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drewiv said:
Definitely not pouring out hate. I absolutely LOVE the MTS line, but it has it's drawbacks - that's all. I wish it was a little more of a quality build, that's my primary issue with the gear. I personally haven't had any issues, but I'm on top of caring for my gear. The tone is good with stock modules and great with modded modules. I think everyone would agree, the quality of the gear has question marks.

Please don't ban me, there is no hate in my mini-rant. I never plan on getting rid of my rig, I just have a few amps that would rate a bit higher all-around. I've also been lucky enough to have played through a few others.

EDIT: I guess if I'm being completely honest with myself it's in my top 10 as well. Simply because it's still here and I don't own 10 amps.


Super Balls to you Mr. Drew! I agree on the build quality and tone is objective so I see no issues here... :D
Of course we all know the components on the mts line could be much better and some things should be changed to make a more stable product - but in what I've invested in parts for any repair issues I've had with my mts products all together since 06 - it's not even close to what I've paid in he past just for a tube rebias. I've literally spent $6 on fuses and as any amp power tubes and preamp tubes when they needed replaced. So with the cost of fuses and my issues I don't see it being really unstable as long as you know it's weaknesses and are prepared if they happen really like any other amp.

I've owned many different high end amps the last decade including mesa, Marshall, Rivera, Bogner and VHT but have sold them all because to me they didn't hold up to what the mts line offered and I found myself playing 90% or more with my mts gear than those amps so away they went.

Best to me incorporates the product overall including just quality, features/versatity, tone and cost - to me it's no contest no other amp comes close to overall tone and versatility especially when talking about modded modules.

Having the ability to mix and match ideal tones from different amps is simply amazing and with my rm4's and rt250 and having ability to go between two tube choices is just icing on the cake.

Best quality control - definitely not, but to me and others here it's more than just looking at that :). I'm only out $6 in repairs for my rm100, rm100c and rm4's and rt250 since using in 06 which is nothing.
drewiv said:
Definitely not pouring out hate. I absolutely LOVE the MTS line, but it has it's drawbacks - that's all. I wish it was a little more of a quality build, that's my primary issue with the gear. I personally haven't had any issues, but I'm on top of caring for my gear. The tone is good with stock modules and great with modded modules. I think everyone would agree, the quality of the gear has question marks.

Please don't ban me, there is no hate in my mini-rant. I never plan on getting rid of my rig, I just have a few amps that would rate a bit higher all-around. I've also been lucky enough to have played through a few others.

EDIT: I guess if I'm being completely honest with myself it's in my top 10 as well. Simply because it's still here and I don't own 10 amps.
Even thinking of banning would be ridiculous, those are Axe-FX forum practices haha

I think it's good that you give a little perspective on it. I can see how anyone with more touring on his mind wouldn't go for MTS (although Dave at Rack Systems keeps building the damn things). But for me .. I have an occasional gig and mostly run the rack for practice/jam sessions and recording, it's been rock solid in those situations.

So like I said, it's a matter of opinion and personal definition of "best". If the best (in all ways) amp manufacturer existed we wouldn't have much to choose from!
There's no easy METRIC to the word good...
but the point is,, any press would help us...
and Im good with that,

Super Balls? It?s probably just Super Stupidity. The versatility of the gear will always keep it a relevant option in my stable. It?s still my go-to rig. With all the posts about reliability issues I can?t say I?m 100% confident in the gear. Best in this arena is very subjective. It?s not like talking about the fastest car or the highest resolution TV. Both of those are testable and provable. The best amp cannot be proven. I have quite an extensive MTS collection and fully intend on keeping all of what I have right now, with the exception of the few stock modules I still have for sale.
drewiv said:
Super Balls? It?s probably just Super Stupidity. The versatility of the gear will always keep it a relevant option in my stable. It?s still my go-to rig. With all the posts about reliability issues I can?t say I?m 100% confident in the gear. Best in this arena is very subjective. It?s not like talking about the fastest car or the highest resolution TV. Both of those are testable and provable. The best amp cannot be proven. I have quite an extensive MTS collection and fully intend on keeping all of what I have right now, with the exception of the few stock modules I still have for sale.
So, what's the best car in your opinion? ;)
m0jo said:
So, what's the best car in your opinion? ;)

