New RM20 owner, el84m?

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Mar 12, 2011
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Hey everyone! I recently purchased an RM20crp on ebay and the thing is AWESOME! The modular aspect is gonna be a ton of fun to mess with, and I'm already planning on having a JTM modded by Jaded Faith into a Plexi-Tweed. I'm definitely looking forward to playing more with this amp!

Anyway, I found a guide to help me bias (WAY easy! Why don't more amps have this?) and I saw that the range for el84s is 15-20mV. I currently have mine set to about 17mV, a nice compromise I think. But, I have a set of el84m tubes that I bought a few years back and was thinking about giving them a go. Have any of you tried them? Also, is the bias range the same?

I appreciate the help, everyone. It's nice to be here :)
I asked Randall and they were super quick to reply. I'm not used to getting support that fast :lol:

Anyway if any of you are interested, they said it was okay to use them. They didn't give me a range for bias, but recommended 20mV I'll leave my JJ el84s in there for now, but it's great to know my el84ms will work as backup!