RM50 Master Volume?

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chasing shadows

Well-known member
Apr 22, 2006
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virginia beach
Let me start by saying that I have own the RM4-rt2/50 combo and a RM100. So i thought i knew my way around the MTS amps pretty well. Got a real good deal on a RM50 and love it. Just wondering what the purpose of the Master Volume on the back of the amp is used for. The manual is vague about it. Is it for a volume pedal? Any info would be great.
Do you mean the master volume boost?

If so I am not sure of its exact use but I use a randall two button foot switch and plug the two lead into it and use it as a boost. I think it pushes the master to full.

Correct me if I am wrong, there are plenty of folks on here with more knowledge then me.
ned said:
It's a volume boost that is foot switchable.

Yes, and I'll add that you can also use a volume pedal. With my EB 6166, I can gradually raise the volume.

BTW, it doesn't automatically boost to master maximum, but it does boost a good amount....but I'm not sure exactly how many db the boost is.
I would suggest using a volume pedal like the EB. That's more what it's made for. Using a seperate FS works for sure but it may be a little too much of a boost for home use.
Rich: Do you know how many db the boost is when footswitched or volume pedal at maximum?
No, sorry I don't know and Doug is out of town till Monday. I'll send him an email and we'll have to see. I though it was full output...but I guess not.
The boost is really loud when using the footswitch. When I plug my EB volume pedal it just does the same thing as a footswitch. VERY LOUD! :shock:
:shock: The Doug has spoken! He just sent me an email responding back already about the RM50 boost. Apparently it is boosting to max volume and he also mentioned that it should be used w/ a volume pedal.
Either my RM50B is faulty or that is incorrect information. I just retested by doing this:

1. Hooked a Boss FS-5L footswitch into the Master Volume Boost input.
2. Set master volume to 3 o'clock.
3. Engaged master volume boost. The amp does get louder, but then...
4. With MVB still engaged, I cranked the master volume and the amp got even louder and more saturated.

If MVB boosted to max master, then item 4 wouldn't have happened.
With my set up I run my RM50's master volume at about 3 o'clock, then switch the boost in for leads ect.

Works great

he also mentioned that it should be used w/ a volume pedal.
So switching isnt ideal, or switching will harm my amp??
The boost jack is made to be used w/ a volume pedal but using a switch shouldn't harm the amp . Before I new this I tried using a switch once in our testing room here and I was nearly blown out fo the room.

If you guys are running you master volumes at three are your module volumes set to at 10 o' clock or below? To me it sounds like you are running the amp almost wide open but the modules are pretty quite. Ideally it would be the other way a round, but do what works for you. As far as the amp still getting louder, I don't know what to say. I'm just going off what Doug has said.
Thanks Rich i will try it the oppisite way tonight at band practice and drop the boost.
Oppisite being open my modules up and turn my master down. For some reason I thought someone had told me to run it with the volume open.

I will report back.......
RD/Rich said:
If you guys are running you master volumes at three are your module volumes set to at 10 o' clock or below? To me it sounds like you are running the amp almost wide open but the modules are pretty quite. Ideally it would be the other way a round, but do what works for you.

The problem is that the higher you run the module masters, the lower you will run the amp master to reach a given volume. And this creates a HUGE (unmanageable) boost in volume when the MVB is engaged. I would think most folks just want a few db increase for a solo or whatever. If you run the amp master at say 10 or 11 o'clock, then engage the MVB with a footswitch, or depress a volume pedal all the way, then you're getting a *massive* increase in volume. Not useable unless the goal is to scare people and/or blow up the amp. By setting the module masters low and the amp master high, the increase in volume is more manageable/useable.

I prefer the sound the amp gives with the amp master set higher anyway.
And that's why the original design wasn't for use w/ a FS but a volume pedal. Really in the end do what ever works for you and what sounds best for what you do. Depending on how loud you play, a seperate FS is an option.
Thanks for the info, Rich.

I've used a volume pedal with it, but I guess confusion arises because of the name "Master Volume Boost".....with that name I think of a footswitchable fixed boost whereas when using a volume pedal it becomes more of a "variable" boost. And I just don't see how that much volume increase is useable unless an artist has a setlist that has EXTREME dynamic range, and they need to make huge adjustments in volume throughout their songs/set.

Overall, I guess I'm more confused about the intent of the design and its name rather than how it actually works.
To tell you the truth I don't know why it was set up to use a VP either, but I can understand a use for it though. I guess you just have to keep in mind that on you don't nessacarily HAVE to push it all the way up. You can just goose it a little for a little more boost if you need it. It?s like having a real master volume at your feet. You can also set minimum volumes on a few VPs so you always have at least so much volume. I think Steve Morse use to do this w/ his old guitar rig and he would also have VPs for each of his FX so he could blend them in as needed. Like I said before, use it how it sounds best for you.