that people won't feel the need to add to anything you've said, much less contradict it haha.

Either way, like others said: please keep in the conversations, because you provide a lifeline like no other product has, a straight like to the mastermind.
Like with the midi problem I had, you suggested to replace a 60 cent chip, bingo, problem solved and no need for buying an expensive replacement from Randall .. that's kinda unique in the music world.

I'd be happy to talk with you on the future of MTS.
There are many things that can be done with it, features to add, things to improve and refine.
The connection between you and this community is a valuable one in that respect, I think many here would provide input on their needs and idea's, allowing you to create the best possible product for your market.

Now, about that E2 ... :lol:
Graham Pearson said:
Who is this Bruce guy y'all talking about?
Wow :shock: Seriously?

Quick heads up:
Bruce Egnater is the designer and original developer of the modular amp system.
He is the chiefychief of Egnater Amplification, that produces the original line of modular amplifiers (now dual channel).
Egnater licensed it's tech to Randall, who created the MTS system with it, this is why the modules are interchangeable between amps of the two brands.

Before and besides the modular amps, Bruce has had his hand in a lot of other amp designs, pretty much all of them awesome!

You should do a readup on ;)
I agree with the idea that your opinion is generally taken as "the final word". Maybe after some more frequent time on the forums people will grow more accustomed to your postings and won't chicken out as much :)
Graham Pearson said:
Graham Pearson said:
Who is this Bruce guy y'all talking about?

I couldn't resist the above. I hope Mr. Egnater got a giggle out of it. Thankfully, it only took 4 minutes for someone to jump all over it.
**** you sir! :lol:

You got me good there, I'm too gullible for the internetz sometimes. :roll:
Bruce, you helped me out with my amp woes a while back. I welcome any and all comments from you. Always helpful, and the best part is, you KNOW you're getting a reliable answer.
I guess everyone appreciates you posting here, if at all it's reassuring to see you still involved and interested in the MTS gear.

Look at it this way, it's like getting drunk in a bar, pondering the meaning of life with your (just as plastered) buddies, then suddenly have God join in to help out on the complicated questions

(though on a somewhat smaller scale ofcourse)
Mr. Egnater, I was extremely stoked to see your reply in my thread on the ringing noise. Btw, I've concluded that it was the tremolo springs making the noise. All the other guitars I played my amp with have FR's on them. Thanks for the advice too.
Hi Mr.Egnater ,

The conversations always end after your posts because your words are the law and no words on it .

We all are very happy to be with you in the same forum .

Thanks for being here .
Please keep on writing .

Best wishes ,

Hakan :wink: