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Understood. I just need to take some time and figure out how to search properly to get the right hits for what I am looking for. I have built a few amps like a JTM45 and a Jubilee so I have some experience with a soldering iron. I need to understand the different circuits better which I am told is based off a Fender tone stack.

I switched to the Randall MTS due to being able to change amps by simply replacing a module.

I will try to keep the tone of my posts vanilla.

Thanks for the insight.
No problem man, if you have any specific questions you can allways ask one of the modders directly.
They'll be able to help you much easyer, especially if you explain that you have some experience building/modding :)

I actually have a question for you: how would you describe a Jubilee tonewise and circuitwise?
I've been wondering if it's worth it to have a Jubilee mod on the Mash-all. ;)

Anthony doesn't seem to like it much, but being a big Frusciante fan I find it hard to let go of the idea. :)
Very Mid heavy.... as a matter of fact the entire amp is based off of mids. Very hard to dial down and seems like a one trick pony. It's what I traded for the RM50 I have. :) Definately not a gain machine either.... I didn't really care for it too much but some people like them as they go for big bucks on eBay.
JKD said:

Dave Friedman has an amp called the Marsha...the Marsha-II, although clearly designed to be a look-alike for Marshall is a bit close to Marsha.

I do not want my modification to look like other thing than Salvation Mash All.
This special faceplate with different graphics and modified name was request of customer.
Some pics of latest modules:
Chupacabra with different knobs, New Stonerverb, Angel - custom work

New faceplate for Stonerverb. Do you like it more than previous all-orange design?
Does the Orange model's emulate the clean channel of a Orange Amp as well as the distortion?

If so, I would be interested in one - if only for the clean channel - I'm just on a huge clean tone frenzy lately.
salvation said:
Some pics of latest modules:
Chupacabra with different knobs, New Stonerverb, Angel - custom work

New faceplate for Stonerverb. Do you like it more than previous all-orange design?

Simply immaculate.
wakeguitar said:
Does the Orange model's emulate the clean channel of a Orange Amp as well as the distortion?

It goes from clean to juicy crunch
wakeguitar said:
Does the Orange model's emulate the clean channel of a Orange Amp as well as the distortion?

If so, I would be interested in one - if only for the clean channel - I'm just on a huge clean tone frenzy lately.

Module on the picture is Mandarine Stonerverb, based on Rockerverb amp. Our main goal is higain channel from Rockerverb. lower gain channel on the module is less gainy clean/crunch with similar flavour as higain channel, but less gain, less bass, less compression and more sparkle. Original clean channel from Rockerverb amp has its own separate EQ, which is tuned differently than Dirty channel.

If you are looking for classic famous british orange clean/crunch, then Mandarine Graphic mod is highly recommended.
Covers tones of 0R120 including 6 position FAC switch.
Sweet! I *love* that faceplate, along with the Mandarine Graphic faceplate. I think those 2 really capture the "Orange" amp design feel, which is why I requested it. Awesome work, Anthony! I can't wait to play her
And for the Stonerverb, even though you're into clean sounds, check out the other 2 clips on the Salvation Soundclick site - they are amazing. One clips is the module doing Slipknot (!) and the other is a dead-on Queens of the Stone Age clip. And iirc, even the Slipknot clip only used the gain on the Stonerverb at 8 :shock:
salvation said:
wakeguitar said:
Does the Orange model's emulate the clean channel of a Orange Amp as well as the distortion?

If so, I would be interested in one - if only for the clean channel - I'm just on a huge clean tone frenzy lately.

Module on the picture is Mandarine Stonerverb, based on Rockerverb amp. Our main goal is higain channel from Rockerverb. lower gain channel on the module is less gainy clean/crunch with similar flavour as higain channel, but less gain, less bass, less compression and more sparkle. Original clean channel from Rockerverb amp has its own separate EQ, which is tuned differently than Dirty channel.

If you are looking for classic famous british orange clean/crunch, then Mandarine Graphic mod is highly recommended.
Covers tones of 0R120 including 6 position FAC switch.


So you're saying that on the Rockerverb the clean channel is basically similar to dirty except for different EQ voicings and less gain? Please excuse me I have limited experience with these amps. BTW it sounds good from what I can tell, but I have questions about the Stonerverb vs Stoner AD

Is there any way you can comment on the AD's clean channel vs Mandarin in terms of clean/best clean? I noticed that the Stoner AD has no EQ for clean channel [more clean clips please :)]!

btw, if you did have a dedicated Orange clean module I think I would be more interested in that - from what can tell maybe there wouldn't be much difference except for different EQ's that what you have available now?
Good question, I tried three weeks ago. Exactly, If I?m not only crazy lover of orange colour.........and answer is - NO. They are different.

Channel 2 - StonerAD has much more vintage vibe, it is raw and much less gain ( Iron Man has gain on max with 498T pickup)
Stonerverb - is much more smoother in distortion, modern vibe with touch of vintage, much more gain (+1 gainstage than StonerAD)

If you can have both together, you can hear differencies very easily.
Clean channel is much more different.
Stonerverb, I can say, has standard low gain channel, and therefore special design of gain knob, you can go from clean to juicy crunch
StonerAD - has no EQ, and function only one knob (same as Natural channel on Rocker30) very nice lightly compressed dirty tube clean sound. Very dynamic, perfect taking of pedals and thick.

Now I?m finishing some videos (strat and prs)
Last Stonerverb modules has upgraded clean channel.
It is more cleaner and less compressed.
Based on comments of test users, verdict was that "sine "channel of Stonerverb should be brighter, cleaner, and then more usefull, I upgraded stonerverb clean channel.
Dirty channel of Stonerverb modules is still the same, unchanged.
Modules with upgraded clean channel are Stonerverb modules with white faceplate and black/orange/black stripe.
That rocks! I'm really glad I went with the Stonerverb. I'll make sure and post my thoughts on it once I get my dirty fingers on her hehe I'm looking forward to Hyenik's videos, too.