What is your main 3 modules for your amp?

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Jun 22, 2010
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I was just wondering what everyone uses for their setup. I just won a Randall RM 100 on ebay and want to fill it with the best mods I can find. I want a nice clean Fender sound for the clean. A middle of the road module for the 2nd slot...Im thinking Gov't Mule sound. Last but not least a killswitch engage sound. I know I'm asking alot but cant a fella dream? :D

Thanks for your answer's from a new Randall owner!

I am still relatively new to the MTS scene, but I definitely think you can get that setup to work. There are others with more experience with the different modules who can provide better suggestions, but I think:

Clean: Blackface, Clean, Loneclean
Middle Gain: Modern, JTM
Killswitch: Mamba, Angel from Salvation

Do yourself a favor and get familiar with Gigmods, Salvation, Jaded Fath, and Dave Friedman. All are incredible modders and do some amazing things with the stock Randall and Egnater modules.
you won it? That's awesome! I had to pay for mine :D

I'm using the 3 that came with the amp - Blackface, XTC, Recto. I would like something with less gain in the kitbag too. One day I'll get around to buying a Plexi.
My two main modules are the Mr. Scary and a Blackface. I go between a JTM or KH-2 depending on how I am feeling that day.
head A EL34... Super V... 1086... Mr Scary... all stock

head B 6L6... Blackface... Brahma 1 ( rhythm )... Brahma 2 ( lead )... all stock... or self modded XTC
Right now I'm using

Clean: Blackface (Stock)
Rhythm: Salvado Deluxe (Salvation)
Lead: Mark (Gigmods)

On the block: Gigmods Recto & Stock 1086

On their way to me soon: Salvation TwinFace & Benzin

I don't know what to do anymore!
rhequiem said:
Btw, are you the one that won that RM100 for like $700? That's a helluva deal, dude, if so!
Yeah I saw that Amp on Ebay and have been wanting to get into the Randall Modular amps. I saw it and said screw it thats dirt cheap and so I did the buy it now. To good of a deal to pass up. :D
My setup now (RM4 so 4 modules):
- Salvation Mods Twinface mojo edition
- 1086 (orange drop caps)
- Savation Mods Sloogie (special edition Salvado)
- XTC (stock)

Salvation Mods coming soon after the RT2/50 is finally in:
- Mash-all (extra Tweed voicing switch)
- ZL+ (maybe on 1086.. depends on how the mashall sounds)
- Xtacy (on my current XTC module)
Not all in one blow, but they sure as hell are coming up.

For your 3 modules I'd definitly go for a Salvation Mods Twinface for the clean.
I'd recommend the mojo mod, meaning you'd have the (normally internal) warm/crystal swtich on the face.
It greatly extends the tweakability and tonal palette.

For the second module.. JTM/Plexi/Salvation Mash-all?
Maybe a Salvation Mods Mash-all and ask for a tweed voicing switch :)
Anthony can make this work on all channels, making it more versatile.
But most of all it will give you a more rounded sound which I think you're looking for.

I must say I'm not a great Killswitch Engage listener. But in other threads the Mamba has been advised. I suggest you also take a look at the Salvado, it has some great heavyness.
If you do get one of these two, I'd recommend a loose/normal/tight switch ;)
Especially on the Salvado/Sloogie it is very awesome.

Edit: checked some video's on youtube for Killswitch Engage, my shortlist in order of relevance:
- Salvation Mamba (just seems to nail that)
- Savation Salvado with loose switch and recto voicing switch. (bit more versatile and they seem to be using recto's)
- Salvation S1SO (not quite, but I think it's in the same corner of sounds)
Blackface for fender clean.
Plexi for Classic Marshal sound.
Grail for Mesa Sound.

I also use a Digitech Gsp 1101 for any other preamp model i need, Thru the effects loop.

Fender , Marshall , and Mesa covers about 95% of any artist your trying emulate.
Can't go wrong really.

I really have no use for a clean Module( I use my volume knob). The RM50LB only uses 2 anyways. My Carvin V3 has a clean channel and it rarely gets used.

Ch1 KH-2
Ch2 Mr Scary
My amp rig is a Ceriatone Overtone HRM combo for mainstream music, and when I need more saturation I have a RM4 with a Deluxe, Top Boost, Plexi and the Donegan module. Obviously the Deluxe is for clean work and depending on the amount of overdrive/distortion I need I choose one of the other three. Personal fave (from these four) though is the Top Boost. And contrary to popular opinion on this forum... I like the stock versions, so my modules aren't modded.
Scatterbrain said:
I want a nice clean Fender sound for the clean. A middle of the road module for the 2nd slot...Im thinking Gov't Mule sound. Last but not least a killswitch engage sound.

Try the Blackface, SL+ and Ultra XL
Like nightdare says Clean-blackface,mid gain-jtm45,high gain-sl+(mine is modded) and for a lead channel I use the ultra xl.I find i've got everything covered with these moduals.
Well, my RM50 only has 2 spots so right now it's stock Tweed and Plexi. Definitely want to get these modded though!