Which MIDI controller?

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Well-known member
Nov 2, 2009
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Charlotte, NC
I was curious as to what MIDI controllers you guys use, especially if you have some sort of rack based effects units. I was set on getting a Berhinger FCB1010 and getting the UNO chip, but I'm having difficulty finding one on the used market.

The big thing I want is a "stompbox" mode, where I stay on the same amp channel but I can turn overdrive/chorus/etc on and off. A volume/wah would be cool, as I know from the mustbebeta forums the FCB doesn't seem to work with the GSP's wah.
<-Voodoo labs Ground control Pro

have it set up in 4pgm/8cc mode (effects on/off in a patch), because my lexicon's latency is too audible when changing patches

Still possible to setup a wah or volume pedal on it, though I don't use that feature
I missed one of those on ebay, winner got it for $202.50. Still not over it.

Nightdare said:
have it set up in 4pgm/8cc mode (effects on/off in a patch), because my lexicon's latency is too audible when changing patches

Is "cc" stompbox mode?
The most advanced unit out there, Gordius Little Giant.

I can't do it justice in a forum post but:

Any choice of PC, CC, Notes messages in a preset, reuse a preset as part of another preset, set up your switches however you like! (I use 4 patches + 6 stompboxes per bank, but you can freely choose to change any switch in a bank, so I have some which are set up differently to accomodate weird songs). 4 jacks for 4 expression pedals or 8 extra switches.

It has an insane amount of tweakability, the option to use just all banks, or set up setlists with different banks loaded (with the right order, so you can play your gig as smooth as possible). An LCD display which shows whatever (or as little as) you want (songname, presetname, name of the stomp you just pressed, etc, they're even working on lyrics!)

I'm afraid I'm just gonna keep on typing, so check it out, if you like it, ask me anything you need to know :D
This is from the same guy that created the UNO firmware for the FCB1010 btw ;)

Oh I almost forgot: you can slave another FCB1010 to it, and use that as an extension. So you'll have all that software power with all those switches and 2 expression pedals added to the 12 switches on the unit itself.

I can report that the LG's expression pedals play nice with the GSP, also the beta firmware.
You can choose to use the beta firmware's virtual switch, but the LG also has an option for that that is way better IMO.
disk11 said:
Nightdare said:
have it set up in 4pgm/8cc mode (effects on/off in a patch), because my lexicon's latency is too audible when changing patches

Is "cc" stompbox mode?

In a nutshell, yes!

Continuous Controller mode is capable of much more though
On/Off and anything in between (level/parameter value)
so apart from switching on an effect, it can also be uses to set the (if applicable) level, length, l/r balance
and dynamically as well, using a pedal, you can vary the value between on and off, for volume swells, whammy or wah effects
Nightdare said:
disk11 said:
Nightdare said:
have it set up in 4pgm/8cc mode (effects on/off in a patch), because my lexicon's latency is too audible when changing patches

Is "cc" stompbox mode?

In a nutshell, yes!

Continuous Controller mode is capable of much more though
On/Off and anything in between (level/parameter value)
so apart from switching on an effect, it can also be uses to set the (if applicable) level, length, l/r balance
and dynamically as well, using a pedal, you can vary the value between on and off, for volume swells, whammy or wah effects

I'll expand this with some basic info:

A CC message is a Continues Controller message. These are used to modify a certain value, like an effect's on/off status or any other variable like volume or other settings like Nightdare says.
A PC message is a Program Change message, these are meant to choose between certain programs/presets/whatever you want to call it.

'Stompbox mode' will send a CC message with value 127 to turn an effect on, and a message with value 0 to turn it off.
PC switches send a single message "go to this program/preset"
+1 on the GCP . . .

I've had the GCX, and it worked pretty good, but from what I've read and what others told me, the RJM RG-16 is a better (albeit more expensive) switcher. However, the RG-16 has just been obsoleted and replaced by the (improved?) Rack Gizmo. The two things that stand out over the GCX is that the RJM switcher is much easier to program, and you don't need all those patch cables to connect adjacent loops (loops can be connected internally via programming).

