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Pete, I hope my "typing-tone" didn't come off pissy or angry. :lol: :lol:

I guess I don't get to experience some of these wahoo customers who think they can get the brown sound with some pretty unorthodox gear. :lol: You're on the inside, on the frontlines dealing with the whole spectrum of toneseekers, and I wrongly assumed they would have proper gear, knowledge, and expectations.

I think you do awesome work, and you're another great asset to the community, as is Anthony. :)

I was just suggesting that it sounds to me like you're being overly critical of what Anthony is doing. :cry:

You're all awesome, and I don't want to sound like I'm overreacting. 8) :)
it's awesome that we have different people doing different approaches- and we are lucky to have them! Every time they respond to silliness it takes away from the time they spend on their mod witchcraft...let's keep the energy positive and the tones rolling....

I can't wait to hear this hyenik VHT clip with unforgiving tone!
Easy guys!!! to avoid useless flames and misunderstanding I try to explain deeply. But it is complicated to me in english, then mostly in points...
- try to emulate via module sound of album/guitarist is NONSENSE
- depend mostly on player (Why Vai sounds everytime like Vai? doesn?t matter which logo is behind him?)
- we only try to show sound of Custom3, guitarslinger talked about CT/Youth, so we did it, and were lucky, nothing more
- Pedro DeLuxe is very skilled player and sound engineer. For example I can?t do so close clips (but don?t care :)
- First rule in studio - NEVER compare sound of album with raw guitar sound!!! (Everywhere you will look only like last stupid amateur ;)
- for complete sound is much more important drums, bass, arrangement then guitar sound (It?s your fight, if you don?t belive this ;)
- IMO sound of higain riffs depend for riff itself, player and speaker. everything else is (in complete mix) much, much and much less important
- don?t belive only in ears and memory - only comparison of samples can bring you more truth (only can not 100% sure)
- all speaking is only words, sound is too subjective for everyone of us....

so stop talking here is our sample what is going on with sound during process (riff sounds 4 times)
1 - raw sound
2 - multiband compressor + EQ
3 - master out (master compressor + master EQ + master limiter + reverb)
4 - master out (doubled)
And this is only our "czech homorecording" not famous american recording studio (ok, principle would be the same, know :)

PS: Why you speaking about "black album" sounds? KH3 is not good enough? I believe that for Kirk is OK :)
This is what I love MTS system, which give you high quality tube sound with flavour of original.
Way of Brad Delson is exactly my way too. If I have chance in studio use of all expensive vintage crap, of course I?ll do it. But I never want to pay to have it, and not talking about giging etc. I like voxey sound, or JTM45 but buying of combo/heads? C?mon..... Welcome in MTS world.
So thanks to Seymour Duncan (surprised? ;) Bruce Almighty and Randall that give me this chance to live in this world :)
and of course thanks to DF, okstrat and salvation that bring this idea to next levels.....

for example like famous tuners of Marshall amps (thieves?) like Mike Soldano or Reinhold Bogner. For real criminals you must looking in Danelectro, Fulltone or Bugera companies 8)
JKD said:
I think it was RM20 'slave'/line out into computer with SIR cab sims?

Yes of course, this is the easist method for good results.

And for example for Megadeth clips - Pedro "play" module which was 200km from him (via reamping) + SIR. So using this "shitty" method (and don ?t speak about shitty cables, no reamping boxes and other really important stuff) you can hear what you hear. In these not standard and bad conditions show Custom3 perfect sound and people say that sounds great, on the other hand that this method is not real picture of module???????
It looks a bit schizophrenics, isn?t it ;)

PS: and last details from Pedro
- drums is DKFH
- bass is MIDI
- and he didn?t listen original before, doing only like he remembered (I don?t know why, but he is special :)
- so instead module, everything is simulation, so now you imagine how this module sounds in REAL RIG!!!!!
hyenik said:
JKD said:
I think it was RM20 'slave'/line out into computer with SIR cab sims?

Yes of course, this is the easist method for good results.

And for example for Megadeth clips - Pedro "play" module which was 200km from him (via reamping) + SIR. So using this "shitty" method (and don ?t speak about shitty cables, no reamping boxes and other really important stuff) you can hear what you hear. In these not standard and bad conditions show Custom3 perfect sound and people say that sounds great, on the other hand that this method is not real picture of module???????
It looks a bit schizophrenics, isn?t it ;)

PS: and last details from Pedro
- drums is DKFH
- bass is MIDI
- and he didn?t listen original before, doing only like he remembered (I don?t know why, but he is special :)
- so instead module, everything is simulation, so now you imagine how this module sounds in REAL RIG!!!!!

The recording sounds superb, totally professional in my opinion. It totally captured what you were going for. Great playing and you guys have really good ears. You should be very proud if you are not.

I don't think anyone should be upset and no one calls it 'shitty' but I know what you mean, it's not ideal recording situation - 200km apart. :D

I can summarize, the 'live' tone in the room (with different speakers, guitars etc.) may not be the same as the recorded tone. I think that is easy to understand.
I know im going to piss a ton of people off but it's better i say it. Pete, with all do respect, I asked if you could come "close" to a tone. Then the other times i messaged you and out of 10-15messages i get no reply about modding my ultra.

I asked salvation to get me close to a certain tone and he told me "no problem i will try." He at least tried.

Isn't the time you take to achieve an certain amp's tone the same thing as you trying to emulate a CD. I understand that they use processing to get what they get, so why couldn't you change reisistors and capacitor's to achieve the same feat? The message i received back from you was like "i am too good for what you want, i don't care how much money you have." when i wanted a certain tone from a cd i had.