My personal (I can't stress that enough) best amp, if you were to ask me right now, would be a toss up between SLO-100 and V-Rock DL. They both hit my favorite tones. That said there is a time when I want to play a VHT or Engl or Rockerverb (I think you get the picture) and I don't have those at my disposal, except for my MTS line. :D

HughJasol said:
Hey Drew - can we have your address? :lol:

I think most of you have my address at this point. :lol:
drewiv said:
Hey guys. I don't want to be the proverbial "party pooper," but are you really seriously trying to say MTS is the "best amp" you can buy? With all the build quality issues and lack luster stock modules? I see at least one post a week about "My Randall took a crap", "Help me fix my problem", "Mystery issue with my Randall RMXXX", etc. I'm a die hard user of MTS, I probably have more invested in the line than 90% of the users. It's very versatile and a fairly inexpensive way to get a bunch of expensive, high quality amps. There is no possible way I could afford or inventory all the amp heads I can clone with MTS. That said, it's not even in the top 5 of amps I own. I wouldn't say it's in the top 10 of amps I've played. Sorry guys, I could not honestly vote for the MTS line. Sorry to "rain" on the parade.

If Trace @ Voodoo or Anthony @ Salvation would build a ground up, hand-wired, quality component filled, hand built amp. You might be closer to the ballpark, but seriously saying an inexpensive, mass produced amp is better than a hand-wired amp is just ridiculous, IMHO.

Go ahead and flame me, I'm just being honest.

Drew is 100% correct IMHO and we have talked over email about this (or maybe it was Fig and I). I have lots of the "boutique" amps and even some cool vintage stuff that I will never part with. For me the MTS line allows me to take something out of the house that I can get great versatile tones with and if it blows up or gets stolen or what have you is fairly easily replaced. Do I think the MTS stuff rivals Bogners and the like for build quality and sound Hell no! Am I a Randall Fanboy well lets just say in a little over a months time of getting into this arena my sig speaks for whether I like Randall stuff or not.

What amp will I plug into tonight when I get home? I dunno probably my RM100 with the Stoner AD as I'm really digging that right now. But like the grand Figster that may change back to the Fisch by tomorrow. MTS is about quick fairly inexpensive tonal options. Enough said sorry to rant.
interesting debate....anybody care to comment on modded modules vs. hi end amps? Pure tone comparison specifically
crankyrayhanky said:
interesting debate....anybody care to comment on modded modules vs. hi end amps? Pure tone comparison specifically

Honestly, the Randall is pretty damn good. Some nights I prefer the Salvado Deluxe to the actual SLO. At lower volumes the Salvado owns the SLO. Opened up, there's nothing like a SLO.

The tone is very close. You also might believe your eyes know the "real" amp just has to be better.
For me the difference is this - Boutique amp builders design the entire amp from preamp to amp using very specific components wiring wrap and tubes. With the Randall RM 100 it's usually a set of JJ 6L6's and JJ or EH preamps. For most this is fine. I prefer a Marshally sound and I prefer EL34's. To my ear and IMHO that is a Marshall. Will 6L6's give you a Marshall sound? ( edit - YES I KNOW YOU CAN CHANGE POWER TUBES EASILY AND I HAVE) Yes if you tweak certain variables. Now to me the sound of a Fender is 6L6's. So the MTS Fender stuff sounds more realistic to me. I have a 67/68 Silver Face TR and a 68 Vibro champ. Great clean amps and does the MTS do them? Pretty well I think. Clean is clean. Some Guys prefer a SS Roland Jazz Chorus JC-120 (UGH). So anyway it's all apples and oranges.

I think the modded modules have something soundwise a bit over stock. The Salvation I have has some real clean work and IMHO is a work of art. Sonically, technically and build quality.

As for boutique builders I can say without question I currently own an amp by at least 10 of the top builders and there is a magic in each of there products that I own that I don't think the MTS can provide.

To speak highly of one that I know was already mentioned in this thread Trace from VooDoo is one of the best. All around great guy from my personal experience and knowledgeable and will build/mod anything you want. If you get an amp from him he can and will sit with you to get you exactly the sound you hear in your head. Not saying the others or even MTS modders won't but just saying. I have his V-Reck and V-Plex and they are awesome amps. As stated earlier I use them in my studio and rarely bring them out of the house. Not that those couldn't be purchased again but my V-Reck is special to me.

