Sonic difference between Syn-1, Syn-30, and Syn-50?

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Nov 19, 2021
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Hi everybody! I'm looking to break into the Synergy ecosystem: this would be for recording purposes, so I doubt any of these amps are going to see a speaker. The question I have is, do these amps sound any different?

I mean, the Syn-30 has 4 x 12ax7s in it. Cool, it's got an onboard clean. But the Syn-50 has 3 of 'em, and no onboard channel - that's just something the preamp modules are interacting with.

Conversely, the Syn-1 and Syn-2 don't have any onboard valves, yeah?

So I guess my question is, has anybody noticed a significant tonal difference? Or are those extra valve stages used for like, phase inversion, effects loop buffering, etc? Two valves seems like not much for cascading gain stages, right? But everybody says the SLO-100 module is on point, so maybe I'm overthinking this?

The preamps would be running into a Two Notes CAB M, I think. Just weighing the practicality of a Synergy setup vs. something like the Mesa Badlander, Engl Powerball SE, or Revv G20.

I've never seen this stuff in the wild where I can try it, so I'm assuredly overthinking. So any input is welcome!
All the things you mentioned have the first 12ax7 for the input stage. The Syn 30 and 50 have the extra tubes for the various extra functions - Clean Channel (Syn30), Phase inverter (both) and I'm guessing FX loop (both). The actual functionality of the module is the same in all of them - Input stage (in the unit), followed by two tubes worth of stages on the module.

That being said there is feel and sound difference depending on the system you use - the preamps will be affected by the power amps, the Syn30 is cathode bias, the Syn50 is fixed bias. They all sound good but you wanna pick the one that works best for you.

As far as practicality goes they're all great - infinite flexibility with tones, small, portable, fully midi (except Syn1). Play through a real cab though :)
You can play the Syn30 safety without cab connected . You can t with Syn50
My +1
Yeah that's true, I wish the 50 had that feature as well...not sure why they omitted it.
Hi everybody! I'm looking to break into the Synergy ecosystem: this would be for recording purposes, so I doubt any of these amps are going to see a speaker. The question I have is, do these amps sound any different?

I mean, the Syn-30 has 4 x 12ax7s in it. Cool, it's got an onboard clean. But the Syn-50 has 3 of 'em, and no onboard channel - that's just something the preamp modules are interacting with.

Conversely, the Syn-1 and Syn-2 don't have any onboard valves, yeah?

So I guess my question is, has anybody noticed a significant tonal difference? Or are those extra valve stages used for like, phase inversion, effects loop buffering, etc? Two valves seems like not much for cascading gain stages, right? But everybody says the SLO-100 module is on point, so maybe I'm overthinking this?

The preamps would be running into a Two Notes CAB M, I think. Just weighing the practicality of a Synergy setup vs. something like the Mesa Badlander, Engl Powerball SE, or Revv G20.

I've never seen this stuff in the wild where I can try it, so I'm assuredly overthinking. So any input is welcome!
"Conversely, the Syn-1 and Syn-2 don't have any onboard valves, yeah?"

Actually, the SYN-1 and SYN-2 each have a single 12AX7 in the chassis (separate from those in the modules themselves). I believe that this is the V1 location, but frankly I have not seen any formal documentation to substantiate that, and I have not opened up my SYN-1 to investigate.
"Conversely, the Syn-1 and Syn-2 don't have any onboard valves, yeah?"

Actually, the SYN-1 and SYN-2 each have a single 12AX7 in the chassis (separate from those in the modules themselves). I believe that this is the V1 location, but frankly I have not seen any formal documentation to substantiate that, and I have not opened up my SYN-1 to investigate.
It's actually pretty well documented and has been confirmed by Synergy; it's the input/V1 and that is the purpose of the cathode select switch to tell the docking unit, whether it be SYN1/2 or one of the amps, how to configure the input.

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