RM100 won't switch channels with NEW footswitch ???? HELP ??

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Jul 19, 2009
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Hi there - I sent a post a few days back and gave up trying to use my GT6 as a footswitch - so I got a new RF3 Randall MIDI footswitch today (for AUD$180.00!!!) with a NEW midi cable. I get home all exited and ^%$% Not working. The red light comes above each button when I hit buttons 1, 2 & 3 but this does not change the channels on the amp. So I figure I've got to program it (as its been mentioned in this forum several times).
This is what I'm doing in plain english: I fire up the amp with the footsw already connected (via new midi cable). The light comes on the footsw button 1 and on module 1. Next I try to program the channels because with this 'you beaut' midi garbage %$$#@$2 (I'm getting very frustrated with it at this stage) you apparently need to program the damn thing even though its a factory item !?!? This is what I do - I hit the AMP channel select button for 5 secs while on channel 1. Then I hit the AMP select button for module 2 and hit the footsw button 2 then hold the AMP select button for 5 secs. I repeat for module 3. It still doesn't work ?!?!?! Am I doing this right ?? Once I've held the AMP select button for 5 secs, should I then hit the AMP channel select or the button first ?? Should it even matter ???
I'm starting to think that my MIDI board on the amp is stuffed - is there a way to bypass the stupid thing and connect a good old RELIABLE & SIMPLE jack connector - I can't use this amp without being able to change channels !!!!! I 've read that there is a "midi fuse" - I took the amp apart looking for it (BTW, found the midi switch and its set to Channel 1 on the 4 switch gizmo with the switches in the ON position) - the only fuse I could see on the small midi board (that's the board connected to the 2 midi jacks) appears to be a fixed item. ie: it is a solid wire in the board and its fine.
Anyway, thanks for any responses - I've searched the forum database and this seems to be a common problem with the MIDI footswitch - IF anyone from Randall is reading this, may I suggest a plain old 1/4" jack in addition to the magnificent MIDI connections in the future just in case the midi CRAPS itself like it seems to ................ Midi connectivity is an advantage true, but an inability to change channels in a reliable & consistent way makes the amp close to useless.


I am not in front of my amp right now and it's been a while since I used a factory footswitch with it, but I think you are backwards in your steps. It sounds like you are:

1: Changing the channel manually on the amp
2: Hitting the footswitch channel you want
3: Pressing the channel button on the amp to save it

Try reversing steps 1 and 2. I am fairly sure that's where the problem is.
Did you check the dipswitches to make sure they are right? There is a sticky on how to set them but last time i had a problem and the last few problems i helped troubleshoot all had dipswitch issues. Also are the lights on the FS3 working when plugged in? We can find the answer but tell us exactly what it is doing and what you've tried so far. Someone here has had the exact same issue, i promise.

Peace, Joshua
Cool and thanks!, I was looking around on the forums and it does seem like a dipswitch problem.

The lights on the Rf3 are all working fine. I tried the button programming sequences different ways for about an hour with no effect. Any button on the footswitch will have no effect on the amp.

I really am clueless when it comes to midi...
Midi isnt that tough.
Basically a midi footswitch is just a remore control with a wire. Now just make sure the settings are correct so the message your footswitch is sending can be "heard" by the amplifier.
Its not any harder than that. To find out what the default setting is, look at your manual. If unsure, call or email Randall. Or do post here and ask..although we arent Randall, as you know.
There are only 16 channels to midi..so in a worse case sceneario..you could try each one time and eventually get the setting correct, but trial and error sucks..especially if you are unsure of midi, and have little experience with it.
I suggest find out what the unit should set to (in the amps dip switches) and set it to that..then see if your footswitch now works.
...a fan of your Keith Urban,btw.
So I called Randall customer support with no avail.

He did confirm that the rf3 footswitch uses channel 1, so all of the switches are set to 'on' ....

Am I doing anything wrong????
Not sure. There is a great sticky on this at the top of this board. Did you follow the sticky to the letter? If so then there may be a problem. Usually MIDI problems are created by somewhat "dumb" issues (Dumb meaning some switch is off or some channel is wrong, not the user :wink: ) . There is also a second dipswitch that i think has two switches that determines how the pins act with power and signal. I think m0jo knows more about those than i do. I'd PM him and ask him about that switch. If that doesn't work we'll come together again and try other ideas.

Peace, Joshua
Thanks for the advice

Any one else know what could be my problem? Could it be a bad fuse? Where could I get replacement midi boards?
Mister Joshua said:
Not sure. There is a great sticky on this at the top of this board. Did you follow the sticky to the letter? If so then there may be a problem. Usually MIDI problems are created by somewhat "dumb" issues (Dumb meaning some switch is off or some channel is wrong, not the user :wink: ) . There is also a second dipswitch that i think has two switches that determines how the pins act with power and signal. I think m0jo knows more about those than i do. I'd PM him and ask him about that switch. If that doesn't work we'll come together again and try other ideas.

Peace, Joshua
The 2 other dipswitches are the red switch on the midi board.
You should only have one on at any time! my issues were resolved when I fixed that.

I PM'ed back, but for the knowledge base I'll repost it here:
- Definitly check the cable, try another one or measure it through (I'd recommend both to be sure)
- Check the power and midi switches
- Check the midi channel switch in the footswitch

Thirdly try and remember if you ever plugged the footswitch in with the power on.
This can blow the midi chip.. leaving you in deep sh*t.
(can be replaced, you'd need to call customer support for that)

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