Last soap box... We all hear different and it really all lies in your hands and the tools you use to enhance already great playing. Equipment cannot and will not make up for lack of wood shedding. I always post a Blues Saraceno video in these instances. It's on his site look for the afro fuzz video with him playing a $100 strat into a Silvertone 1482 with that pedal ( costs more than the amp and guitar I know ) . Then go wipe your eyes and get back to practicing... Peace and Love... If it sounds good to you play it....
drewiv said:
Definitely not pouring out hate. I absolutely LOVE the MTS line, but it has it's drawbacks - that's all. I wish it was a little more of a quality build, that's my primary issue with the gear... Please don't ban me, there is no hate in my mini-rant. I never plan on getting rid of my rig, I just have a few amps that would rate a bit higher all-around. I've also been lucky enough to have played through a few others.

EDIT: I guess if I'm being completely honest with myself it's in my top 10 as well. Simply because it's still here and I don't own 10 amps.

Just to clarify I didn't mean to say you were pouring hate on the MTS or Randall in general. Although with the way my post reads it could be misconstrued as such. What I really meant to say is; your point of view has merit as your are not just some fanboy of (insert name here) amp manufacturer, so pointing out the negatives of Randall to say it is not the best.

Long story short:
Point of view valid/has merit
Randall &/or MTS has some QC issues
What the MTS platform gives us is super cool
No need to ban one of the good guys for having an opinion

Now for a terrible stab at humor...
Since we all know where you live, where is that pitch fork and lantern. I know it's around here somewhere. :lol: :p
I was hoping it didn't come off as hate, but I figured everyone here knows how deep I am into MTS. I must like it. I love the versatility and for the dollar, it's well worth the results.

No pitchforks outside yet. Thanks guys. I did leave the lights on in case you forget your lanterns.
I posted my vote....We are all over that board ..Big thumbs up to everyone..Not only that but after 30 years of playing regular amps and two weeks of playing the Randall RM100 I'm telling the absolute truth unless something miraculous happens i can not see me ever going back to a standard amp...
drewiv said:
Hey guys. I don't want to be the proverbial "party pooper," but are you really seriously trying to say MTS is the "best amp" you can buy? With all the build quality issues and lack luster stock modules? I see at least one post a week about "My Randall took a crap", "Help me fix my problem", "Mystery issue with my Randall RMXXX", etc. I'm a die hard user of MTS, I probably have more invested in the line than 90% of the users. It's very versatile and a fairly inexpensive way to get a bunch of expensive, high quality amps. There is no possible way I could afford or inventory all the amp heads I can clone with MTS. That said, it's not even in the top 5 of amps I own. I wouldn't say it's in the top 10 of amps I've played. Sorry guys, I could not honestly vote for the MTS line. Sorry to "rain" on the parade.

If Trace @ Voodoo or Anthony @ Salvation would build a ground up, hand-wired, quality component filled, hand built amp. You might be closer to the ballpark, but seriously saying an inexpensive, mass produced amp is better than a hand-wired amp is just ridiculous, IMHO.

Go ahead and flame me, I'm just being honest.

Sorry for two in a row posting and i am in the honey moon stage with my RM100 and i can see where your point is valid..

Yes Dumble,Hi Watt,Fargen,Carol Ann many vintage Marshall's and Fender amps may have better build quality..

But when casting my vote as a working musician i look at these things

1.Overall price
3.Tone Quality
4.Build Quality
5.Practical use

Most of the amps i listed as a working musician i could never afford without hitting the lottery...
On top of that to get the tone variation that i'm getting out of my pitiful three modules i would have to have three high priced quality amps..
Once again i can't afford this but even if i could i'm lazy and there is no way i would ever lug three amps with me..
So with keeping the 5 things ive listed as parameters i have no problem saying that the Randall/Egnater modular amps are the best for me ..
Hey looks like they now have a not just adding your comment but actually voting is what is needed...I think our comments at least got the MTS series added to the list to vote on....Go back and place your vote~ right now, H/K Coreblade is a runaway leader (?)
Wow - we've got a lot of work to do then . . . Randall MTS is at <1%, Egnater MTS is at <1%, and the Hughes & Kettner is dominating with over 40%, with the Laney a distant second at 7%! :roll: