Just ordered a SYN-50. Decisions await.

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Active member
Apr 20, 2023
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So I bought a SYN-50 today. Should arrive next week. 😎

In the lead-up to it, I tested my SYN-1 thru a number of different power sections:

EL84 - Mesa/Boogie Mark V:25
EL34 - Fargen Olde 800
6L6 - Ampeg GVT-15H

In the end, I was surprised at how well the "neutral" character of the 6L6 suited all of the modules that I own without making them sound sterile at all. I always fancied myself an EL34 kind of guy, but the crispy, chirpy, "gank" of the Marshall power section overpowered the character of the modules. Surprisingly, I actually preferred the EL84s to the EL34s. They seemed to do a bit of a better job letting the character of the modules through but still seemed to compress and color the tone a more than the 6L6.

These observations may not be accurate as there lots of different examples of different power sections, but that's what I heard.

In terms of decisions... I was surprised how much better I liked the Synergy modules as I compared them to the different voices in the Mark V:25. Definitely in the honeymoon phase - I don't even have the SYN-50 yet and I don't want to make a hasty decision but man... I can't help but think of selling the Mk5:25, getting a IICP to scratch the Mesa itch and call it a day. Any thoughts?

As far as the Fargen goes... it's a buyer's market right now and I'm not in a rush, but there are those Metroplex/800 modules... I might miss some of that "gank" from the EL34s but... maybe not?

Anyone sold off their stable after picking up on the Synergy and later regret it?
I havent sold off all of my stable but the SYN-50 head covers 80% of everything I need- I recently got a great deal on a RM100KH and have been upgrading it. I will use EL34's in the RM100 and see how that goes. All subject to change of course ;) The KH-3 and IICP are very good at achieving the Mesa sound
However with all Mesa amps you must find the sweet spot. I still own a Mark V and a Splawn Quickrod - those amps have something special about them
I am happy overall with the SYN-50 for sure
I am not sure there is all that much difference in power tubes apart from their wattage/headroom potential. As far as hearing differences, Maybe some have Vai ears. Speaking of which he has been using Synergy for some time now. Differences come in the preamp design I think not so much the power section. Must be a reason Fryette used 6L6 for the SYN50 and not EL34 which I am sure he could have, or maybe it made no great difference.
I picked up one of these a couple of years ago to run two SYN-2s together in a rack (having 8 channels for gigs!). It's 6L6s on one channel, great for using the Fender modules, and EL34s on the other channel, for the Marshall modules, all you do is flip a switch. It's a heavy beast due to the fantastic transformers in it, but it sounds soooo good (I think I got mine off Reverb for a couple hundred bucks):
I am not sure there is all that much difference in power tubes apart from their wattage/headroom potential. As far as hearing differences, Maybe some have Vai ears. Speaking of which he has been using Synergy for some time now. Differences come in the preamp design I think not so much the power section. Must be a reason Fryette used 6L6 for the SYN50 and not EL34 which I am sure he could have, or maybe it made no great difference.
There is. In power tubes and in power amp topology. I just tested a whole bunch of different tubes in my RM100 and also compared RM100 power amp and Fireball 100 power amp with the exact same set of tubes. The Engl has a lower reaching low end, without having measured it, feels like the RM100 cuts off at 80hz vs. the Fireball reaching to 50 or 60 Hz (arbitrary numbers to better describe what it sounds like). Also the feel is a bit different. All with the same set of 6L6. Also it depends on the amp regarding how much difference power tubes (and sometimes also preamp tubes) make.
There is. In power tubes and in power amp topology. I just tested a whole bunch of different tubes in my RM100 and also compared RM100 power amp and Fireball 100 power amp with the exact same set of tubes. The Engl has a lower reaching low end, without having measured it, feels like the RM100 cuts off at 80hz vs. the Fireball reaching to 50 or 60 Hz (arbitrary numbers to better describe what it sounds like). Also the feel is a bit different. All with the same set of 6L6. Also it depends on the amp regarding how much difference power tubes (and sometimes also preamp tubes) make.View attachment 224
How do you not merely attribute that to the preamp design? A power amp amp really only magnifies what it sees. It is entirely possible different power tubes may breakup differently, but so much depends on the design and circuitry of the preamp which is pretty much the core idea of Synergy. Change the preamp get a different amp, you can even use some solid state power amps and get a decent result like the Seymour Duncan power stage. There's a lot of demo stuff out there changing the power tubes makes little to no difference, guys like Glen Fricker claim as much. Would be interesting to see a frequency analysis spectrum of different tubes in regard to the frequency range but again so much depends on the design of the preamp.
I have this pet theory in my head that perhaps a larger glass tube like the 6L6/5881 produces more low end and wattage potential (which requires more watts) than the more slender EL34 type, perhaps that is just a quasi perspective but I am thinking wattage potential as well. Larger tubes would seem to produce more low end and wattage potential but I could be totally wrong on that assumption. I remember the huge tubes my brother would show me of radio transmission technology, size seemed to matter accordingly.

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