Looking for a high gain

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Well-known member
Mar 29, 2009
Reaction score
Minneapolis, MN
I'm in the market for a new module and I want this one to be high gain (like more high gain than the SL+ or 1086). I'll try and describe what I'm looking for:

Bands I like:
Muse (particularly like "Stockholm Syndrome")
Breaking Benjamin
30 Seconds to Mars (on "url=http://url]URL text[/url]]Oblivion[/url]")

Amps I like:
Bogner Uberschall (probably my favorite)
Ultra channel of H&K Switchblade
Marshall DSL100 (I probably want something a little different, but I do love this tone)

Amps I don't like:
Mesa (I say that, but a lot of people have gotten good tone from them, I just haven't)

I'm not looking for anything remotely hair-metal or 80s at all. Modern hi-gain like the Ultra channel of the H&K Switchblade. I thought I wanted the Ultra XL, but I'm a little scared to make the leap. I'm not a Metallica fan and don't really care for their sound so the KH3 doesn't sound like a good option. I'd like something stock, since money is an issue.

Any thoughts?
You're intuition is right. Avoid the 1086 and KH3.
I'd sa you definately need to start looking at custom mods.
Something new getting alot of good reviews is the new Egnater SL2. Also you might lke an EG5.

If you like the Bogners you may want to look into the XTC mods by Jaded Faith( i have one it rocks), Gigmods, Salvation, and I heard a Jeff Hilligan one that was also killer.
Custom mods tend to get on the expensive side don't they? I was hoping to buy one stock and possibly mod it in the future. The XTC in itself has never impressed me, particularly on the gain (it seems low). What about the Ultra XL?
I'd recommend checking out the Modern, I love it. I will say, I'd also advise changing the C3 with the smaller value to control bass. But an excellent module IMO none the less.
The Ultra XL is very close to the 5150, but a little warmer sounding due to transformer and tube bias settings on the MTS. A 5150 can be heard on Megadeth's "Gears of War" -- I know this because Andy Sneap reamps everything to the 5150.
The Ultra XL would not have what I would consider a Mesa character, and actually has some very useful mids. I don't think it really has a Marshall vibe either. It's got it's own sound - definitely high gain, but it doesn't get really mushy unless YOU make it that way. Watch the low end, and play around with the mids - keep the gain below 2:00, and it should make you pretty happy.