Recto module mod

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Feb 19, 2008
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Jacksonville, NC
hey i've got the RM50 with a 'clean' and 'recto' module. i'm really wanting to get the best possible sound from them and it seems that some on here think the 'recto' module isn't that impressive...i actually love the sound as it can have the gain rolled back to get some classic tones (not better than a vintage voiced amp obviously) great while still delivering heavy tones when higher.

so i'd like to know what mods are available for the recto module and whether i can do them myself. schematics would be necessary of course. thanks!
do the grail mod, you'll be glad you did i think

just do a search you'll find what you're looking for
i posted this "info" on another MTS FORUM thread...,imo,works even better than the GRAIL mod and involves less it is:

"quote"... actually,i have great luck acheiving that Metallica "Black" album tone with a RECTO module,modded with a .0022uF C3 cap,gain set at 12 o'clock(no higher),then boosted with an o/d pedal(level=max,gain=min)...does "AJFA" tone,just as well, lead tones are smooth & thick,yet rhythm tones are fat,tight & punchy!!! ..."end quote",if you have a descent o/d pedal,just replace the C3 capacitor,on the RECTO module,with a .0022uF value(unless the module already has it).
I have to agree with this. I had a Recto about 1 year ago. Played it stock. Cranked the gain. and it was just FLUBBY sounding. I didnt care for it so I read on how to replace the C3 Cap with a smaller value to tighten it up. I replaced it with a .001 and it sounded nice. But I had a GRAIL module at home and when I played the Recto side by side with the Grail it was getting the SAME I sold the recto. I recently bought the Recto again after getting some advice from a fellow member here and man it SMOKES!! I have the .22 cap in it and leave the gain on NOON for the recto module. Then I use a Boss SD-1 and push that module. For the OD Pedal I have the Level about maxed .....the tone set at about noon but the Gain dialed off on it. It is CRUNCH HEAVEN!! VERY VERY METALLICA tone!! Makes that amp sound just KILLER. The problem always fell when you want to turn the gain up on the module. It just makes the module sound weak and muddy. Trust me....dial it in this way and you wont look back!!
Noon on the module for distortion...then push it with a Good over drive.
Old Neddy boy once more made a believer out of me. its been the flavor of the week for the last 2 weeks!! Just loving it. 8)
If you have a high output pup then a .0022uf should work good at C3 location. I have a med output pup, so I use a .0005uf (grail) and .0015uf. Definitely use a boost, like the previous posts stated. If I use 500pf C3, I clean boost, if I use 1500pf C3, I OD boost. :evil:

--Grail mod--
-C3 @ .0005uf (500pf)
-R1, R2, R3 @ 150ohm (brown, green, brown)

-C3 @ .0005uf (500pf)
-R1, R2, R3 @ 150ohm (brown, green, brown)
-C14 @ .00047uf (470pf)

-C3 @ .0005uf (500pf)
-C14 @ .00047uf (470pf)
i agree with mm on this but the grail modded recto sounds better , and i like gain about 1 o clock :wink: just for kicks i'm gonna switch c14 and r31 from my modern to my gmr to see how it affects the midrange and vice versa, i don't like the mids on the modern ( too scooped ) nor the recto's (wierd and barky ), i'm not entirely sure the componets affect mids or high end ? but if it does some thing for an sl+ ( value changes ) why not see
I just want to say thank you, SacredGroove, for posting the mod in one place and making it so clear. When I did my Grail mod I had to look all over to get all the values correct.

Oh, and I still ordered the wrong C14! 470pF != .047 uF The sucker is the size of my pinky.
yeah the r31 c14 switch doesn't work so well on the recto and modern, took away voicing character from both, oh well, fwiw those spots seem to be where the mids and some high end character can be modded 8)
NunSuperior said:
I just want to say thank you, SacredGroove, for posting the mod in one place and making it so clear. When I did my Grail mod I had to look all over to get all the values correct.

Oh, and I still ordered the wrong C14! 470pF != .047 uF The sucker is the size of my pinky.

