Metallica fans out there?

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Dirtdog said:
Death Magnetic is one of the best Metallica records in a long time. It seems like all the guys wanted to get back to their roots and play some straight in your face metal. St Anger was a big disappointment to me IMO they were all over the wrong place on that record. Hopefully they will return to the top of the metal heap on the next record.
i hope we actually see another Metallica album. i think we can expect b/t 2-3 more albums to come, but only time will tell. but it isn't going to be like Kill 'em all; they are getting old after all. i saw a video of Kirk try to play Dyers Eve live, and he made a great attempt, but nothing like when they recorded it.

no matter where Metallica goes in the fututre, we still have what they already did; their golden years b/t Kill 'em all and ...and justice for all. i don't think they can outdo what they already did, but we'll see.