Why Isn't MTS Huge?

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I am not quoting here as means of ridicule, nor am I doing so as means of singling one person out. Rather, it is simply being utilized as an example.. a current and readily available one. I could collect others if necessary.

SteelDragon said:
..I feel and worry the future is bleak for MTS-style modeling. Modules are too expensive compared to the free modeling amps you get with the AXE or Kemper.
This is a misconception, and also a bit of mis-speak, I see enough to find.. "disturbing." In no way, shape, or form is the MTS line "modeling." Period. Provide any reasoning you like as attempt to dispute that; you will still be 100% wrong. "Modeling" is a Method. Copying/modifying a circuit is not modeling.

SteelDragon said:
If only Randall could make a Tube amp with a profiler, a cabinet that could be modeled, and downloadable profile content!
That said, I'm still staying with Randall(& Kemper) unless some other brand picks up on and improves the technology,
First, "cabinet." A recording processed through a properly created IR of a speaker can closely enough replicate the signal produced by micing the speaker with a "live" instrument/performance to make this a VERY viable option. I can demonstrate this if any are curious (ask, PM, etc). EDIT: Further, to properly additionally capture the effect the cab that houses a speaker has, minus the effect a room will impart, requires certain criteria are met.

This also leads to a bit about modeling and profiling; if you are going direct, or into an FRFR system..if you are using an IR (or similar technology), you are playing with a mic'd signal, not an "in the room" sound. IOW, you will not have the same experience as playing through a cab; instead, it could be likened to.. being in a studio control room and playing with the cab in another room with a mic on it. Worth consideration IMO.

Most of those utilizing profilers and modelers do so (as a compromise) as a means of one or more of the following: reduced volume use while seemingly playing through a "cranked" amp; vast number of amp types in a very small space; editor/librarian features afford edit, storage, recall functionality; direct injection recording/live, disregards fallibility of mic use; consistency; "presets" allows sharing of "tones"; "amp tones" not currently possible with "real amps" possible; some offer enough effects to allow further streamlining of rig; more. Most people that want some "real tube" sound opt to use a tube power amp, tube preamp, tube DI, etc.

A modeler/profiler is a different beast entirely. The currently measurable aspects of your signal are, erm, measured, processed, and then recreated. If there are unmeasurable aspects of said signal, they WILL be absent in the recreated iteration. IMO, there is "something" missing. To many, this is a compromise worth bearing. And there is nothing inherently wrong with that. After all, an electric guitar, by its very nature, is an "unnatural" tone ;)

If one desires a lower volume, direct sound, it is very possible.. albeit with compromise. Understanding the science and maths affords this.

IMO, the reason that modelers and profiling are so popular is because.. the ability to emulate real amps (and effects) via software method has come far enough that many people are willing to accept, or are not aware of, the compromise(s) as means to reap the rewards they afford. In turn, with artists embracing the technology, more and more musicians are exposed to them. An "electric instrument" is already, as I said, unnatural. For many, with that in place, a "real amp" is no more "unnatural" than a modeler or profiler.

Different, not "better" or "worse."
I was about to sell my mts just because I was wanting something different, but I didn't even realize there was a plethora of modding going on out there and besides resale value of mts on eBay was not even worth the effort. So I have decided to keep it and make it the best possible!! Mts line does kick *** but no one even know what the hell they are. Truly amazing equipment.
Evh5150 said:
I was about to sell my mts just because I was wanting something different, but I didn't even realize there was a plethora of modding going on out there and besides resale value of mts on eBay was not even worth the effort. So I have decided to keep it and make it the best possible!! Mts line does kick *** but no one even know what the hell they are. Truly amazing equipment.

Congrats...You have found the path to tonal bliss...Enjoy the experience!!!
m0jo said:
Just a little side note: Randall has discontinued MTS so there's no use in whining about it anymore really.

What could help is giving Bruce insight in how to do it right, where he could find oppertunities and where there are pittfalls.

This tech can endure, but it needs a revamp IMO. New gear with new functionality. It needs to go up to a JVM or Roadster and win. This isn't hard, if Bruce takes the Tourmaster and modulifies it .. that's basically half the work.

The only thing I can see in the way of Bruce MODULIFIES the tourmaster is that he has come out with a high gain version of the tourmaster series that should be hitting shelfs soon. So between the regular tour master and the new high gain version, plus Armageddon, vengence, tweaker and rebel, he has alot of tonal ground covered. So I really dont see that he has much time for the mts line right now.
I really wish that wasn't the case. I really think a 4 module head with a half power switch and the boost from the rm22 would be really awesome.
I was a late comer to the MTS line (after more freakin' boutique and vintage amps than I care to think about). I love it. Completely hooked. And then, like a 2 months later, Randall dropped the line. I wish Randall hadn't discontinued it (although I understand why) and hope Egnater continues on with the concept. I live in mortal fear of my RM4 crapping out.
Darden said:
I live in mortal fear of my RM4 crapping out.

