I've been trawling these forums in regards to a low end issue I seem to have with the RM100.
In short; it seems to be lacking the low-end 'thump', usually associated in chugs/palm mutes etc.
My observations stems from working in my recording studio, where I work full-time as recording engineer with +10 years experience (this is not to toot my horn or something but more as to establishing some precedence about where I come from).
My rm100 setup is at the moment;
Rm100 with MDA. Modules; Mamba SE, Chupacabra, Banned (the new Marshall module from Salvation). I've also had the S1S0 and the AngelE (both of which didn't have the ultra low end aswell).
Tubewise I've gone from 4xEL34 to 2xTAD EL34 STR + 2xGold Lion KT88.
Preamp tubewise I've been through a lot of combinations (just to eliminate that factor out of the equation aswell), atm I'm running a NOS Raytheon in V1, and quality tubes throughout the modules and the amp aswell.
Well on to the problem: In recording the RM100 I've noticed that I have a lot of difficulty establishing the thump of the low end, which is no problem when recording other high gain amps on the same cab (1982b with V30'es).
I've during last week recorded both a Marshall 410 and a ENGL Fireball, both of which seems to exhibit a beautiful low end thump, easily dialed in, which translated very well when recorded.
The Rm100 though doesn't do that thump, no matter how much knob-noodeling I do. The MDA upgrade means that the density knob is disabled (unless I push the knob which kinda meh's the amp). The Salvo Banned module come closest in this regard, but when compared to the 410 and ENGL I tracked this week, the low end problem becomes painfully obvious. I think the characteristics in the gain of the modules are beautiful, but the lack of a both tight and usable low end in the RM100 kinda annoys me a great deal.
What are the solutions, if any ? I've read about Pete's C3 input mod to the board, and also about MM tranny upgrade. But tbh I'm not ready to spring for the tranny upgrade if it doesn't deliver
Does the foglifter do the thump better ?
Any opinions are welcome
I've read that some here feels that the RM100 has a looot of low end, which just doesnt correlate with my observations and recordings of this amp, when compared to another highgain amp.
Best regards
In short; it seems to be lacking the low-end 'thump', usually associated in chugs/palm mutes etc.
My observations stems from working in my recording studio, where I work full-time as recording engineer with +10 years experience (this is not to toot my horn or something but more as to establishing some precedence about where I come from).
My rm100 setup is at the moment;
Rm100 with MDA. Modules; Mamba SE, Chupacabra, Banned (the new Marshall module from Salvation). I've also had the S1S0 and the AngelE (both of which didn't have the ultra low end aswell).
Tubewise I've gone from 4xEL34 to 2xTAD EL34 STR + 2xGold Lion KT88.
Preamp tubewise I've been through a lot of combinations (just to eliminate that factor out of the equation aswell), atm I'm running a NOS Raytheon in V1, and quality tubes throughout the modules and the amp aswell.
Well on to the problem: In recording the RM100 I've noticed that I have a lot of difficulty establishing the thump of the low end, which is no problem when recording other high gain amps on the same cab (1982b with V30'es).
I've during last week recorded both a Marshall 410 and a ENGL Fireball, both of which seems to exhibit a beautiful low end thump, easily dialed in, which translated very well when recorded.
The Rm100 though doesn't do that thump, no matter how much knob-noodeling I do. The MDA upgrade means that the density knob is disabled (unless I push the knob which kinda meh's the amp). The Salvo Banned module come closest in this regard, but when compared to the 410 and ENGL I tracked this week, the low end problem becomes painfully obvious. I think the characteristics in the gain of the modules are beautiful, but the lack of a both tight and usable low end in the RM100 kinda annoys me a great deal.
What are the solutions, if any ? I've read about Pete's C3 input mod to the board, and also about MM tranny upgrade. But tbh I'm not ready to spring for the tranny upgrade if it doesn't deliver
Any opinions are welcome
Best regards