Salvation Mandrine Graphic

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Buddas are cool!

Mattfig said:
My module partner, Johnny Wadd, brought over a Buddy today and it was pretty freaking awesome?.GAS!!!!
I'm happy I pulled the trigger when I could on my Buddy, and had the pull mid pot option for a clean channel. Solid and unique sound. I have one of the disco'd Zen Pedals and it as a bit lighter on the full bore distortion tone (probably meant to push amp inputs more than preamp in a pedal I guess) and the Buddy delivers righteously!
Yet another Graphic OR love post?.Took it out last night to play and wow did it fit with the band?I have nothing but praise for this mod?

It's finally the perfect mod for my style - I tried so many others thinking the transition to the band would be awesome and am usually let down with how a my mod settings fit in with two other guitar players and tweak it out of my comfort zone?Not the OR - I plugged in and it worked- no tweaks, nothing?Just perfection!

The best benchmark of a great amp IMHO is when it you don't have to do anything to it between practicing by yourself and playing with a band?

RM50 w/KT77s and MDA with Graphic OR = My tone

Thank you Anthony!
damn this thread. I have two mods over at Salvation. one is going to be the C-Watt and one was going to be the Duoplex. Now I'm second guessing that Duo, again...

I really want the ability to get that syrupy, compressed overdrive sound with a touch of modern tightness, thinking one of the OR mods. I'm concerned the Duo might be too loose.

can anyone help? I've got Anthony in a holding pattern

need a meaty les paul sound but not super Hi gain
Thanks for that reply Matt. I should say that I'm basing my thoughts on clips of the actual amps since clips do not really exist.

one concern for the OR is that since it's such a mid rangey sound (or maybe thats the OR50, rather), it might lack the thick, smooth beef and end up sounding thin in a mix.

Open, woody yet thick, not grainey, (Burstbucker pros are grainey enough)good bass response that does not thin out or get flabby

does this fit the bill better than the Duo would, presuming we're both listening to youtube amp clips.....

Since I'm pairing it with a C-watt I can go with KT66 tubes

(thinking Sabbath, Black mountain, Electric Wizard but still able to get a cleaner crunch?)

thanks again, words are useless to describe a sound
I had a big talk with Anthony about a graphic OR vs a 50R with my main points of reference being Electric Wizard's "Withccult Today" and Sleep's "Dopesmoker." He actually recommended the 50r over the OR for that because of its slightly more modern gain structure and then he added a 3 way FAC to tighten or loosen the bass response. He said in his opinion this module is best for that sound. I wish I could elaborate but my module is stuck in customs!
I'll let you know my thoughts as soon as I am able.
Its also worth noting that Anthony has updated the 50R design to include a voicing switch to give you Rocker30 tones as well as the stock 50R. So now with the added FAC and R30Voice switch that module really seems capable of an assload of tones.
I saw that post on facebook about the added switch. This is killing me. I'm sure I'll send another pair of mods over this year at some point but i want my first purchase to be right on.

Anyone know the supposed differences between the OR120 and OR50? The 50 is tighter and more modern, the 120 is more huge? i bet both clean up ok, too.

MattFigg, any chance for a clip?
withmittens said:
Anthony recommends the updated OR50, I said yes

I did the same.

Also, if you have a C-watt coming just tune that to clean and burn the front end with a Boss FZ-2 and you'll have a perfect Dopethrone tone clone.
good info, thanks. too bad I sold my Boss HM-2. still have my tone bender though

good luck with customs, whats the deal? did they tell you?
Not a peep about the hold up beyond that the item was being held, but UPS just now sent me an update that my new delivery date is tomorrow between 8 and 5.
That's a nice narrow window there.
great news, congrats. can't wait for mine. Too bad my new Les Paul is a Piece of **** and will be going back tomorrow

enjoy that 50
So far it's really fun. I have been running through Sleep, High on Fire, YOB and Electric Wizard riffs and it all sounds legit. This is of course through my Rm20 into Torpedo WOS with RedWirez cabs. i'll test it in the rm100 tomorrow when the house is clear.
Sounds like a good time!

-withmittens -sorry to hear out your LP. That stinketh!
The 50R is on the way, with the C-Watt (3 way mid-switch added). good turn around time, too

Need to build a new speaker cab for this, the combo will no longer do