What happened to the module schematics?

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Well-known member
Jun 13, 2006
Reaction score
Indiana, USA
I was just looking at them in the "Randall MTS Module Modifications" section of the Grailtone site a couple nights ago. Then last night I looked and they were gone. Am I overlooking them?
I had to update a bunch of links on the site. Looks like I might have accidently fried the links. Let me see what I can find.

Got it fixed. Not sure if this is where they were before but...

Module Modifications page
I was afraid they were pulled for some legal reason or something. Glad to hear that's not the case. :)

I went to that page and can't get the links to work. :(
Yikes, the SL+ tone stack mod is gone too. I ordered parts and hope to do that mod in a few days, but I wanted to re-read about the procedure before I begin the mod.
BTW, I am able to access the schematics by editing the bad links listed by replacing the "/" between "randall' and "pdf" with a "-".


Bad link:


Edited good link:

Thanks a bunch for posting that!

Also, I noticed you corrected the schematic links. Thanks for that too. :)
any one notice how simular the clean , blackface , and tweed parts values on the _PCB.pdf's are ?

and missing the layout for the modern module ?
It'd be cool to have schematics for the Signature modules as well. It'd be interesting to see how close the Mr. Scary and SL+ are.
flogger said:
any one notice how simular the clean , blackface , and tweed parts values on the _PCB.pdf's are ?

and missing the layout for the modern module ?

in fact , I can't find any differences

can anyone with clean, blackface, and tweed modules check the parts values against the pdfs ?
Chad said:
I compared my silverface Blackface module to the PDF and it is quite a bit different.
thank you Chad !

Ned , any chance you can find the layouts for the blackface , tweed, an clean modules ?
ned said:
Those PDF's are posted on the site already.
the posted pdf's of the clean, blackface, and tweed, appear to be duplicates having the same parts values ?