That kinda pissed me off.

I finally understand that one thread that was calling you out on not replying to messages. I am kinda upset that i talked smack to that guy because now i see his exact point.

What you did for the MTS line is cool. What Salvation is doing to the MTS line is to the next level.

Start bashing me, everyone start hating me etc etc.

We are all looking for different tone in this forum, some people will help you, some people will not. You choose who you want to deal with like I have chosen.

Sorry for hi-jacking the thread.
hyenik said:
PS: Why you speaking about "black album" sounds? KH3 is not good enough? I believe that for Kirk is OK :)

KH3 is great but I think if we're chasing Metallica tones..especially that would be Jaymz' tone we'd want :D
Ive never had any modules modded by anyone but these are the first clips that have ever really made me interested.

Absolutely stellar clips. I may need an SLO.
JKD said:
I can summarize, the 'live' tone in the room (with different speakers, guitars etc.) may not be the same as the recorded tone. I think that is easy to understand.

So this is the point. the TONE will be different everytime! (especially when you change riff, player and speaker)

And question is - This other tone will be better or worse? ;)
The clips are great......but I have to say this to you and to remind myself really......clips can be deceiving. I remember several years ago in my amp noob knowledge days how psyched I was to have my XXX modded by Voodoo Amps. I used to listen to all these killer clips that Trace Allen and other people would post and just think "wow this is going to be my holy grail of tone nirvana achieved".....and Trace would also do the thing where he asks you what recordings you want the amp to sound like as well..

Nothing against Voodoo......but I learned an expensive lesson with that was an eye-opening and humbling letdown.... :lol: 8)

Not saying that the Salvation stuff may not kill in person......probably does ..but......just saying clips can give you a false impression at times....and it doesn't hurt the tone of anything recorded when you have a fantastic musician to do the playing as well coupled with the pre-stated studio techniques/devices... :wink: :lol: 8)
shred-o-holic said:
The clips are great......but I have to say this to you and to remind myself really......clips can be deceiving. I remember several years ago in my amp noob knowledge days how psyched I was to have my XXX modded by Voodoo Amps. I used to listen to all these killer clips that Trace Allen and other people would post and just think "wow this is going to be my holy grail of tone nirvana achieved".....

Nothing against Voodoo......but I learned an expensive lesson with that was an eye-opening and humbling letdown.... :lol: 8)

Not saying that the Salvation stuff may not kill in person......probably does ..but......just saying clips can give you a false impression at times....and it doesn't hurt the tone of anything recorded when you have a fantastic musician to do the playing as well as the pre-stated studio techniques/devices... :wink: :lol: 8)

The best thing to do is sit down at guitar center or sam ash and just try everything out, people's opinions too are key. A lot of times going to a concert is good too to find out "your tone." I went to parkway drive's concert and loved their tone because it was the same as on their CD. So i started chasing it and finally found it in the form of a early 6505.
shred-o-holic said:
......clips can be deceiving.....just saying clips can give you a false impression at times...
How can I understand this??? We recorded false clips? Or must prepared not so good clips? Or what???? Don?t you believe to me? It is very easy....don?t care about this. This is cheapest way. Or order one, and will see yourself. And definitelly this lecture will be not so painfull as paying of complete amp.

And last point for everybody - YOU ALWAYS WANTED CLIPS! CLIPS! CLIPS!!!
To be honest, for us is only eating of our free time ;)
PS: So much screaming for terrier sound, and now? ....... quiet
hyenik said:
JKD said:
I can summarize, the 'live' tone in the room (with different speakers, guitars etc.) may not be the same as the recorded tone. I think that is easy to understand.

So this is the point. the TONE will be different everytime! (especially when you change riff, player and speaker)

And question is - This other tone will be better or worse? ;)

I did not even cover people's opinion on 'good' or 'bad' tone...good one :lol:

If I'm playing and recording, the tone will almost certainly be 'worse' :wink:
hyenik said:
shred-o-holic said:
......clips can be deceiving.....just saying clips can give you a false impression at times...
How can I understand this??? We recorded false clips? Or must prepared not so good clips? Or what???? Don?t you believe to me? It is very easy....don?t care about this. This is cheapest way. Or order one, and will see yourself. And definitelly this lecture will be not so painfull as paying of complete amp.

And last point for everybody - YOU ALWAYS WANTED CLIPS! CLIPS! CLIPS!!!
To be honest, for us is only eating of our free time ;)
PS: So much screaming for terrier sound, and now? ....... quiet

Take it easy my reason to be's a more subjective thing the human ear.....just pointing that out...I'm also reiterating the point that something on a recording can sound different in a're a very good player and your clips sound great.....I bet whatever you play through you sound good......the modules look and the sound clips sound impressive.....
hyenik said:
PS: So much screaming for terrier sound, and now? ....... quiet

That's because you outdid yourself with the CAE clips.....everybody loves these now... :lol: :lol: :lol: 8)

To me personally they all sound good though......I really liked the SLO....
I'm just frustrated that I can't get soundclick on my iPhone; can't wait to get home tonight to check it out

Thanks hyenik- your clips are inspiring!
When I asked Salvation to mod my XTC, I wrote that "the stock XTC has too loose low end, it should be tighter. Also, I would like fatter mid range and smoother high end".

When I got my module back from Salvation, I tried it with my Mod 50 and I was happy to hear that he had done exactly what I wanted. Plus, he added some very cool extra features to the module such as "Shiver" mode.

So, just my 2 cents after actually playing Salvation mod in real life.