Synergy Amp Setups - Opinions

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Nov 17, 2020
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Hey all looking for feedback/ advice.

Been waiting for a local shop to get a SLO30 or Bogner Ecstasy to demo and potentially buy. It’s been a damn long wait with Covid and looks like it may not happen until next year. So I was debating whether to take the dive and buy online anyway and use a return period, but... that was before I found the Synergy setup.

So have a variety of questions

1. How close do these Synergy modules get to their real counterparts tone wise? (Say on a scale of 1 to 10)
2. What’s the better sounding setup, using the Synergy heads or the rack SYN 50/50 setup?
3. Is there a non synergy power amp that beats the Synergy Head or 50/50 rack option?
4. To go the rack route you have to pair a SYN2 with the SYN5050? (The SYN2 is require to add the modules to) IE, you can’t run an amp module directly into the SYN5050, you have to have the SYN2 enclosure to put the module in which you chain to the 5050

Thanks in advance!!!
Can't answer 1 or 2

3 - I use a VHT 2502 and it sounds amazing. I'm also running WDW using my Egnater Mod50 combo as the dry but with 2 Syn2's tied into the FX loop of the Egnater.

4 - either a Syn2 or a Syn1 with a module is required to use the modules.

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