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Guys, those both look great , nice work ! I was thinking of building my own 1x 12 cabs, but the size of 2 x12's so the heads will fit on top. It seems simple, now I'm convinced I can do it and cover them with Tolex, vs going with carpet. How is Tolex to work with ? If you get a wrinkle can you shrink it with a heat gun and remove it ? Ah, another project to add to the list .......

seeker said:
Guys, those both look great , nice work ! I was thinking of building my own 1x 12 cabs, but the size of 2 x12's so the heads will fit on top. It seems simple, now I'm convinced I can do it and cover them with Tolex, vs going with carpet. How is Tolex to work with ? If you get a wrinkle can you shrink it with a heat gun and remove it ? Ah, another project to add to the list .......

It wasn't to bad for the first time,I used a squeegee when I layed it out and it worked pretty good,I think we should ask AXE how?
My amp's tolex is peeling...
brand new right out of the box...
It also died..

I own lots of "high end" amps - Bogner , Matchless , Boogie ,

This amp sounds great -
but quality?
oh well it was cheap!
Great work man! I hate tolexing - glad you can do it, I sure can't :)

That looks great! I have a couple of old Marshall cabs that are getting pretty ratty... especially my JCM800 cab. I should retolex it... and then immediately invest in a good cover so it doesn't get beat to hell again!

The head/cab look awesome... killer job!

I've been debating whether or not I should re-tolex my Avatar cabs... they're a few years old and have taken quite a beating. I already replaced the grille cloth (not that it was worn out, but I just wanted a different look). This gives me some encouragement to try re-tolexing them on my own.

I would love to be able to find the leather/grille cloth so I can re-do my 2x12's to look like my Palomino combo:

Good call... the cloth does look pretty similar to this:

and this looks pretty close to the tolex:

Thanks for the tip!
Go do a search on the Tone Fest ( I think it's in the anouncements section). Ned posted it when we got together to try out all of our modules and have some laughs. You'll find a picture of my Mojo 2X12. It matches my Egnater MOD 50 head perfectly. I mean TOO perfectly. It made me wonder about the connection. If you do the amp building class you get what? ... a Mojo JTM45 head kit. I think Mojo does some stuff for Bruce. A little bit of a conection I beleive. And take a look at Mojo's "oversize 1X12 cab". Take the fender tolex off, put two tone black and cream on and switch out the grill cloth ... make your own conclusions.