My Band's New Music Video!!! MTS'd UP!!!

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Well-known member
Feb 2, 2012
Reaction score
Pensacola, FL
What's up everyone!!! On behalf of the rest of the band, Paracosm is super proud to show you guys our first music video for Dreamcatcher!
The song was recorded, mixed, and mastered at the Creation Staion (my home, hahaha) and all the guitars were done on my Foglifted RM100. The modules on the track are the Vybe Deluxe on the cleans and the SL-OD100 for all the dirty guitars. I hope you guys like it, we put a lot of work into it.

(Yeah the amp was off, I forgot the damn speaker cable and didn't want to blow it up. The weather stripping was to dampen the cymbals to keep the cops at bay, cause the site we shot at was posted by Escambia County Sherriff's Departmant. They still showed up...but were super cool and let us wrap up the shoot.)
Sounds great man, especially for a home recording - good job! Also glad my old SLOD100 is getting some mic time!
sounded good and I liked the video BUT my only complaint/suggestion/feedback might be to bring the voice down in the mix and bring the guitar up so we could hear it a bit more. I kind of felt the guitar was lost and the bass over powered it.
Thanks man, I'm actually making a few edits before we release the mp3 so I'll take those on board. Rock and roll, I'm glad you guys enjoy it.
That's a lot of fun - enjoyed the interplay with the bass a lot. And that's a pretty Gtr too!

Tones are solid man.
Creative video and solid tune. Guitar tones and mix were clear. My only critical thought is it would be more effective as a 3:30 length than an epic 7 minute adventure. Perhaps an edited down version is already in the works...