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Killer Deals on New MTS Amps!!!

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The Rossness said:
Hell, maybe Kurt at Rondo music would be interested in his own line of amps. He already rips off all the major guitar brands, why not add an amp line to the Agile range?.

True, but don't forget that rondo has really pushed the 7 and 8 string game to some where really good. Just like I think the modders have with the MTS line.
I think some of you should looke at the MTS like I have. A bunch of great options. I wanted that and and it has delivered. I was never really out to emulate or replace amps. I just wanted lots of different tones that were easy to access but still be tube amps.
@Ibenhad: Seriously, why are you so condescending and critical. This "look at me I have lots of cool stuff" attitude you are projecting is not cool. Ripping on people, especially newer people to the scene is just plain petty.
You said,"seanh303 you are late to the party my friend and acting like you hit a crack pipe for the first time. Your posting is hilarious and I'm glad you dig the stuff but you are like a school girl who just had sex for the first time." That pisses me off!! No doubt you know a thing or two, but that doesn't give you license to act like a jerk. Having a strong opinion is one thing, but you crossed the line when you started insulting people. I've owned an RM100 since 05' and it has never failed once, other than tube related issues. That is fine with me. It's a great system and far from dead. This is a transitional period for MTS, since Randall is ending production and clearing out stock. I'm not jumping ship because the waters get a little rough. Maybe you logged on to the wrong forum. You are embarrassing yourself. Go play your Bogner and shut the **** up...Mr. Cool...I could give a **** what you have to say. And I have a feeling I'm not the only one.

@Sean303 and the other guys...Much love and respect. don't let some troll steal your enthusiasm. You know what you like and you have good reason. Mutual respect is the best way to share ideas.IMHO. Peace. :D
Eat another **** burger bro.... Not sounding critical and condescending IMHO as I wrote. What did I say that got your panties in a bind? I have spent more on this **** than most ever will and it pisses me off that it's dead and again IMHO unreliable. That bothers you???? WTF... Yeah I have some nice **** so what!!!! I want to bring clients to my studio and guess what a Randall amp doesn't do that, again IMHO. But people will come to your studio if you have a Bogner, Marshall, Soldano, Fender and the like that they can play through (REALITY). Now go tell your mom I hurt your feelings and get pissed off at someone else. I think people here get all bent when someone dumps on their parade. Fanboys will be fanboys and guess what this amp will be dead and gone from the market within 5 years. Peace out..

Also why don't you read what seanh303 posted to me you douche wad? He ripped on my classified post and had to remove it? By the way did you know he has offered to buy all my Randall **** 3 times and I won't sell it to him? No obviously you did not you just chose to dump on me cuz you can.... Piss off... How you like me now....
rhequiem said:
ibenhad said:
I want to bring clients to my studio and guess what a Randall amp doesn't do that, again IMHO.

Seems to work out ok for Michael Wagener... Just sayin'.

I was thinking the same thing!
Mike P's clips always sound amazing too. I certainly wouldn't be afraid to recommend Mattfig for studio work either.
Maybe Ibenhad can share some links to his studio work?
Does Wagener sell gear on Ebay? Because there is a JF OD special on there being sold by someone with a Wagener handle..

Anyway, group hug. Everyone is allowed to have an opinion. MTS won't make me sell my JCM800. It is sweet for what it is though. If it sits in a studio and you have no problems with it, then you got a reliable one... if you have problems with it, it can be a nightmare. My mazdaspeed burns oil... yeah i think i got a lemon and hence it is a nightmare. I shouldn't slag mazda though should i? Or should I! lol let's see if they honour their warranties. Unfortunately in the case of Randall, they'll be long gone so you fellas who don't solder might have a surprise on your hands. The very least they could do is make their schematics publicly accessible so people can bring them in to techs.
Kapo_Polenton said:
Does Wagener sell gear on Ebay? Because there is a JF OD special on there being sold by someone with a Wagener handle..

