New Jaded Faith Modules!

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Well-known member
Jun 22, 2010
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Hurtling through space on a wet rock.
OK, so I got 3 of my 4 new JF mods today and am extremely happy with all of them...I'll go in no particular order:

Stein - Whoa...All kinds of heavy...The mid sweep makes it very versatile...It's dead on Krankenstein tone too...Very brutal but still articulate...Edited to add: Rob gave me a few suggestions on the mid sweep and mid pot combos and she's taken on a new life!!! Possibly my fave now!

RVerb- AWESOME...Again, dead on tone...It's so British it actually made me afternoon tea and crumpets...It's unique, can get great crunch to all out assault...I really like this one too...

Mark X- Amazing...My fave of them all...It is everything I like in the Mark V and more...Just a great tone...You can't dial it in badly...Everything sounds good thru it...

The plates made by Sacred Groove are also awesome as all his work is...

Thanks to Rob for making these killer modules and pricing them so fairly...Turnaround time was nothing...I'll be back for more, trust me...
Mattfig said:
Stein - Whoa...All kinds of heavy...The mid sweep makes it very versatile...It's dead on Krankenstein tone too...Very brutal but still articulate...Edited to add: Rob gave me a few suggestions on the mid sweep and mid pot combos and she's taken on a new life!!! Possibly my fave now!
Having second thoughts on selling it then? :lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol: Yep, had that Stein for sale for about 15 minutes....Got an email from Rob with some settings I hadn't tried and it just jumped to life...

Clips won't be far behind nor will pics...Until then, I'm fine with them being a Gorilla...:)

I will say this, Rob's clips don't even begin to show how cool these mods sound...That isn't a shot at his clips, I'm just saying I have them dialed in nicely now for me, and they're much more powerful than the clips...I like raw power and these have it...

Man, I'm glad no one snagged the Stein in my moment of confusion...That would have sucked, I'd have to order another... :lol: :lol: :lol: Wouldn't be the first time...I'm on my second Sacred Groove XTC and third Gigmods 1087...
I was going to say if it sold without you playing with it for a day to tweak with it - you'd be kicking yourself especially with the mid sweep option.
Here they are: Pretty ladies all in a row...


And the current Rack of Delight...




Are those all your settings? You almost just dime everything! haha I'm going to steal your tricks :twisted:
I do use those settings sometimes...Currently I'm working on recording a really heavy track...And don't forget I use a MIDI EQ which I can also use to dial back the signal a tad...Adds a cool effect....I also roll off volume on my guitars sometimes too....
It is always cool to see that beast. It certainly makes my 8 space rack seem rather meager. At least the 8 spaces are close to filled. Only has 2 empty spaces now. Seems just the right size for another RM4... coincidence. :lol:

By the way it will be cool to see the new vid when/if it gets done.
Another happy customer! Glad to hear they live up to your expectations, I know there is some tough competition for play time in that rack of yours.

I would love to hear some clips and video from you. It's great to hear how they get used in the real world. My clips were just real quick samples before they went out the door, but I am sure you could do much better with some actual effort. :lol:
I am really interested in the Krank module..I currently have a K-stein plus head and I really like it alot....I just bought a new Ultra module,so i have a donor standing buy....Im new to the MTS amps and I like what I have alot so far,it is the only amp Ive owned,and Ive owned alot of them,that comes close to the fullness/articulation of the Krank,kso Im really intersted in the module,if it is even close Ill sell the head,but it would have to be.....