What's a good Rack Reverb/Delay for the Tourmaster amp?

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Do you just need time FX (Rev, delay chorus) and not guitar FX (distortion, phase shifting, wah), you can probably get by with an Alesis Quadraverb. Need more, rocktron xpression/intellifex/replifex. Anything TC Electronics...
I really like my G-Major 2 for it's reverb and delay options. It also has other things like pitch shifters and phasers but for regular Reverb and Delay it's great.
kylendm said:
I really like my G-Major 2 for it's reverb and delay options. It also has other things like pitch shifters and phasers but for regular Reverb and Delay it's great.
Thanks for your input.....Do you run it in the series loop or the parallel loop of your RM100??