Overdrive pedals

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Well-known member
May 14, 2010
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Newbury Park, CA
I received a the classic BOSS SD-1 overdrive pedal for Christmas this year. I've used overdrive pedals with my clean channels a bit. Although not very often. I've always tried to get my tones out of the amp. As I've sold off my previous clean modules and am waiting for my new ones to arrive, all I had at this time was my JF XTC and SG MK22. So I hooked up the SD-1 and set it for minimal gain and just a slight level boost figuring I'd try it as a boost for leads. WOW! :shock: I was amazed how much thicker everything got! All day long sustain too. However, this particular pedal has a dominant high-mid frequency that can't be dialed out and it bugs me. Fine for leads, but now I want to just keep it on for rhythm playing!
What pedals are you guys using to thicken up your gain channels?
The MXR Zakk Wylde overdrive is always a popular choice. I also use the CMAT Mods Signa Drive, but I primarily use it to drive my clean tone
If you are into metal there can be only one . Maxon 0D808 on the Salem Witch setting. I just turn up my bass a little to compensate for slight loss. My other top pick is the Tube Screamer.

I'm using CMATMODS Super Signa Drive. it has an OD & a separate boost.

I also have an MI Audio Blues Pro on my board.

The Bad Monkey is a great cheap option too. Having independent treble & bass controls are a boon for a TS-type pedal.
As a sidenote: I love my Salvation Graphic OR. Set up clean it is a real dream for all Fuzz pedals and takes it better than all my other clean modules.
if you send your sd-1 and have it modded by robert keeley the pedal wll have a switch to notch out the mids you are talking about. I use a keeley modded ts9 and fulltone ocd.
Emmure101 said:
if you send your sd-1 and have it modded by robert keeley the pedal wll have a switch to notch out the mids you are talking about. I use a keeley modded ts9 and fulltone ocd.
Thanks for that! I might give that a try.

Thanks for all of the input everybody. I've been reading up on the history of the Tube Screamer and watching a bunch of comparison videos. It's been a fun learning experience.
I'm going to give that Keeley mod a try! I've already paid for it and I'm sending it off tomorrow. Thanks for the tip!
I'm a fan of the BB pre-amp. Such a versatile pedal with plenty of gain on tap.
The other thing I've managed to pick up lately is a Boddenhammer "Bloody Murder". This thing is a tubescreamer on crack.Hard to find but well worth the search if your into your down tuned or 7-string action.
audiomidijace said:
I'm going to give that Keeley mod a try! I've already paid for it and I'm sending it off tomorrow. Thanks for the tip!

OOhh...that's the one I have and it's my go-to boost for heavy gain stuff.
digitech bad monkey, more transparent than an SD-1

ZW-44, just has the goods with a bit of cut through mid range honk where needed.

I just got an OCD v.4, i like it, but it doesn't beat the 50$ overdrives. Sometimes less is more.