Which Multi-FX unit - M13 or RP1000

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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2010
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I'm looking for the best MFX choice for my RM50 combo to set up using the 4cm method.

The M13 and RP1000 seem to get pretty similar reviews soundwise, but I strongly prefer the M13's pedalboard like controls and layout. The problem with the M13 is that it operates at instrument level while the RM50 loop is line-level.

Does anyone have experiences (positive or negative) with either of these units? Any recommendations?

I own an M13 and *really* like it. It's simple and intuitive to use, yet extremely flexible. You can even switch amp channels with it. I really had no experience with line/instrument levels when I bought the unit, so I didn't understand how that would affect the sound. I've had it running in the loop (both series and parallel) and didn't notice much difference in the sound /shrug I'm still experimenting with it, but I can tell you that I give the unit a solid thumb's up. I know there are some other MTS users that use it and give it positive endorsements, too
Buy yourself a Radial Pro DI box that has a -15 db PAD and a ground lift if you use the four cable method and you'll be fine. The other way you can do it is to just turn down the module volumes until you're not clipping your unit.

Now even with the -15 db PAD or any other signal level step down you will blow right over the top of it if you turn your channel volumes past 11:00.
I love my RP1000. My only regret is that it cannot change the channels on my RM100. If the M13 can, then I just might look in that direction only because I use the RP to add delay, reverb, and to punch in some outboard boosts with the stomp loop. I do use the expression pedal to add wah but very rarely.

I only know the RP but I can say that it works for me. Here is a pic of my rig. I have moved some things around today to hide some cables but you can get the idea.


M13 can change channels on the RM100 or RM4. Love mine.
I had terrible results with the M13...I know Im in the minority but I had 2 different m 13's and both had a volume problem. I would be chugging on an E riff and the volume would dip and almost get clean and then back again. This happened on 2 diff M13's . It pissed me off because I bought a Mission electronics Expression pedal and the line 6 bag that fit it. The good news is that the bag fits the RP1000. What a screw job ! The bad thing is Its a badass pedal board that I would have liked to have keep but it was not in the cards I guess.
I have an M13 and love it. It can change channels on my RM4 and is chock full of useful effects. I use a Ernie Ball VP Jr with it, and it works great. Very intuitive and simple to set up
Looks like Line6's next generation of POD is coming soon. Apparently it incorporates the M-Series effects with a new generation of amp models designed from scratch.

If this can be used in the same fashion as the RP1000, letting you route signal through your tube preamp OR through the modeler it could be a real winner. I think I'll hold out a few weeks and see.
I was trying to use a GNX4 in the loop of my RM100 and even using the line input and tweaking every stage of volume in the chain, I just couldn't get it sounding right with the distortion modules.

Definitely sounded like the GNX4 was getting the crap kicked out of it.

Right now my chain is guitar>tuner>wah>phaser>compressor>od>RM100 and I don't have anything in the loop...

Would a DI box with a pad help me? I still need to be able to crank this amp up to pretty loud volumes. Seems like I'm at almost 3 o'clock on the master volume 90% of the time to keep up at rehearsal.
Tubes In a Hat said:
Seems like I'm at almost 3 o'clock on the master volume 90% of the time to keep up at rehearsal.
Wow! You guys must rehearse really loud :shock: :lol: . . . well, either that or it sounds like there may be something wrong with your amp, [maybe the settings on] one of your pedals, or one of your patch cables (a bad cable would more likely show other symptoms though) . . .
HughJasol said:
Wow! You guys must rehearse really loud :shock: :lol: . . . well, either that or it sounds like there may be something wrong with your amp, [maybe the settings on] one of your pedals, or one of your patch cables (a bad cable would more likely show other symptoms though) . . .

I figured this wasn't normal. My previous gigging amp was rated at 45 watts and I never ever had to go past noon to keep up.

There was an issue when I first got the amp, and I had to replace some fuses, but it SEEMS like it's working fine now. Basically, I run the Blackface module gain around 11 o'clock with the volume just about maxed and my SL+ and Rectified modules are adjusted to the Blackface for volume, then I just use the master volume like anyone normally would. Today at rehearsal I was able to lower the MV to about 2 o'clock, but it still seems awfully high.

I checked everything in the chain, and I even went direct. What else could be the issue?
I run the Blackface's gain low because it just doesn't stay clean at all past there.
I run my Blackface with the Gain at 9:00 and the Level maxed for the same reason. The other 3 modules in my M4 can only have their levels set to 10:00 or 11:00 in order to maintain balanced levels across all 4 of my modules. I run the Master on my M4 at about 3:00 or 4:00; but then I have to run my RT2/50 Masters at 8:00 or 8:30 - any more than that and I'll blast everyone out of the room . . .
Just the other day I found TWO Mesa 12AX7s in my collection of tubes that made my modules sound like they were outputting maybe 10%-20% of what they were with good tubes . . . I know this is obvious - but have you checked your tubes, both in the modules and in your amp?
I feel like I'm stealing this thread :oops:

I'm running kinda tight on this paycheck, but I did change out a couple of the power tubes for some practically brand new E34Ls I had and biased the remaining 2 6L6s that came in it back up to about 32ma per tube. I switched out the preamp tubes in the head itself for some spares I had. I also switched out some of the preamp tubes in the modules since the Rectified was giving me a nasty microphonic squeal.

What's the next step? I guess I could take it to a repair shop, but the amp works for all intents and purposes...