Synergy TDLX compared to old Randall Blackface

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Well-known member
Aug 1, 2006
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Hello, all:
Besides the dual channel difference and the lack of the B deluxe channel in the Randall, if you have played both modules back to back, could you please let me know how different are the clean tones between them?
Bumping this since I’m wondering the same.
I ended up buying a TDLX so I had the chance to compare them. I am posting in the event someone else had the same question.

First, the TDLX module is very particular in what types of tubes you put in it. The stock EH7025s sounded bland. I tried a pair of Chinese ruby's and it distorted too quickly. I later switched one of them out and added a Tung-Sol and that sounded much better. The A channel lacks treble so the Tung-Sol helped in that department.

IMO, the TDLX is a more finicky module, specially on Channel A, compared to the Randall Blackface. It took me some time to dial it in. You really have to keep the gain knob below 1 o'clock to make them sound comparable. Once you do that, it sounds really good. The mids in both modules sit at slightly different spots, but they are pretty close. With some tweaking, I can get them sounding similar enough; however, the Randall module can be made to sound more glassy because the treble knob has a lot more range. It also has more clean headroom and is easier to dial in.

On the other hand, the B channel in the TDLX is the polar opposite. It has a lot of volume (compared to the first channel) even when the gain knob is set low. It has a great response and feel when you play it. I also does that fender combo about to blow up thing when you dial the gain high, which is kinda cool and a unique sound.
This is good to know! I have the Blackface and it's one of my favorites!

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