sorry guys i have a stupid question....

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Mar 23, 2010
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Hey how do u get your modules modded? I have an XTC that i wanna get this done to --
"High Gain" Ruby 12ax7 in V2
--C1 changed to 1500pF (.0015uF)
i definetly feel as if this module has a killer tone to it, im jsut trying to extract it. how do i get it done?
For the tube, just insert it into the socket labeled V2.

For the bass cap, remove the stock one and carefully solder the cap of your choice.
Both of these are easy mods. If you don't want to do them yourself then find a local tech. No need to spend huge chunks of cash to send it to a modder for those two items.

Peace, Joshua
so does that above listed mod clean this module up any? Mine is real muddy with gain beyond 2 o'clock or so.