Nope, that's a guy from the board. Must just be going for a broader market.
Yes, I'm kind of on the fence to getting rid of this, so for now I'm trying to appeal strictly to the "I-know-it's-over-priced-but-I-don't-really-care-I-want-one-now" eBay market :lol: . . .
HughJasol said:
Yes, I'm kind of on the fence to getting rid of this, so for now I'm trying to appeal strictly to the "I-know-it's-over-priced-but-I-don't-really-care-I-want-one-now" eBay market :lol: . . .

Man I thought the RT/250 was a safe route and now I found your post on Rig Talk looks to me like it's the power section of the Randall stuff across the board is flawed. http://www.rig-talk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=26&t=110226

Guess the only way to go MTS reliably is using an RM4. Damn this kinda sucks. What exactly happened to your power tube board? The common arcing issues?
More talk on RT about Eggy stuff in general? I wish I was more aware of all this before I spent $$$ on the line...

Posted by MarcoR
I hope that will be the case but what makes me nervous is that Bruce has expressed the fact that there is not much demand for the modular line and given that there have been MOD50s in the classifieds (including his) that have not had much interest even at great prices, I worry that re-releasing the modular line won't be a high priority.

If the line is re-released I seriously hope it doesn't suffer the same quality issues plagued by the TM, Rebel, Renegade, etc have.

Full link of posts - http://www.rig-talk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=26&t=107241
ibenhad said:
Also why don't you read what seanh303 posted to me ? He ripped on my classified post and had to remove it? By the way did you know he has offered to buy all my Randall s*&t 3 times and I won't sell it to him?
All true...I poo-poo'd on your classified add, rescinded and apologized. I also am the only one here that made a reasonable offer to you to get you out of your gear which you hate so much, offering to pay you enough to let you break even on what you're into it for, but still not good enough. You won't sell to me why? You are so much better than me I'm not even worthy of giving you good money for bad gear? You say no harm done, but bring it back up, so I guess apology not accepted. I guarantee you wouldn't call me a school girl to my face. Shouldn't have dumped on your add, but the internet tough guy thing works both ways man. We pissed in eachother's cheerios, which means we'd probably make good friends. I have said I respect your knowledge and experience, if not your tact. Maybe you should say "Make reasonable offers, if I like you..." Sure, I rubbed you wrong by lowballing you, but without ever posting an asking price for anything, what do you expect? I sent you a couple PM's with a very reasonable starting point for negotiating "I'll give you what you have in it" which you ignored completely, then come here 2 weeks later acting like a jerk. Sorry you wasted all your money on MTS gear that sucks so much...guess you been had.
ibenhad said:
What exactly happened to your power tube board? The common arcing issues?
To be honest I have no idea what happened. The buyer identified that there was a problem, and the buyer's tech (who also happens to be a Rig-Talk member) is the one who diagnosed the problem and sent me a gutshot picture of the area in question. He told me that there had been arcing at some point in the past, and that whoever it happened to would have known it because there would have been smoke. Of course I'm fully aware that whoever smoked it may not necessarily be the one who tried to repair it; and that whoever tried to repair it may not necessarily be the last person who resold it knowing it was defective (that person would have been the last one who attempted to bias the tubes).

BTW - I didn't know there was a "common arcing issue" . . . :?
Kapo_Polenton said:
My mazdaspeed burns oil...
Is it newish? Have you had anything checked on it yet? If it's under warranty, it should be covered, but this also shouldn't happen. Have you checked around the engine for buildup where oil may be leaking from a seal, or under the engine or drips on your driveway to see if it's leaking externally? Otherwise, if it's losing it internally, that's usually worse but also possible to get an idea of why with a few tests/checks.

Kapo_Polenton said:
The very least they could do is make their schematics publicly accessible so people can bring them in to techs.
Totally agree! This would have alleviated 90% of the complaints about reliability, as the common problems could be readily solved in the field and the lower-quality components could be easily replaced with better ones to further ruggedize the design.
JD said:
rhequiem said:
ibenhad said:
I want to bring clients to my studio and guess what a Randall amp doesn't do that, again IMHO.

