Who has had problems with thier MTS and who hasn't?

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Tube Head

Well-known member
May 4, 2006
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I used to own a Roland bolt-100 tube amp( an amp built in the early 80's). I owned it from 99-05 and had it retubed 3 times with no other maintinance . My RM 100 has been with me for about 3 years and have had to retube it 3 times and now it is dead. So I think it needs new tubes and fuses.

I have read through the pages of this forum and have seen many people with reliability issues. I wonder these issues are limited to the rm100's or do they plague the entire randall mts line or even the Egnator stuff?

I really love the sound I get from this amp but right now I feel like jumpin ship.
Contact one of the R/D guys and see if maybe they can help you. I owned my Rm100 for like 16 months and it never gave me even a hiccup. Very solid but just too heavy of an amp for me to carry!
one year.........like the energizer bunny......STILL GOING STRONG!
I did have to put in some new fuses but like anything and everything things wear out. But that was all. Built like a tank. 8)
I had an RM4, RT2/50, RM100, RM20, and RM50 for 1-3 years each with regular gigging and studio use, and have never had any problems with any of them that I didn't bring on myself (i.e., I broke the channel select button in my first RM100, but Randall was very quick to send out a replacement part when I called).

Have also had my Egnater M4 for just over a year without a glitch.

RM50B, RM4, RT2/50, 1086, Top Boost, JTM, XTC, Brown, Ultra Lead, Modern, SL+, Tweed, PLexi, Blackface, and Deluxe, NO PROBLEMS!
wire came loose from the standby switch on my RM100. Other than that, no problemos. Remember too that this is probably the first place someone is going to go if they have an issue... so there is going to be several folks talking about bad experiences here.

Besides the tolex starting to become unglued... No real issues yet, but I'm overhauling my amp just to be sure.
My rm100 is still in the shop after it died in the middle of an audition. It was really embarrassing. I thought maybe it was just in need of some new tubes or fuses but it still blew fuses after everything was replaced. On top of which I have had major channel switching problems with it. The amp does not respond well with the foot switch patches.
For whatever reason .it seems to only be the RM100 that have these fuse blowing issues .i seldom read about Rm50 heads or combos having the same issues .maybe the transformer ..
I have owned the following from the Randall MTS line: Randall RM50 head, RM100 head (THREE of them total :lol: ) and RM4 preamp. Not once did I have a single issue with them. 8) I've heard some people having issues with them but I think they're quite reliable overall. :)
unfortunately, we realized a little too late that if your going to run el34's, the fuses should be in the 400ma area. actually...Doug has said that is where the fuses should be regardless of tube type. we've since been running the correct values.
I had a rough start... I've owned my Lynch Box for almost a year and a half. problems are gone... the fuses were a nasty one but then again a simple change. Running as good and sounds killer.
Had my RM100 since August last year. Not a single problem. Sounds great everytime I switch it on.
Just a thought, has everyone who has had a problem checked the power in their region?
Could it be power surges tripping the fuses in the amp?
Is anyone running a power conditioner and had any trouble?
Above all, may just be a bad batch of fuses in the production line at the time.
RD/Steve said:
unfortunately, we realized a little too late that if your going to run el34's, the fuses should be in the 400ma area. actually...Doug has said that is where the fuses should be regardless of tube type. we've since been running the correct values.

..So are all new MTS gear being shipped with the .400 ma fuses ?
So I may be able to use my old el34's again with just a change of fuses?
I ran them with the stock fuses for about a year with no trouble.
I built my own preamp/amp to run the modules, so I can't speak to those, but the three modules I use have been perfect (no problems at all with my Tweed, Plexi, and Top Boost, and the rig travels).

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