NMD: Randall MTS Plexi (stock black faceplate version)

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Well-known member
Dec 9, 2007
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As with a fair few of the original stock Randall MTS modules, I wasn’t expecting a lot from the Plexi. I’m using the Plexi module with a Synergy SYN-1 unit both into a Fender HRD and direct XLR into my interface.

Don’t get me wrong, there are a few stock modules I like, mainly the Blackface, SL+, XTC, and Ultra XL. Which ironically were my original 4 stock modules, back when I bought my first RM100 in 2008.

This Plexi is a later black faceplated version. I know the SL+ was tonally different between its silverface and blackface models. However I think it was the only one, and this version of the Plexi does not sound different to any silverface model I’ve owned before.

Tonally it’s decent, the EQ works nicely. The gain knob can go from Plexi-clean to pushed Plexi and even low input 800 levels of gain when dimed. It cleans up well with my guitars volume knob. I like it slightly better with my Fender Strat, than my Dean Explorer or Schecter 7 string. I do really want to grab another Epiphone Les Paul Custom to add to the mix at some point!

One thing I really appreciate about Plexi modules is the ability to get that pushed Plexi tone from a low watt setup. Is it 100% like having a Marshall 1959 dimed in my home studio? Honestly, how the hell would I know? To me it’s cool to have the ability in such a small setup. Turning my Fender HRD into a Plexi at the push of a footswitch is just plain awesome, thanks to the SYN-1.

I dime all the knobs and think it sounds best that way! But even with the bright switch on, it’s definitely lacking some real kick. So I’ve been boosting it with various pedals for fun!

MXR ZW-44: This is one of my favourite OD pedals. It gives just a slight kick to the tone without colouring it at all, much like a Boss SD-1. It’s great for recording with, and that’s mainly what I use it for. With the Plexi it gives it a nice kick into more 800 territory, but still not quite where I want it to be.

Fortin 33: The coveted discontinued Meshuggah OD pedal that’s currently going for insane prices on the used market! It’s a very cool clean boost that cancan add +22db to you signal! It works well with the Plexi, but is better suited for a higher gain amp as it cuts a tone of lows and mids when engaged.

BBE Green Screamer: This pedals is basically a cheaper TS9. It gives a really gainy punch to the front end of your amp, and adds a slight mid hump tonally. For the Plexi module, it pushes the stock module right into a modded Marshall Monster!

Safe to say I think the BBE works best with this particular module. OD boosts respond differently to every rig, and it’s the same with each of the modular preamps.

I’m looking to get my hands on a Synergy Plexi or Metroplex fairly soon. I’m sure they will likely leave this stock module in their dust, I’ve even considered getting the MTS Plexi modded until then, but for now the BBE out front has me right where I want to be!
I love my stock Plexi module. It's been my bread and butter tone for quite a while, great boosted as you mentioned.

I run a G&L ASAT special with an MXR 10-band (for EQ'ing out some of the harshness of the guitar and boost) and that's basically it.
Randall got that stock Plexi right - even owning mods, the stock Plexi is still my favorite go to module.
i wish the plexi had a switch for two tones- like you could set the rhythm at 9-10 and move the lead or crunch to about 3-5 and use a switch to toggle the tones
I got the Egnater SL and I under stand this is not the same as the Randall one?

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