No problem. Each module is slightly different than the others and it would help to have it posted somewhere.
maximus1 said:
yeah the r31 c14 switch doesn't work so well on the recto and modern, took away voicing character from both, oh well, fwiw those spots seem to be where the mids and some high end character can be modded 8)

I used 100k @ R31 and 150pf @ C14. I also used 100pf @ C14, both helped a lot, but kept the basic tone of the Modern.
thanks man i'll try that, i was looking to bring a little mids to the modern and take some away from the recto which happened but it was way severe, what do you think for the recto?
maximus1 said:
thanks man i'll try that, i was looking to bring a little mids to the modern and take some away from the recto which happened but it was way severe, what do you think for the recto?

I just swapped in a 470pf to complete the Grail mod. It had a 300pf, so I'm thinking the next logical choice would be around 400'ish and then go from there. I'm fighting the Recto/Treadplate, as well. If that doesn't get it then I'll think about swapping the R31.

If you haven't tried 300pf yet, try that first. It's a lot smoother, but has less growl.
mine says 471 ( little green booger ), i did the r31 on it already (47k ) which i think is stock recto on the specs that i 've seen , it had a 33k when i got it. i don't what the modern values in those spots were, i haven 't seen the specs on it before, but next time i go out for parts i 'll look at what is available and what i had and maybe i can tell that way. am i right in thinking decreasing the values will lower the mid range in these spots? i''ll probably try the modern today
maximus1 said:
mine says 471 ( little green booger ), i did the r31 on it already (47k ) which i think is stock recto on the specs that i 've seen , it had a 33k when i got it. i don't what the modern values in those spots were, i haven 't seen the specs on it before, but next time i go out for parts i 'll look at what is available and what i had and maybe i can tell that way. am i right in thinking decreasing the values will lower the mid range in these spots? i''ll probably try the modern today

Stock Recto R31 is 47k. Stock Modern is 100k and 47pf. From what I've noticed in the cap.--the higher the value, the more mids. I also noticed the opposite for R31--the higher the value, the smoother the mids. The lower the value, the more honky, underlying mids.

There's definitely more of a noticeable change swapping caps. I think if you find one you like, then try swapping resistors to see what works best.
sacred i think i nailed it, although to me it sounds more triple rectifier, grail mods obviosly, then r31 i used a 220k and c14 i used 100pf ceramic. i like the 0015 in c3 instead of the grail value but other than that to me this how i like it. much more usable midrange and i like the high end alot better. it can be scooped now if desired, but the mids sound good to me around 11 - noon, i boosted it with the 808 but that 's standard for this amp :twisted: i'd like to try and make a clip but i lost the cables from my camera .
maximus1 said:
sacred i think i nailed it, although to me it sounds more triple rectifier, grail mods obviosly, then r31 i used a 220k and c14 i used 100pf ceramic. i like the 0015 in c3 instead of the grail value but other than that to me this how i like it. much more usable midrange and i like the high end alot better. it can be scooped now if desired, but the mids sound good to me around 11 - noon, i boosted it with the 808 but that 's standard for this amp :twisted: i'd like to try and make a clip but i lost the cables from my camera .

Right on. I'm gonna try something similar tonight. 220k seems high for that spot, but if it works for you, cool!
same thing i was thinking , i'll probably try it with the stock then maybe something in between but for now it works :lol:
Please understand before reading this - I'm no expert... I'm just getting the modding "bug"...

Which DR channel/mode is the stock recto modelled on? Is it orange (normal or modern) or red (normal or vintage)?

The original DR red channel has an equivalent c14 cap of 680pf and the orange has an equivalent c14 cap of 500pf. Both have equivalent r31 47k resistors and the other tone caps are 20nf.(just for info!) So the recto module is pretty close with the exception of the stock c14 300pf cap.

The red channel has a presence pot before the volume whereas the orange channel has a treble roll-off switch, which is activated when the orange normal channel is selected.

Instead of a presence pot or a treble roll-off switch, the randall recto module has a 220k resistor IIRC. If my understanding is correct, reducing this resistor should roll off some of the fizzy treble, whilst (as already stated) increasing c14 should add extra mids and decreasing r31 should add more grunt.

Check out for the schematics.

So... how much have the mods you've done so far changed the rectos sound?
by changing c14 to 100 pf and r31 to 220k it has become scooped if desied( but it has a decent mid ) and the highs are less fizzy and it seems more present and focused all around, it smoked my 1086 tonight at practice for brutal heavy gain, and it was qiuet. i've also done the grail mods to it and i used 0,0015 in c3 and i like a boost outfront, by far the best recto i've ever heard :twisted: