Some new pics of my newest configuration

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Well-known member
Jun 22, 2010
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Hurtling through space on a wet rock.
It's quite modest so don't laugh...

random home studio equip...

RM22 setup...

Rack of Delight on bottom....Live RoD on top....

RM100 (goes w/ live RoD)

Side view....
Thanks Disciple...Your rig must be massive by now too...

OK, dumb techie ed question...I rotatated and saved the images in photobucket but they still show up sideways...??? ... Is it a setting here??

holy piss , thats alot of gear. Im accumulating year by year to hopefully have my music room full.
LunatiBSW said:
holy piss , thats alot of gear. Im accumulating year by year to hopefully have my music room full.

I've been accumulating This is the first time I've had all my bays full... And there's mods coming so it will either be a sale or another RM4 for me... Wonder which way I'll go? :lol:
guitarzan said:
4 RM-4s? Holy crap! I hope your guitar tech has a strong back. :)

His 4 RM4 setup is for home studio use, not for gigging out. His smaller rack unit above that is for his gigging :)
ctgblue said:
you need some sort of hobby.....

Actually I kinda do...My music is a source of income and modules are a source of tax write-offs...While I joke about things all the time here, I'm quite serious about making music and obviously have chosen to go big into MTS rather than chase tones with HUGE amps left and right...I have another studio (with others) that is much more proper and that's where most of the other amps are...It's getting to the point that we're still tracking guitars in my home studio rather than the big one which is kinda funny and annoying to me...It's loud and inconvenient...But money is money...

I still have a day job as life would be tough living on publishing...I could if I had to but I want more...So I stay up all night recording.... :)

Just a bit of background into why I have such an obscene setup for anyone who cares...Yes, I'm a goof, but this stuff is kinda serious for me too...Just don't tell anyone I said that...

Mattfig said:
LunatiBSW said:
holy piss , thats alot of gear. Im accumulating year by year to hopefully have my music room full.

I've been accumulating This is the first time I've had all my bays full... And there's mods coming so it will either be a sale or another RM4 for me... Wonder which way I'll go? :lol:

The Vegas odds are 1,000 to 1 Fig will go with another RM4. :p
Matt, do you make muzac for a living?? By that I mean do you run a studio as well? Always interested in people's experiences with microphones. I know you like those 609/906's on your cabs and never mic with 57's. Tell us more!
I don't hear a world of difference between 609, 57, i5, etc
I've heard great and poor results with all of the above.
Mic placement is the key, along with a good sounding room and of course the source. Get that right with a good performance and the differences are negligible. I do think that a 57 (or others in that category) benefit most from a hi end preamp, I always thought a 57 sucked until I got my hands on some hi end pres....of course now I sold that off, so I expect to use my ribbon more as it sounds better with lo/mid level pres- 57 sounds too sterile and abrasive there
Kapo_Polenton said:
Matt, do you make muzac for a living?? By that I mean do you run a studio as well? Always interested in people's experiences with microphones. I know you like those 609/906's on your cabs and never mic with 57's. Tell us more!


I do music for part of my income...It's a great supplement to my "real" job... :D I do a fair amount of publishing work but that isn't always enough to depend on...Comes and goes...And medical benefits are expensive for a family- so I do both...

I do most of my own work outta my home studio and also run a coop studio with some others...That one is bigger and nicer with many more bells and whistles but I still prefer the comfort of working at home...I guess that's why I love MTS so much...I have every tone I could want and just a few amps and cabs...It was getting ridiculous here for awhile as there were more amps than square footage...You would literally have to crawl and duck to get around in spots...The Rack of Delight is heavy as hell but only takes up a small area...

Anyway, I agree with Ray on the mic thing...I use E906s and E609s regularly along with speaker IRs to blend into the background...I still use a 57 here and there but usually prefer the Sennheisers as they seem to be a lot more forgiving than a 57...My theory is, if you aren't exactly sure where to place the mic, the Senn rules as it has a bigger area where it can reproduce your sound accurately...However if you know EXACTLY where the sweet spot is on your cab, a 57 can provide more of what you want as it is more dialed in...
The last part of the puzzle for me when mic'ing a cab is a large condenser about 4-6 feet away to mix in as well...Placement there is crucial and takes experimentation but can yield some cool results when mixed with the other stuff I've already mentioned...

Hope that helps a bit...
That's why I have been considering one of those cascade fatheads with upgraded transformer. Not as good as a R-121 but they have the vibe and can stand up to high pressure levels. I was thinking that mixed with a 57 or set further back for ambience. I think there are two schools of thought:

1. Getting a close mic sound you really like eq'd to taste by the time of mics you combine

2. Using the room blend mic to broaden the sound. In most applications and recordings, I like the sound of an integrated room mic.

How do you balance phase issues?

The other good thing about the senheisers is that you hang them over the side of the cab and don't have to worry about knocking over a stand! I really need to get to a local shop and rent a few mics for a weekend and play.
Kapo_Polenton said:
That's why I have been considering one of those cascade fatheads with upgraded transformer. Not as good as a R-121 but they have the vibe and can stand up to high pressure levels. I was thinking that mixed with a 57 or set further back for ambience. I think there are two schools of thought:

1. Getting a close mic sound you really like eq'd to taste by the time of mics you combine

2. Using the room blend mic to broaden the sound. In most applications and recordings, I like the sound of an integrated room mic.

How do you balance phase issues?

The other good thing about the senheisers is that you hang them over the side of the cab and don't have to worry about knocking over a stand! I really need to get to a local shop and rent a few mics for a weekend and play.

Phasing is tough with so many input sources for sure...Of course you can digitally manipulate some to reverse or change in some way...But if it gets to the point that things are zeroing each other out, I just start pulling back everything secondary to the main cab mics....Sometimes that means using them exclusively or just with IRs...But if you mic up properly before-hand you should be fine...I guess we all have our own tricks to get around this kinda thing but overall, I keep it simple and start with a strong mic in the right place and just start adding 'til it's overkill, then pull back...Of course there are some times when I just use the mic and leave it...I suppose it depends on the song and what else you have going on...Mixed with the vibe you seek...
If there are phase issues all over the place I'll fatten up a track with an acoustic...Sounds weird but it can really beef up a lacking mix...
I'm using a Crowley Tripp Naked Eye ribbon. C & T was bought by Shure a year or so ago, they continue to put out a similar product. It has Rosweillite in it, lol straight from Roswell. Very similar to my buddy's Royer 121. I've used royer copies bought from ebay & had them a/b against the 121, very decent comparison considering the huge price difference. I also had a CAD Trion for awhile, that was decent. I think the key with these chinese ribbons is the "tension", which can vary with quality control. Those Cascades have great reviews and I'd be confident that while other's have identical offerings, the qc from Cascade is what sets them apart. If I was buying a ribbon today, the fathead would be my choice.
Also be sure to check out Avantone, I don't have their ribbon, but I have a couple of their other mics and they are fantastic. Cascade, Avantone, Stellar, etc all basically come from the same plants, QC and pqackaging is the difference.