You don't need to; Jaded Faith can keep it alive for you and give you better service than Randall ever could. Rob fixed mine after I blew it up hot swapping modules for a minimal fee.
MarcoR said:
Darden said:
I live in mortal fear of my RM4 crapping out.

You don't need to; Jaded Faith can keep it alive for you and give you better service than Randall ever could. Rob fixed mine after I blew it up hot swapping modules for a minimal fee.

I know what you meant, but this made me laugh :)
MarcoR said:
Darden said:
I live in mortal fear of my RM4 crapping out.

You don't need to; Jaded Faith can keep it alive for you and give you better service than Randall ever could. Rob fixed mine after I blew it up hot swapping modules for a minimal fee.

Thanks for the info, that's good to know. I have a few of Rob's modules with another on the way. And I'll remember not to hot swap anything!
Jaded Faith Mods is authorized to service all Randall products and we have access to parts directly from them. Although our main business is modifications on amps/modules of all types we certainly do a good amount of repair work. Our work is often much quicker and better than your local repair shop with extensive experience with the MTS line.
Ok sooo. I don't mean to put this out the wrong way... I love that this line never got massive, I'm very new myself to the whole mts concept. I own 2 bad cats, framus, 5150, soldano, mesa, engl, marshall, definitely had my fair share of high end but Ive been gradually selling them in favour for what I can now achieve with modded modules.
It's a studio's dream, The fact in the 100 you could have a vox, jcm and VH4 in a single head is a live musicians dream. If the line was anybbigger you wouldn't have such a tight great community to share and trade or even have such a great connection with the modders. I ordered a Baron head last November and it's not hitting the bench till september. I ordered 3 modules from rob 2 weeks ago (as he left for vacation) and was told they hit the bench on monday.

Mts is the greatest product I have ever laid my hands on. I love the fact it's relatively underground because that's why the product is so special to those who actually went in depth to try and now use it.

To the modders... Thankyou. To Figgg... Thankyou
Newbie Here! Dont care why MTS isnt big, just happy i found it! Cant wait for my amp to come in on Thursday!
All we can do is spreading the word about these modular amps. I suppose a lot of people have som perverted ideas that they want the real thing or that they don't like Egnater amps or something they use as a defence. Possibly they may even get the idea MTS is just as bad as digital emulations. Either way guitarists usually are very conservative in their choice of gear.

There may even be the possibility that when they start out the MTS/ MOD is too costy. Once they can afford Marshalls, Fenders... or better yet: boutique amps that's what they'll have. Possibly by then they have cut the notion in stone that it has to be handwired turret/ eyelet board to sound great.

Just looking back at my own thoughts about the MTS Randalls when the concept was new I was rather confused about them. "How get a Fender sound from a closed 412 w. Celestions?" and "The modules look alike so how much tone difference can be had there?".
Well I will say I wish it was a little or even a lot bigger/more mainstream. Because then I think tha would fuel R&D. Yes our modders do that, & a great job I might add, but one has to get into MTS before experiencing the result of R&D. Maybe we would have the E2 finally, possible the Egnater 30/60 large tube power amp would be a reality. Who knows but it would be interesting to see graphic EQs, midi control of the potentiometers in a module. Yes I kow pipe dreams in such a small space, but has anyone really sat down for any length of time to see what the full potential would be.

Myself & others have said it numerous times in this thread. It really is probably a mix of the demise of brick & mortor stores, bad marketing, lag in R&D, the economy, our idiotic tendencies, etc. If it doesn't say Fender, Marshall, or be a boutique it's crap. What I find amusing is, how many people are raving about the new Marshalls & Fenders? Sure some but most clamour for the old Plexi, Bassman, Super Lead, JCM, Blackface, etc. Hell that is why the modules try to capture that sound & why the modelers try to capture those sounds. Initial startup cost is high which turns some people off. And in truth you realy need to try this stuff to "get" it. I did get it just from the literature but then the RM4 was preaching what I wanted. 4 "tones" (Clean, 70s rock, 80s metal, & a modern metal tone) that was midi switchable. It is also cool as hell that I can tailor each of those sounds as I prefer; 80s metal do I feel like SLO or JCM800, clean do I feel like Jazz Chorus, Fender Blackface, or JTM, etc. You get the idea.

OK my rant is done. FYI I am blaming my rant on the beer, but I stand by my probably incoherent run-on sentences & grammatical errors. :lol: