Hey no worries m0jo, someone here (maybe me!) will part with one of these at a super fair price once the dust settles brother. There will probably be a "backup" still sitting in nice unopened factory packaging a month or two from now whenever you're ready to pick one up. Although the only RM100C 2x12 combos left seem to be used ones now. Those FINALLY cleared out. Seems to be quite a few RM100's, RM100KH's, RM50's, and RM50 1x12 combos left though. Are you looking for a Kirk Hammet also? See, I guess I need to buy another one to sit on it for you for a few months while you come up with the scratch, before someone else gets it 
Yeah that's the one. I noticed someone bid on it this time, so I hope it works out for him. The seller has a lot of feedback so I'm hoping it's legit.iekobrid said:I've seen one with an opening of $800 and a BIN price of $1200 come and go a few times. Marked as new but doesn't appear to be a 'real' store, just a listing posted from a mobile phone with a stock photo, so I went elsewhere.
Dude killer for sure. I saw one of these KH100's on TGP forever in really good used shape selling for $850 and noone seemed to want to buy it! That was a great deal then and it still is now. Wow, Kirk Hammet or Scott Ian...now THERE is a boggler even Einstein can't wrap his head around...ncsouthpaw said:I got my KH head like 2 months ago for $850 shipped. I think it's a solid price. If I had a bit more cash to spend I'd probably grab a 2nd one for donor modules and to have a backup. Or even better get one of the Scott Ian heads.
EDIT: I should mention my head didn't have the footswitch. I picked one up for ~$75.
Haha dude you're so busted man! Her favorite shoes go 50% off and there's no questions asked (better not be!) Jay: "Honey, do you need 5 pairs of....nevermind, love you baby"....but good luck convincing her why you NEED 2 amps! Jay: "Honey, you get 2 for the price of one!" Wife: "Then buy 1 for the price of half!" Jay: "But one might break down..." Wife: "Then why are you buying it???" ....... =Losing battle :lol:Jaymzrock said:Holly effin GAS February!!! Soooooooo add a RM50 Palamino to my signature. I haven't even received my RM100 yet (14th) and I decided to get the 50 as a backup. These prices are so ridiculous! My wife is kinda pissed off at me right now but you NEVER gig without a backup, right?!
If we can reminisce back to the days of Jerry Garcia, er...I mean 2 weeks ago, $1,999.99 was the cheapest one could be bought for. Buy them at $950 'til my bank account looks like a raisin! In fact, I guess I had better get another one to sit on for m0jo straight away...JeffHenneman said:I tried to resist, but you cant go wrong with a rm100kh for $950.00. I know some of you got them a little cheaper but I still think this s a great price. Now, what should I get these modded to?