Syn-1 out level with Mesa Mark V

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Mar 22, 2021
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I use several modules with the Syn-1 in the effect loop of my Mesa Mark V. It works fine so far. But, I recognize that the level of the Syn-1 module is dependent what channel I engage on my Mesa. If I use the Sun-1 in clean or crunch channel of my Mesa I can easily adjust loudness level between the Mesa and the Syn-1. If I switch to Mesa 3rd channel the loudness of the Syn-1 drops down if I engage the Syn-1. Any Idea what happens and how to fix it?
If you have properly connected using 4 cable method, there should be no difference in the level of the SYN-1 regardless of what channel is selected on the Mark V. 4CM totally bypasses the preamp on the head, goes directly into the power amp. Double check the cabling against the 4CM diagram in the SYN-1 manual (it's posted on the Synergy website if you don't have the paper copy).

Having said that... Even when 4CM is set up correctly, Switching back & forth between the SYN-1 and multiple channels on the Mark V can be challenging to get all the levels matched (assuming you want them to be the same). Requires some tweaking of channel master/gain. The "Sweet spot" on many MTS modules to sound best is with their master above noon, which in 4CM can make the SYN-1 way louder than an onboard channel, particularly a high gain module vs a low gain onboard channel. You can use the Solo function of your Mark V to offset that, not perfect, but better than having to turn knobs mid song.
I use two SYN-2s in my Mark V. So those 8 channels, plus the three in the Mesa.

There can be a difference, based on how you have the channels set up. When you engage the Synergy module(s), the Mesa still "knows" what channel it is on. so it boils down to a few factors:

1) Each channel has its own power setting. So you need to make all three the same if you want the ability to play your Synergy preamp modules without worrying about what channel the Mark V was left on - even though you are bypassing the front end of the Mesa.

2) Not all of the knobs on the front of the Mark V are for the preamp. When you are playing a Synergy preamp, and thus bypassing the Mesa front end, the Presence knob is always in play. And since there are three Presence knobs, it matters which channel you are on if all three aren't set the same.

3) I'm fairly certain that Channel Three of the Mesa is a bit different than the other three channels due to the final Mode: Extreme. That channel has three modes: Mark IIC+, Mark IV, and Extreme. I'm fairly certain that the Mark IV and Extreme preamp is the exact same, with the difference being in the power amp feedback. No clue if its more or less feedback in Extreme, but it's different. So if you try to make the three power settings match for each channel, and you make the Presence knobs match for each channel, you will have a noticable volume change while using the Synergy preamps with the Mesa in Channel Three vs the other two channels if Channel Three happens to be set to Extreme.

The way I look at it, you can view these things as hindrances or pseudo features. If you don't want to hassle with it all, then make all three power toggles match, make all three Presence settings match (with your ears, not the physical knob positions!), and don't use Extreme on Channel Three. Or, if you want to use these for your advantage, you can use the differences between the channels as added tweaks to your Synergy channels. But to do so, you have to remember which channel the Mesa is in while selecting the Synergy module. If, for instance, you like more Presence on Channel One than Two, you can use that difference to add a Presence "boost" to your Synergy module by changing the Mesa channel in the background.

For me, I do the latter. I set all three channels to the same power level and I match the Presence knobs the best I can. It's a compromise, but it takes remembering out of the equation.
Very good points in post above, I failed to consider the power settings on the Mark V were channel specific and would impact level of the SYN-1 if set differently.

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