Seems to work out ok for Michael Wagener... Just sayin'.

I was thinking the same thing!
Mike P's clips always sound amazing too. I certainly wouldn't be afraid to recommend Mattfig for studio work either.
Maybe Ibenhad can share some links to his studio work?
Mike P uses an RM100 with various modded modules, if I'm not mistaken. He gets really great tones with a very simple and straightforward signal chain.
This thread took a left turn at Albuquerque.

Yes, thread derailed. Will update links later on, as some items on title page are no longer available. Anyone have updated info on remaining stock? I'm trying to figure out what's up with the Scott Ian cabinets. Was told by Randall that 5 were left in the warehouse, but am getting "none left" from dealers. 1 guy said he was told only one was made ever for the NAMM show right? I'd like to get one of those cabs.

I'd also like a Kirk Hammet cab with the G12-H100's, but can't seem to find ANYONE who has experience with those speakers! Posted a different thread asking about them if you've tried 'em.

iekobrid said:
Inspired by MusicLandCentral letting a rare silver RM100KH go for $747, I sent Miss. Delta Music an offer of $750 for a standard black 100KH and they countered with $925.
$925 is still killer for that black head man. That's what I paid. I was looking for the modules a couple days before, but getting them with the head was a better value and I'm glad I waited. Someone got one for $850? Smokin deal, but a difference of $25/module basically. $925 is still awesome. Are you contemplating getting one still? Seems there are quite a few left out there.
There's an mts KH head and cab at a local music shop near me, it's been on the floor for at least a year. No affiliation, just passing along info, it's called Naked Dave's in Tempe AZ
google it up if interested
seanh303 said:
Kapo_Polenton said:
My mazdaspeed burns oil...
Is it newish? Have you had anything checked on it yet? If it's under warranty, it should be covered, but this also shouldn't happen. Have you checked around the engine for buildup where oil may be leaking from a seal, or under the engine or drips on your driveway to see if it's leaking externally? Otherwise, if it's losing it internally, that's usually worse but also possible to get an idea of why with a few tests/checks.

Kapo_Polenton said:
The very least they could do is make their schematics publicly accessible so people can bring them in to techs.
Totally agree! This would have alleviated 90% of the complaints about reliability, as the common problems could be readily solved in the field and the lower-quality components could be easily replaced with better ones to further ruggedize the design.

I think 90% of the complaints out there about reliability are because of all of ibenhad's posts in this thread. ;)

Although, he does state
ibenhad said:
I do have one that is (knock on wood) so far 100% reliable (red viper snakeskin) my other 2 have not really been put through their paces again since I went through them and checked pretty much everything.
so it seems he has 3 Randall at home that haven't broken down on him yet.

Bold prediction there too, that this line will be dead and buried within 5 years. Especially given this thread is about the deals being found since Randall are stopping the line :lol: :lol:

wow, this thread has really provided some food for thought. Some folks talking about getting out of MTS gear now that Randall aren't making it anymore. Maybe I should look to sell myself. Don't want to own a piece of gear that isn't being made anymore. Might have to sell my old Jacksons & Charvels too - none of them are models currently made by J/C. Actually, none of my guitars are. Might have to go buy a Schecter or an LTD and hope they don't stop making that model. Or a Strat or LP - they're the only "real" guitars anyway. Don't need these soulless flash in the pan 80s Charvels....

Of course, if any of this stuff breaks, it's all out of warranty anyway so I won't be going back to the OEM. There's always a local tech to take care of that.
Scored another great deal on a RM100 2x12... 500.00 shipped-My second one at that price. I e-mailed FunkyMunky and asked if they could make me a similar deal and they responded in the affirmitive. Saved around 80.00 bucks. If you're still shopping around, shoot these guys an e-mail...
I have purchased 2 combos and a 4x12 stacked with vintage 30s for a total of 1400.00. That's pretty sweet.

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