If you want to spend even more money, then there's always the Sound Sculpture SwitchBlade.
The Gordius stuff seems cool..but the support from VoodooLabs (makers of the Ground Control)..excellent.
Rocktron MidiMate.
It will do cc changes for wah, volume, other parameter changes. Basic patch/program changes, & it can be setup to act like a stop box turning certain effects on/off. My only complaint is that it is only 6" wide (front to back) but 20" long (left to right). I'm thinking if they added 3" front to back they could knock off a good 6" from the length.
Hamner, and everyone
agreed..the footprint of these devices is really important.
Thats why I like the OLD Ground Control by Voodoo Labs BETTER than the pro model. Its smaller, and its easier to NOT hit the wrong switch. I suspect its lighter ,too.
I doesn't do very deep cc stuff..but I haven't seen almost anyone using extensive cc data at the gigs.
there are now a bunch of devices like this out there..but price versus performance...

to this day the old Ground Control is fine pedal for lots of musicians. I keep hoping they re-issue it but with slightly better footswitches. The original are good but the gigs are rough and eventually they give out.
Any thoughts???
Id avoid the behringer FCB I had one its a bitch to program...its heavy, its physically big..and without the uno its useless..imho.
I had one like 3 yrs ago..sold it.
Behringer really abandoned the unit...Uno picked up the ball. But it says alot when a companies never produced the unit correctly IN THE FIRST PLACE.
Whereas, Voodoo labs made a very good unit , and has supported it for years. John Clark over there is Da Man!! He answers nearly all questions within 24hrs, via phone or email.

Only Rocktrons customer support comes close, and opionins vary on their midi footswitch. And thats cool...
but Id forget about the Behringer. Looks awesome..sux big time.
Is it just me, or is it scary that many of the things you guys use would be more expensive than any single piece of gear I own? I am counting the modules separate from the RM4...

But it does look like most controllers out there will work, it's just a matter of finding a cheap one.

GtrGeorge! said:
Hamner, and everyone
agreed..the footprint of these devices is really important.
Thats why I like the OLD Ground Control by Voodoo Labs BETTER than the pro model. Its smaller, and its easier to NOT hit the wrong switch. I suspect its lighter ,too.
I doesn't do very deep cc stuff..but I haven't seen almost anyone using extensive cc data at the gigs.
there are now a bunch of devices like this out there..but price versus performance...

to this day the old Ground Control is fine pedal for lots of musicians. I keep hoping they re-issue it but with slightly better footswitches. The original are good but the gigs are rough and eventually they give out.
Any thoughts???

I've seen a few of those on ebay/guitar center used, you think it'll work for me and handle cc's that just shut off a single effect?
GtrGeorge! said:
The Gordius stuff seems cool..but the support from VoodooLabs (makers of the Ground Control)..excellent.
I have as much experience with Voodoo Labs support as you probably do with Gordius ;)

Their support is brilliant as well, always quick to respond, informative and very open to suggestions for the development of the unit (very important to me).

The GCP is a cool unit, but for me personally it has a way too big a footprint, and is not flexible enough by a long shot. For other people it will be perfect and the Gordius stuff will be total overkill ;)
there's nothing wrong with the FCB1010. There is a learning curve, but it's not that hard to program. If you have a midi connection on your pc it's even easier. The unit functions just fine and is perfectly useable in its stock form. Uno does make it more versatile, but depending on what you plan to do with it, it may be just fine for your needs as it came from the factory.

It does have a large footprint though.
I have 3 of the older (smaller) Ground Control pedals, so you know what my recommendation is. I find them easy to edit, easy to see on stage (difficult in the sunlight though), and they have been very reliable (I've used them in my live rig for years).
FCB 1010 is unbeatable in its price range with the Uno chip. You can use a lil software to program it and then it is quite easy.
Otherwise on the cheap side there is still the ART X15 ultrafoot (but pretty rare and... well, pink :D )

If you increase budget, indeed GCP, rocktron midimate and all access, yamaha MFC 10, lexicon mpx R1
disk11 said:
Is it just me, or is it scary that many of the things you guys use would be more expensive than any single piece of gear I own? I am counting the modules separate from the RM4...

Once, long ago, I was in that same position
(seeing underground acts -teens- on stage with Rectifiers and Ibanez Prestiges, while I was meedling on a borrowed Bassman and noname cab with my Zoom 505 and MIK Jackson performer)

...then I got a steady income and G.A.S. hit hard :twisted:

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