New Track Featuring Salvation Mods Spawn! 80's Goodness!

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Whatever man, I made an observation, and instead of you wanting to discuss it, you're response was close to.. "I did what I did, and that's what I did, because I'm the only one that knows what to do"

..and I really did overreact, and that's why I deleted those msg's. Your opinion of yourself is pretty plain to see though. Anyways, Have a Great Day!!!
Mike P said:
If your comments had been more along the lines of "Yeah, that sounds great and I see that there is room to decrease the top end, which would work better for me", I don't think that either Jace or I would have an issue with them.

I think that's pretty close to EXACTLY what I said.

suphuckers said:
Hopefully you know... as ALWAYS, I'm trying to be constructive and helpful.

I liked the clip Mike, but I think the spawn is a bit hairy. I was surprised how well it sounded in Matt's clip, but I think in yours... it's back to my original opinion of this tone. I think you had the gain turned up a little higher than the guy did in Matt's clip (which could be contributing to the difference)

Just my two cents which half of the time probably just pisses people off

I'm not sure how what you said I should have said (that made me dizzy) differs really all that much from what I actually DID say.

Anyways... Who really cares? Next time I'll know better.
trimix said:
Lighten up Francis.

I'd like to trimix, (If you're referring to me, which I assume you are) but the truth is this... I came here to talk about tone, and learn about some Modules and etc. What I found is... not worth going into. It's very frustrating when people tell you that it would be best, and you could avoid problems, if you do what you already did...

...and I'm not mad AT ALL which is sometimes hard to know for sure when reading txt but...

I personally really like most of Anthony's Modules. I'm certainly not out to trash this Spawn out of any malice towards Anthony or Salvation Mods. In Anthony's defense, as far as this Module goes.. I probably don't like the real amp either. Matt surprised me with that video he posted, but he had the Module set much differently and was playing a much different type of song. Mike's clip went right back to what I didn't like about this tone the 1st time I heard it. Maybe there are some good tones to be had from this Module, but there seems to be some problem with that Presence/Gain combination. Maybe it's just me... maybe nobody else cares or hears it.

It's incredibly amazing to me that I don't seem to be allowed to make a comment about the tone and character of a module on this forum. I don't care if santa clause made that clip... I really don't. I just want to talk about the hair I keep hearing when I listen to it.

Instead it seems I was interrupting the Mike Plas show... I had no idea. Please excuse me... I thought maybe we were going to seriously discuss some tone at some point.

...again NOT MAD/ANGRY. Just sayin' Geez.

I did get mad once around here, and you guys should easily be able to tell the difference.
On a different note... Mike, what do you use to make your drum tracks? I'm assuming they are software derived.

Nice clip btw, as usual!
Corium_AZ said:
On a different note... Mike, what do you use to make your drum tracks? I'm assuming they are software derived.

Nice clip btw, as usual!


I use Superior 2.4 and have every EZX, SDX and MIDI groove offering. For this track, I used Metal!, which I think is awesome. It's great for rock, Classic Rock and Metal. I literally have to force myself not to use it for every track. :D

I use a generous helping of HPF and Transient Designer in Superior, then supplement that with Waves SSL channel strips and transient designers. I'm pretty crazy about drums because without a great sounding drum track, I've found that I'm limited with guitar and bass tones.

Thanks again! :D
suphuckers said:
trimix said:
Lighten up Francis.

I'd like to trimix, (If you're referring to me, which I assume you are) but the truth is this... I came here to talk about tone, and learn about some Modules and etc. What I found is... not worth going into. It's very frustrating when people tell you that it would be best, and you could avoid problems, if you do what you already did...

...and I'm not mad AT ALL which is sometimes hard to know for sure when reading txt but...

I personally really like most of Anthony's Modules. I'm certainly not out to trash this Spawn out of any malice towards Anthony or Salvation Mods. In Anthony's defense, as far as this Module goes.. I probably don't like the real amp either. Matt surprised me with that video he posted, but he had the Module set much differently and was playing a much different type of song. Mike's clip went right back to what I didn't like about this tone the 1st time I heard it. Maybe there are some good tones to be had from this Module, but there seems to be some problem with that Presence/Gain combination. Maybe it's just me... maybe nobody else cares or hears it.

It's incredibly amazing to me that I don't seem to be allowed to make a comment about the tone and character of a module on this forum. I don't care if santa clause made that clip... I really don't. I just want to talk about the hair I keep hearing when I listen to it.

Instead it seems I was interrupting the Mike Plas show... I had no idea. Please excuse me... I thought maybe we were going to seriously discuss some tone at some point.

...again NOT MAD/ANGRY. Just sayin' Geez.

I did get mad once around here, and you guys should easily be able to tell the difference.

Would you like some cheese to go with that whine? Good God, my 6 year old girl shows more maturity than you. I feel embarrassed for you just reading your posts.
Mike P said:
Corium_AZ said:
On a different note... Mike, what do you use to make your drum tracks? I'm assuming they are software derived.

Nice clip btw, as usual!


I use Superior 2.4 and have every EZX, SDX and MIDI groove offering. For this track, I used Metal!, which I think is awesome. It's great for rock, Classic Rock and Metal. I literally have to force myself not to use it for every track. :D

I use a generous helping of HPF and Transient Designer in Superior, then supplement that with Waves SSL channel strips and transient designers. I'm pretty crazy about drums because without a great sounding drum track, I've found that I'm limited with guitar and bass tones.

