What next after PlexiTweed

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Well-known member
Sep 16, 2009
Reaction score
I'm exploring some tones that I have not a lot of experience with, but want to!

I'm thinking
JF Top Boost
JF Tweed

I love the Plexi-Tweed but I want to try some others in these area.

Not looking for pure-clean and def not what most people consider 'rock' tone, but the sweet divide in between those area. I think my taste for gain is not as standard as most people, on high gain module I usually run them at low gain, and low gain module I usually run at mid gain. Just the 'sweet breakup' area I think...

I'm not sure how much difference between Plexi-Tweed and just a straight up Tweed mod but I think there might be a nice subtle difference that I might appreciate.

Many people have raved about the JF Tweed so I'm willing to try if it would be relevant for me.

I hear where you are coming from and I too love nice mid gain to breakup to clean up mods. One I think isnt getting enough attention right now is the VOXLESS. It is a great mod for what you are looking for. The DC side has plenty of mids to fill your tween need. IMHO
The JF Tweed and Voxless are two that I really want to try; perhaps in a dual module format. Two others that really fit what your looking for are the JF Overdrive Special and a great one that is overlooked is the Egnater B'man.
I also have the OD Spec, but IMO is not anywhere near low gain/mid gain. That thing really just tears it up at all gain levels...
The Voxless was my first modded module, and it's a great one. It has more gain than I expected it to. To get a totally clean tone out of it when using a guitar with PAF-type humbuckers, you need to crank the master and turn the gain about as low as it will go. With the gain at 8:00 or 9:00, you get that jangly Vox or Matchless tone that has a bit of breakup. With the gain at noon, you get a pretty hot overdrive tone, even without the boost engaged. With the boost engaged, you enter Brian May territory. I have never really run the gain past 1:00. Based on what you say, this might be an ideal module for you.
The Voxless is by far my favorite module. Absolutely agree with Whoopy, you will need to dial back the drive quite a bit to get a super clean tone but it is also incredibly responsive, so lighter picking can really clean it up.
Oh, forgot to mention that in DC30 mode, the Voxless can do an almost Marshall-esque crunch tone if you turn on the boost and put the gain at about 12:00. It sounds different than a real Marshall, obviously, but you can easily use it to cover the same kinds of parts that you might use a mid-gain Marshall module for. This is a big score for the Voxless' versatility.
For wakeguitar:

Like you, I like to run my volume high and the gain low unless of course i want a totally nasty sound.
I have found that the JF RVerb is a very interesting mod if you run it this way. I put the volume all the way up and then start adding gain to the point of break up and it is this very unique British rhythm tone. If you set the VoxLess like this it is also pretty cool.
All these mods have different high gain tones for sure. but I judge them by how they sound with the gain on low. To me, that is where I hear the most tonal differences.

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