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where's the beef ~ ??

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The beef is already 4/5 done, edited, and ready to rock....BUT, I have been trying to use some of my band's studio time to do a 1:00 demo of other guys playing a heavy little piece my guitar player wrote and you know how that goes...Half done and now trying to regroup everyone in the same place to do the same thing so the engineer (not me this time) can actually catch it properly...It will be very soon (days, not weeks)but now I'm coordinating schedules of 5 other people...
Believe me when i say I'm doing this to offer a different perspective than I usually do....I read every comment of each video and realize people find my recordings to make mods sound similar...'Cause it has always been me recording it and almost always playing everything with just 2 exceptions...I don't have a problem with that as I will always sound like me and record like me...

But since this is Rob's masterpiece to date (I know, an arguable point) and I know a lot of you guys are still interested, I wanted to go beyond my typical demo video and do something extra so you get the desired perspective on the mod...

Soon my friends...
Alrighty, so the band thing has to go in the back pocket until the XMG+ video (next after EV3, or as I like to call it, "The Pork.")

Here's what I need...

I want to reamp some tracks...The video already has one of my originals shitting it up so I need something else...
Ray made this request for his video and was met with crickets...But if you wanna send me a few, I'll take 'em...But my question is:

Does anyone know where I could download some interesting ones to reamp??? I've been googling and thought if anyone wanted to help, I would welcome it...Please give me what you want to hear!
I'll come up with something and try to shoot it to ya within the next week or two...I travel a LOT but I have my laptop, interface and axe with me so a DI won't be hard to come up with.
That would be great Jam! Thanks...

But your tracks will be used for the XMG+ video...Only because I failed to mention this is happening right now...WIthin 24-48 hours it WILL be posted...I just need this part...I could easily do it myself...

That's cool and I probably will....I just wish those who take notice of my playing in the videos and take the time to post about it would give me more than headaches...
If that module is all about eddie I suggest you record
1) Jamies Crying Riff into the break..put a phaser on for the break
2) aint talkin bout love riff
3)Running with the Devil
4) Panama Main riff
and all of this without the way-to-much reverb thats on those Cds

or maybe dry and then with the delay and revrb..so people can hear how it sits in themiux the way eddie did it back when.

I know, I know your doing your song with this module..VERY cool...just throwing out ideas here..
you have always been very helpful to me..hope I do the same..
GtrGeorge! said:
If that module is all about eddie I suggest you record
1) Jamies Crying Riff into the break..put a phaser on for the break
2) aint talkin bout love riff
3)Running with the Devil
4) Panama Main riff
and all of this without the way-to-much reverb thats on those Cds

or maybe dry and then with the delay and revrb..so people can hear how it sits in themiux the way eddie did it back when.

I know, I know your doing your song with this module..VERY cool...just throwing out ideas here..
you have always been very helpful to me..hope I do the same..

While I am right on this thread I'll reply quick...

Great suggestion...I'm not really seeking ideas at this point...Just seeking DI tracks to reamp...The vid is basically done...Just trying to add something different...But again, cool ideas...Makes me notice I should have asked for those to begin with...

Okay...give me a quick reference as to style or something you want to hear for a reamp. I'll try to get it to you within the next 48. EVH is miles beyond my skill but I might be able to toss you a Ain't Talkin' 'Bout Love or an Amsterdam or Don't Tell Me (What Love Can Do) if you want something specifically VH. If not, gimme a loose reference and I'll give you a riff or two I have laying around. I look forward to the challenge and the time crunch! \m/ It'd be awesome if it made the cut!
Jaymzrock said:
Okay...give me a quick reference as to style or something you want to hear for a reamp. I'll try to get it to you within the next 48. EVH is miles beyond my skill but I might be able to toss you a Ain't Talkin' 'Bout Love or an Amsterdam or Don't Tell Me (What Love Can Do) if you want something specifically VH. If not, gimme a loose reference and I'll give you a riff or two I have laying around. I look forward to the challenge and the time crunch! \m/ It'd be awesome if it made the cut!

PM'd!!! I appreciate you enthusiasm!!! :D
Mattfig said:
Jaymzrock said:

Featuring riffs from a guy no one might expect but you know him as a household name!



Hahahaha now that's awesome! It feels so suspenseful and mysterious! He ain't no Satch nor Eddie, I assure ya. Fig, you rock man! Can't wait for the unveiling.

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