Thanks again! :D

Damn, that sounds like alot to keep track of/learn to use, lol. Is it relatively easy to figure out? And, will the MIDI feature allow for having the various drum hits 'patched out' to other plug ins, to trigger other sounds, samples and such? I'm not looking so much to provide drum tracks per-se (I have a drummer who takes instructions well and can play to a click, lol), but to use it as a platform to trigger other things - synths, samples, FX, etc in something like Ableton Live or Reason.

Any direction is appreciated - just point me the right way & I can usually figure the rest out as I go!

My Kid uses Superior Bruce. He plays some pretty heavy stuff. I've only heard a few tracks with it, (from him) but it sounds pretty amazing. He gave it to me, but I haven't messed with it yet. I've been out of this stuff for a while, so I haven't recorded any drums or anything in a while. Anyways, when I heard Mike's tracks I was wondering if that's what it was. It seems that's def the way to go.
Mike P, this clip screams of hot-rodded marshally mid goodness. To my ears it's beautifully crunchy and a little something to chew on. Instead of sleeping i want to crank up the dial and wreak havoc.

Love how you spell everything out. Guitars, tubes, dials, signal chain.

If you wake up the next day with rested ears and it still sounds perfect, then it is. Would completely agree.
Mike, very cool recording. I was wondering is there is any way you could re-amp this using The Bully (or whatever your version is called)? I would be interested in hearing the difference. Whether you can or can't, I dig what you have going on there.
Killer riff here, and it sounds quite bad ass Mike! Thanks for giving a professional sounding demo as always.
Suphucker, not sure why you are getting over excited about this thread.. at the end of the day, the producer is the one that decides what he wants to hear in the finished product. Take that newest Whitesnake album, I can't stand the guitar tone. It sounds compressed and fizzy. I wondered what the hell happened there. Yet, it got released. In this case, there are a bunch of us who like the tone Mike got in this clip. I think it is raw and crunchy and cuts in the mix. You liked Matt's approach more where I think he tends to shave highs off too much for my liking in a lot of vids. It's all good.. you said you heard something in there and offered a suggestion, Mike says he dialed it in that way. No harm no foul, just different ears.

To be honest, I think Fig should get some room treatment for his space. I've said it before but bass traps and wall paneling in my space made a HUGE diff and here Mike is saying it too. I always complained about not having enough treble/presence in modules until I treated my space and realized how much bass was being trapped. I hear a woofiness in a lot of people's room demos and more than a module or guitar, acoustic treatment will make the biggest diff in smaller rooms. Decoupling cabs as well!
Yeah kapo, that's all great discussion points, and that's more really what I was looking for when I originally posted. People seem stuck on this idea that I want mike to change his mix. That's sort of the point behind why I get so aggravated. This is a thread under the topic of "modules". Not the mikep section. It's a thread demoing a module that appears to have somewhat over the top high end fizz when you set it a certain way. In my opinion. I'll stress since I'm on my phone and don't want to figure out how to make that bold... It's just my opinion BUT it seemed like mike noticed it too from his original thread. That's what I wanted to discuss. THE MODULE. Can the module be adjusted better? I don't know. Is it limited to this tone blew bleh bleh. I'm about to give up honestly. I appreciate your returns, but it seems to be a waste of time to actually try to examine tone around here

Again this was types from my phone so it could quite possibly be a mess and contain errors.
Kapo_Polenton said:
To be honest, I think Fig should get some room treatment for his space. I've said it before but bass traps and wall paneling in my space made a HUGE diff and here Mike is saying it too. I always complained about not having enough treble/presence in modules until I treated my space and realized how much bass was being trapped. I hear a woofiness in a lot of people's room demos and more than a module or guitar, acoustic treatment will make the biggest diff in smaller rooms. Decoupling cabs as well!

FWIW, my room is treated and has bass traps in all corners...Plus, my recording used the darned torpedo so not a factor...

Just to keep it straight.... :)
Perhaps part of the problem is poor written communication skills?

The inability to properly convey one's thoughts in a clear and concise manner coupled with failure to properly review what is written prior to submitting for any ambiguity or unintended undertones is the bane of internet chat rooms. Your constant backpedaling and repeated confrontational interactions here when the general community has no such issues as a whole point toward a need for a little self reflection IMHO. It may save you a lot of undue frustrations.
Rob, I don't know what back peddling you're talking about. Sometime I try to clarify, but other than the couple of posts i deleted, I haven't changed my point since the beginning. Maybe it's not my inability to convey my point as much as other people have all these stupid agendas. Go back and reread what I wrote.

Edit: ...and I only deleted them because as I said they were a bit if an over reaction. I just don't see the point if this thread or this forum if all it's here for is to stroke someone like mikep when he posts a clip. Personally I'd like to get a little deeper into the tones produced by that module. To me that's worth a discussion. This other bs is pointless
...and when I come across someone like mike that's gods gift to music I have no issue whatsoever knocking him down a peg.

It would have been nice/better, since he and his friends would love to tell me what words should come out of my mouth.... Maybe it would have been nice/better if he had responded with... Yeah I had a bit of trouble with that, and this was the best balance I could find...

Not, yeah shut up ******* I know what I'm doing. I mean, those weren't his words but it's certainly his attitude

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